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Showing 2 results for Rural Area

Ali Nemati , Ali Majidpoor , Mohsen Sagha ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2003)

 Background & Objective: Nutritional status of individuals and community are influenced by different factors. Investigating nutrition and food problems as well as determining dietary pattern play a crucial role in determining nutrition programs and policies, preventing food deficiency, improving nutrition level and preventing malnutrition diseases. The aim of this study was to determine calorie and nutrients intake, food habit and dietary pattern in rural areas of Ardabil.

 Methods: In this cross-sectional study 250 families from 15 rural areas of Ardabil were selected using simple random method. Nutrition status of all the individuals was studied using 24 hour recall and food frequency. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Food processor.

 Results: This study showed that intake of some nutrients (Zinc, Selenium, Folic acid and Vitamin B2) in the subjects were significantly less than Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of WHO (P<0.001), but intake of protein, iron and calcium was more than the RDA of WHO (P<0.001). Calorie intake of 20% of rural people was less than 75% of RDA(mostly seen among men). The findings of food frequency showed that main foods of rural individuals in Ardabil were local bread (Lavash), potato, egg, milk, biscuit, yogurt, garlic, onion, vegetable fat, butter and tomato.

 Conclusions: This study showed unsuitable intake of some nutrients. In order to improve the nutritional status of these people, regular intake of different groups of foods should be instructed.

Mehrdad Biriya, Shahnam Arshi, Homayoun Sadeghi, Niloofar Malekpoor,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2008)

Background & Objective: one of the most important challenges during the recent century will be to decrease the global burden of accidents. In Iran although respiratory infections and diarrhea were major reasons of mortality rates, Accidents have come to be one of the main causes of child mortality. In rural areas of ardebil province burns constituted 75% of home
injuries in preschool aged children.
Methods: The study was conducted as a case-control study which included rural children of Ardabil under 6. Number of cases were 145 & controls were 289. Data analysis was done using SPSS 11 ver.
Results: 6.8% of case group mothers and 12% of control group mothers had academic education. Difference of mean for sill of kitchen and the ratio of sill of kitchen on sill of house and also difference of mean for sill of house per person were not statistically significant between case and control groups. No statistically significant difference was found in fuel type used cooking or heating between case and control group. No statistically significant
difference was found in heating device between Them. only in one third of houses in both groups separate place was available for cooking purpose and cooking was done in rooms.
Child presence in kitchen while cooking was 76.7% in case and 70.9% in control group. Child access to flamers like lighters and matches was 80% in case compared to 69% in control group. The difference was shown to be statistically significant. No statistically significant difference was found in using Valor's and picnic gas for cooking between case and control group.
Conclusion:chance of burn injury in preschool aged children in those houses that keepmatches and the lighters out of children reach was 1.8 times lower.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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