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Showing 3 results for Pentoxifylline

Kamaladdin Hassanzadeh , Parisa Yavari Kia , Vahid Emdady, Seyedkazem Maden ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2010)

 Background and Objectives: Three major semen parameters that involves on male infertility are sperm count, motility and morphology. In 50% of couples referring to physicians, because of infertility, male factor, solely or accompanying with female factor is responsible of infertility. Some of drugs are used to improve the semen parameters. The goal of this study was to study the effect of pentoxifylline on semen parameters (count, motility, morphology, volume of semen).

 Methods: Sixty one patients with impairment in semen parameters were selected and semen samples requested from each participant for analysis before treatment. Then patients were treated with pentoxifyllin, 400 mg three times a day, for three months. After that we took semen specimens again and analyzed them.

 Results: Mean total sperm count in case group before treatment with PF was (17 millions) and after treatment with PF reached to (21 millions). In 68.9% of patient, Sperm count increased (p<0.001) Mean motile sperm percent in case group before treatment with PF was 19.42% and After treatment with PF reached to 28.78% and 88.52% of patient this parameter increased (p<0.001). Parameter motility showed the most important after treatment. Mean normal morphology of sperm percent in case group before treatment with PF was 24%and after treatment with PF reached to 26.39% and in 32.8% of patient this parameter increased (p<0.001).Mean semen volume in this group before treament with PF was 1.95ml and after treament with PF reached to 1.93 ml. There was no significant variation in semen volume after treament with PF. (p=0.321)

 Conclusion: Results show that Pentoxifylline has significant efficacy for increasing sperm count, motility and morphology correction (specially for sperm motility). Considering that oral PF is safe and cheap, with easy application, we can use it for improving semen parameter’s quality before performance ART.

Manoucher Iranparvar, Bahman Bashardust, Shadab Mirfakhrayi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2017)

Background & objectives: Diabetes mellitus belongs to a group of common metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia phenotypes. Diabetes mellitus causes secondary pathophysiological disorders in multiple organs of the body such as nephropathy, which causes many problems for patients and the health care system. In this study, the effect of pentoxifylline, a nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, on reducing urinary protein excretion in diabetic patients was assessed.
Methods: In this clinical trial, 72 diabetic patients with proteinuria who were admitted to the endocrine and nephrology clinic were selected and divided into two groups. Checklists, including demographic data, etc. were completed. In group (A), Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) were prescribed to reduce proteinuria, and in another group (B), in addition to ACEI or ARB drugs, pentoxifylline was prescribed. In the end, the results in both groups were compared in terms of further reduction of proteinuria.
Results: Most of the studied patients were male. There was a significant correlation between proteinuria (mean urinary protein excretion in 24 hours) and the effect of pentoxifylline on reducing proteinuria in patients with type II diabetes. Also, there was not a significant difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressure changes and HbA1c between the two groups at the beginning and end of the study.
Conclusion: Pentoxifylline, independent of lowering blood pressure or reducing the improvement of metabolic control, can significantly decrease proteinuria and protein excretion
Farin Malekifard, Norooz Delirezh, Rahim Hobbenaghi, Hasan Malekinejad,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (7-2018)

Background & objectives: Several studies have shown that pentoxifylline is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Pentoxifylline (PTX), has been shown to exert protective effects on autoimmune disorders. The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of pentoxifylline on histopathology of pancreas in diabetic mice.
Methods: Diabetes was induced by multiple injection of low-dose streptozotocin (40 mg/kg/day for 5 consecutive days) in male C57BL/6 mice. After induction of diabetes, mice were treated with pentoxifylline (100 mg/kg/day i.p.) for 21 days. The nitric oxide levels were evaluated in spleen cell culture supernatant. Pancreases were isolated and stained by hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) and Gomori aldehyde fuchsin (GAF).
Results: Pentoxifylline treatment significantly inhibited the production of nitric oxide (p<0.05). In addition, PTX improved the pancreas tissue. It increased the mean diameter of islets and the number of islets and beta cells. (p<0.05).
Conclusion: These findings indicated that pentoxifylline might have a therapeutic effect against the autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta-cells during the development of STZ-induced type 1 diabetes in mice.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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