Background & objectives: This study evaluated the effect of intravenous magnesium sulphate on clinical improvement of the patients with acute stroke. There is a lot of information about the use of magnesium sulphate in different conditions of brain ischemia while the effect of magnesium sulphate as a neuroprotective agent has been demonstrated in focal and global brain ischemiain animal models. However, the effect of this agent is still unclear.
Methods: 80 patients (47 % female and 53 % male) with acute ischemic stroke signs and symptoms, lasting less than 12 hours of ischemia, were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups 40 patients received 4 g of MgSO 4 over 15 minutes and then 16 g over the next 24 hours, and the other 40 patients received serum normal salin as the placebo.
Results: The results showed that magnesium sulphate administrated group had better clinical improvement rate than control group. The number of patients with grade III decreased in magnesium received group and patients with grade II, I were increased. After 2 weeks, patients with Grade IIIdecreased to 12.5% and the patients with grade II and I increased to 50% and 37.5%, respectively(based on NIHSS score).
Conclusion: According to this study,magnesiumsulphatecan be used as a neuroprotective agent in patients with acute stroke.
FattahzadehArdalani G, Ghasemi M, Tarassoli N. Evaluation of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate for Clinical Improvement of Patients with Acute Stroke in MCA Territory in Alavi Hospital. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2015; 15 (1) :90-96 URL: