Serious vascular complications of IV drug abuse are being encountered with increasing frequency. These patients often present with cellulitis, abscess and endocarditic. Due to having viral infections these people can be a hazard to health care workers. Medical intervention is usually conducted after the emergence of one of the dreadful complications of IV drug abuse. The subject is a 40-year old male prisoner who referred to Emergency Department with 24 hours history of chill and fever, intermittent bleeding from a painful ulcerated lump in right groin along with hypotension and severe edema of right lower extremity necessitating packing and initial resuscitative measures. It was clinically diagnosed as ruptured infected pseudo aneurysm and urgent exploration was undertaken. Excision of common femoral artery was conducted by interpositioning of saphenous graft between external iliac and superficial femoral artery along with ligation of deep femoral artery drainage of abscess and debridment of necrotic tissue. The patient recovered with limb salvage except seroma on original site of vein graft.