Background & Objectives: Cryptosporidium is a coccidian protozoan parasite. This organism is one of the main causes of severe, long-time and life-threatening diarrhea in immunocompromised persons. It is also among the most prevalent diarrheal agents in children. Cryptosporidial epidemics occur after consumption of water which is contaminated by oosit species of cryptosporidium. Water is usually contaminated by animal feces or by drainage of waste water into drinking water resources.
Methods: In this study, from ten regions 200 water samples were collected, filtered by 1.2 micron papers and then positive samples were identified in terms of cryptosporidium using PCR method. Finally the related species were detected by RFLP method.
Results: Nested-PCR showed 8 samples were positive for cryptosporidium that according to RFLP of PCR products 5 samples belonged to cryptosporidium andersony, 2 samples belonged to cryptosporidium parvum bovine genotype and 1 sample belonged to cryptosporidium pig genotype.
Conclusion: Since Cryptoridium andersony and cryptosporidium parvum bovine genotype are the common species in animals and cryptospovidium swiss is seen in wild animals (pigs and boars), it so we conclude that animal reservoirs have the main role in the contamination of related water resources in this region.
Mohammadi Ghaleh Bin B, Fallah E, Asgharzadeh M, Kazemi A. Detection of Cryptosporidium Species in Water Resources of Ardabil Province by PCR, RFLP. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2007; 7 (2) :177-183 URL: