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Showing 2 results for Pharyngitis

Mitra Barati , Samileh Noor Bakhsh, Azardokht Tabatabee , Farideh Ebrahimi Taj , Mahshid Talebi Taher ,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2008)

  Background & Objective: Respiratory tract infections causes 4.5 million children death in the world annually that occur mostly in developing countries like Iran. Bacterial and viral pathogens are responsible for this event and Adenovirus is one of the major responsible agents. According to multiple survey, incidence of viral pathogens in different world region is different so local survey is needed to describe regional incidence of different viral pathogens. Rapid test for detection of respiratory pathogens help us to select appropriate treatment and avoidence of antibiotic overusage. So abuse the aim of this study was to evaluate incidence and clinical presentation of Adenovirus infection in children in Tehran with rapid test.

 Methods:This study is a descriptive-cross sectional analysis. All 3 month to 15 year old children with upper respiratory tract infection that come to OPD of Rasol-e-Acram Hospital in one year(1385) are included.

  Direct smear of patient’s throat was evaluated by rapid chromatography test for adenovirus infection. SPSS software was used to analyse the data.

  Results: 160 children with upper respiratory tract infection with a mean age of 61.5 months were evaluated. 57.5% were boys and 42.5% were girls. 77.4% had fever, 66% had sore throat, 37.4% had cough, 27% pharyngeal exudate, 16.4% had abdominal pain, 15.7% had vomiting, 13.8% had cervical lymphadenopathy, 10% had diarrhea, 5.7% had petechea in palate and 1.9% had conjectivitis. They admitted 24% in spring, 14.1% in summer, 23.1% in fall and 38.5% in winter.

  Adenovirus infection was detected in 10(6.3%) cases, 4(40%) boys and 6(60%) girls with mean age of 83.7(SD=58.5). they were detcted 20% in spring, 30% in summer, 30% in fall and 20% in winter.

  Conclusion: Adenoviruses are responsible in 6.3% of upper respiratory infections in children. They become less prevalent with increasing age. Its prevalence did not obey seasonal pattern. Fever and sore throat are most common clinical signs and cervical lymphadenopathy is more prevalent in adenovirus infection than others.

Davar Nikzadeh Kigal , Shahram Habibzadeh, Hossein Ali Ebrahimi, Masoumeh Mohammadi Monfared, Mansour Miran,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2020)

Background & objectives: Due to the increasing prevalence of bacterial resistance, there is a growing attention to application of auxiliary treatment of pharyngitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of honey throat spray in the auxiliary treatment of patients with a diagnosis of pharyngitis.
Methods: At the start, different physicochemical quality parameters of the honey sample were evaluated. Then, the bottles of honey and the placebo throat spray were prepared. The numbers of 70 patients with the diagnosis of pharyngitis were included in a one-step and double-blinded study. In addition to standard treatment, each patient received either one of the honey or placebo throat spray. The clinical symptoms of the patients were compared between the two groups at baseline and then at 24 hours, 48 hours, 5 days and 10 days after the starting the treatment procedure.
Results: As per results, the quality of honey sample was met to the standard honey criteria. The treatment and placebo groups were statistically similar in terms of demographic specifications or clinical symptoms at the time to enter the study. Pharyngitis recovery was better in treatment group than in the placebo group; this positive effect was statistically significant for symptoms of morning phlegm and painful swallowing, 24 hours after the starting treatment. In treatment group, after 48 hours, symptoms of fever and painful swallowing were resolved, while this indicator was 23% in placebo group. Also, throat pain of 85.71% of patients in treatment group and 17.14% of patients in placebo group was relieved. Overall, the mean recovery time in treatment group was shorter than placebo group.
Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the use of honey throat spray as auxiliary treatment of pharyngitis can improve the clinical symptoms of pharyngitis and reduce recovery time.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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