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Showing 8 results for Mortality

Firooz Amani , Manoogehr Barak , Naiere Aminisani, Mohammad Hosein Dehghan ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2005)

  Background & Objectives: Providing, maintainance and promotion of neonatal health as a special high-risk group has a special role in heath services. According to statistics, 4 million out of 130 million neonates, born every year, die in the first week of their life. 99% of this mortality takes place in developing countries. 38% of the deaths below the age of 5 belongs to neonatal deaths. To decrease this mortality, some factors such as mother condition (including health care both before and after pregnancy), perinatal factors and life-threatening factors in the first 28 days after birth. This study was performed in hospitals under Ardabil University of Medical Sciences to determine the related factors of neonatal mortality.

  Methods: This case-control study was conducted on 160 neonatals (80 cases of neonatal deaths and 80 live births as controls). The demographic data of two groups were separately analyzed to obtain descriptive results. Also the most common causes of neonatal mortality were obtained through studying cases. Moreover, the parents of live neonates were asked questions to evaluate the effect of social factors. Finally all of these related factors were compared.

  Results: From 160 neonates under study, 71 (44.4%) were female and others were male. Neonatal mortality in males was 1.3 times as much as that in females. 16(12.1%) mothers had history of still birth. 18(11.3%) mothers were illiterate and 27 (16.9%) had college education. 31(19.4%) neonates were under 1500gr, 42 (26.3%) 1500- 2500gr and others above 2500 gr. 37 (46.3%) mothers in case group and 24(30%) in control had no access to transportation facilities. The most common causes for neonatal mortality were prematurity with 44 (55.1%) cases and aspiration, septicemia, asphyxia each one with 4 (2.5%) cases. There were statistically significant relationship between neonatal mortality rate on the one hand and birth weight, access to transportation facilities and mothers, living place (rural or urban) (p=0.023).

  Conclusion: According to the results, factors such as birth weight, access to transportation facilities as well as the mothers’ living location (rural or urban) were determining factors in the neonatal mortality. Some measures seem necessary to by taken in order to decrease the effect of thses factors.

Rahman Parniya , Darioush Savadi Oskuei , Seyedabbas Mousavi ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background & Objectives: Stroke is the third cause of mortality after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is also the most common debilitating neurologic disorder. Considering the high prevalence of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and its mortality, it seems quite necessary to study the frequency of ICH risk factors and its mortality related to size and region of hemorrhage.

 Methods: 157 ICH patient units were studied to determine hemorrhage size and region via CT Scan reports. Patients were followed to record the mortality and a questionnaire was filled out for them. The data were analysed by SPSS version 13.

 Results: Females constituted 57.9% of the 157 patients and the rest were males. Mortality rate was 37.6%. Most of the patients were in 70-79 years age group. Hemorrhage had the highest frequency found in putamen (39.4%). Hemorrhage size less than 20 cm3 had the highest frequency among living patients and hemorrhage size in a range of 20-100 cm3 was most common among expired patients. There was a statistically significant relationship between mortality and hemorrhage size (P<0.05). Intraventricular hemorrhage was more frequent among expired patients (p<0.05). There was also a statistically significant relationship between a history of cardiovascular disease and mortality rate (P<0.05).

 Conclusions: Intraventricular hemorrhage and hemorrhage size were significantly related to mortality rate.

Mehrdokht Mazdeh, Mohammad Ali Seif Rabiei,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2008)

Background & Objectives:Stroke is the third most common cause of death after heart disease &cancer and the most common disabling neurological disorder. The incidence increases with age, and is somewhat higher in male than in female. The main risk factor of stroke is hypertension. In last years incidence of stroke has decreased due to improvement of hypertension treatment but due to occurrence of cerebrovascular accident with normal blood pressure, in many patients with stroke. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of mortality and morbidity in stroke patients with hypertension & normal blood pressure.

Methods:This descriptive retrospective study, evaluated 8121 patients with stroke who were admitted at hospital (1997-2006). The inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined. Data was gathered through check list and analyzed by SPSS soft ware 10 edition and the results were compared with each other.

