Background & Objectives: Uremia polyneuropathies especially peripheral neuropathy in chronic hemodialysis patients are very common and its orevalance different and reported between 18-80%. This study was designed to investigate prevalence of neuropathy and its relation ship with duration and adequacy of dialysis in Booali Hospital.
Methods: This study was an analytic-descriotive study that has been done on 30 patients under hemodialysis and the examinations of which was done by neurologists. To analyze the KT/V for dialysis adequacy, a software from HDCN site was used EMG and NCV to the lower and upper parts were performed to all patients by a neurologist.
The required tests were extancted from patients' serial tests. In this study patients with hepatitis C, D, diabetes and Amiloid were excuded from the study. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical method in SPSS program.
Results: EMG showed that 40% of patients had carpal tunnel syndrome (65.7% Mild, 13.3% Moderate, and 13.3% Sever in which then was no significant relationship between efficacy and time length. In 56.7% of patients KT/V had higher than 1.2 (Normal), 16.7% had KT/V between 1-1.2 (Acceptable) and 16.7% have KT/V less than 1 (Non Acceptable).
Conclusion: Inspite of the new and improved method of hemodialysis, in comparson with the past the prevalence of neuropathy was higher in hemodialysis patients and there was no change in the prevalence of neuropathy. There is no significant relationship between dialysis efficacy and neuropathy. It seems that caulative factors neuropathy like urea were not prevent and they are made within the body.
Bashardoust B, Sadegie Ahari S, Amani F, Haedar pour F. The Study of Prevalence and Severity of Neuropathy and its relationship with dialysis adequacy in How dialysis patients Ardabil, 2004. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2007; 7 (3) :259-262 URL: