Hydatid cyst disease is a zoonosis disease that is common in both humans and animals. Humans acquire echinococcosis by ingesting viable parasite eggs with their food. The hydatid cyst tend to be in the liver (50-70% of patients) or lung (20-30% patients) but may be found in any other organs of the body, including brain, heart, and bones (less than 10%). Symptoms are often absent, and in many cases infection is detected only incidentally by imaging studies. This paper presents a case of hydatid cyst who admitted with non specific symptoms such as blotting, recurrent constipation and abdominal distention. Abdominal CT of the patient found low density mass in the right side of abdomen (in small bowel mesentery), without involvement of the liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas. The patient candidated for resolution of cyst with lapratomic style. And in operative laparatomy a typical hydatid cyst was found and confirmed by pathology and similar reports were not found by the author regarding the literature.
Azimi H, Nasimi M, Keikhosravi R, Ghasemi M. A Case Report of Hydatid Cyst in the Root of Mesentery. J Ardabil Univ Med Sci 2008; 8 (1) :68-71 URL: http://jarums.arums.ac.ir/article-1-346-en.html