Results: The total mortality and morbidity rate of stroke was 13.59% who 19.3% of patients with high mean blood pressure and 10.2% of patients with normal mean blood pressure were expired due to stroke. The mortality based on age in two groups was similar and more frequent in 65 to 74 year olds. The rate of mortality and morbidity in patients with high mean blood pressure in male and female were similar but in normal mean blood pressure cases were more frequent in male than in female. Hemorrhagic stroke was the most common type of stroke in hypertensive patients (59.55%) and in normotensive patients, ischemic stroke was more frequent (37.7%). The duration from admission to death was similar in two groups and the death was highest within 72 hrs after admission.

Conclusion:Since mortality and morbidity according to age had no significant difference in both groups. It seems other risk factors are effective in evaluating cerebrovascular accidents (prognosis).

Khalil Rustami, Hosein Zohouri, Eiraj Sayad Rezaii ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2008)

  Background and objectives: The most common cause of death in the people (1-44 years old) is trauma and it ranks third as the cause of death in all ages. Road and city accidents with motor vehicles and its effects consist 50% of trauma cases. The mortality rate in traffic accident shows the depth of traffic event, but in any way most of the victims can be saved and we can prevent many of these accidents. The accident is of greater importance in especially developing countries like our country, because in addition to losing a great number of active economic and social power, it causes damage in the corpus of the community, in a way that these accidents cost more than 3% of country in gross productions.

  Methods: This investigation which is considered as a descriptive study is in order to do an epidemiologic investigation of accidents that have led to death in Ardabil Province from Farvardin 2002 to Farvardin 2003 through collected data from Ardabil’s legal medicine center and was analyzed through SPSS.

  Results: The analysis of collected data consisted of 272 cases of events, shows that most of them are male (82%) and they are 21-30 years old. The existence of inversed relation ship with educational level and mortality rate was one of the other findings. Also it became clear that most of the vehicles were small vehicles (70.6%) and most of the victims were pedestrians (34%). Accidents rate in road was 63.6% and accidents in the cities 36.4%, and most of them have happened in summer (38.2%). Most of the mortalities took place in the first minutes and at the same place of accident (50%) and mortality cause of most people was multiple traumas (48.5%) and Brain injuries (46.6%).

  Conclusion: Factors influencing the rate of death in accidents are as followings: male, age (21-30), low education level, summer, and small vehicles. The main causes of death in accidents are multiple trauma and head injuries.

Eiraj Feizi, Mahmood Eydi, Maroof Ansari ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2008)

 Background & Objectives: Intensive care unit (ICU) is one of the most critical parts of the hospital. In other words the intensive care means taking care of patients suffering fram acute and life-threaning diseases by the most expert personnel, using modern equipment and facilities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mortality rate of the patients admitted to ICU and the effective factors in at Ardabil Fatemi Hospital.

  Methods: This is descriptive-cross sectional study carried out on the patients admitted to surgical and neurosurgical ICU in Ardabil Fatemi Hosbital from June 2005 to June 2006. Among all the patients admitted to ICU (903 patients) who were under investigation, only those who died were included in the study. The effective factors were age, gender, previous sickne type of illness, complications, ventilator connection requirment. The information collected using the questionnaire and the data were analyzed with spss and chi square statistical programs.

  Results: From the total namber of 903 patients admitted to ICU 140 (15.5%) of them died. According to the information collected 72.8% of the cases were male and 27.2% were female. The age range of pateints was 10-80 years old. The mortality rate was high among the patients over 60 years old. The second one was 21-30 years old. The highest mortality rate was observed in the first five days of admission to the ICU 92.8% of these patients were being ventilated, 48.5% had a history of underlying diseases and 33.5% were afflicted with CNS trauma.

  Conclusion: Accordig to the findings, there was a significant relationship between traumatic patients and the mortality rate. The CNS trauma was the most prevalent factor of death in ICU. It is also noticeable that the mortality rate was higher in males and the old age group.

Mehrdad Mirzarahimi , Ali Abedi , Fatemeh Shahnazi , Hakimeh Saadati, Afsaneh Enteshari ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2008)

  Background & Objectives: Neonatal mortality rate is a main indicator of hygienic development and recognition of the mortality causes is the first step for reduction of the mortality rate and promotion of this indicator. Therefore, in this study, the causes of neonatal mortality have been investigated in Ardabil medical university related hospitals.

  Methods: This study is a retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical one that has been done on the bases of admission's units and filling the medical record form for all neonates who have been admitted to Alavi and Imam Khomeini hospitals in Ardabil from September 2006 to September 2007. The questions of forms consisted of infant’s sex, birth weight, gestational age, cause and age of death. The data were analyzed by SPSS software with utilizing T- test and Chi-Squares.

  Results: During this study, there were 1881 admissions of which there were 148 deaths (7.86%). The causes of mortality were hyaline membrane disease (HMD) (52.02%), sepsis (14.86%), pneumonia (9.45%), congenital anomaly (12.83%), asphyxia (7.43%) and meconium aspiration (3.37%). Among the dead neonates, 54.72% were male and others were female. There were 550 LBW neonates and 111 deaths in this group result of our study showed that mortality rate in LBW neonates was 20.18%. There were 578 preterm neonates and 122 deaths in this group prevalence of mortality rate in preterm neonates was 21.10%.

  Conclusion: Prematurity and low birth weight are the most important and fixed cases of infant mortality. The most common causes of mortality were hyaline membrane disease and sepsis. Therefore, the prevention of preterm labor for reduction of prematurity and its related complication recommended which may lead to decreased rate of neonatal mortality.

Firouz Amani , Anooshirvan Kazemnejad, Reza Habibi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2009)

  Background & Objective: Mortality statistics and cause of death are the main components in health planning in any community. Knowry the change of marraliy pattern is important for future health programming. This study have to determine and analyze the Mortality changing trends dury lest 35 years.

  Methods: In this study data recorded of 9740556 deaths from were analyzed. Graphical method were usead to analyze dara and . We analyzed data by croghal method and comping the trouds of morality cheye pattern.

  Results: Our servey should 60.4% of total deaths were in rural areas and 61.1% among males. The crude death rate was 13per 1000 pasim from to 1971-76 that decrease to 5 per 1000 pasim from to 2006-2010. Also life expectancy rate has been increased in study years from 55.2 in 1971-76 to 71 in 206-2010.

  Conclusion: results show that mortality pattern in years 1970 to 2007 have been changed and crude death rate with decrease tread and life expectancy with increase trend represent the level of health indicators in world and our country Iran have been developed and extended.

Manoochehr Barak , Saeid Sadeghieh Ahari , Firouz Amani , Gholamreza Asadi, Gity Rahimi , Elham Khadem,
Volume 12, Issue 5 (11-2012)

  Background & Objective: Currently, migration of rural population to cities and developing slums around them are main problems in population settlement that lead to imbalance in health standards such as difference in age groups death. The aim of this study was to examine factors associated with infant mortality in slums of the Ardabil city.

  Methods: This was a case- control study. All infants’ deaths from 2008 to 2010, which occurred in slums as a case, were included. For each case, tow controls, were chosen. Controls the ones who survived and were living in non marginalized area and years of birth and sex were matched in two groups. Information collected from health centers through questionnaires, interviews with parents and child death files.

  Results: The majority of mortalities (74.6%) were in neonatal period and 25.4% was in post- neonatal period. The most important causes of deaths in neonatal were prematurity (57%), and in post neonatal period were congenital abnormality (35.4%). Analysis of effective factors showed that birth weight, parents age and education, family income and occupation and smoking of father were highly associated with mortalities.

  Conclusion: Infant mortality of the family that their father is a smoker and they have low income, and low parental education level is significantly higher and should be taken into serious consideration to reduce the mortality.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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