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Showing 1 results for Hypotension
Eiraj Lotfinia, Masoud Niazie Gazani , Shahnam Baboli, Marouf Ansari , Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2004)
Paraplegia can be caused by different factors like rupture or repair of the aortic aneurysm or aortic thrombosis, aortic dissection, anterior spinal cord artery emboli, coagulation disorders and lupus disease, all of which cause impaired spinal cord blood flow and spinal cord ischemia. In addition, hypotension may be the cause of spinal cord infarction but Medline researches have reported a few cases of spinal cord infarction in patients laparotomized for the reasons other than aortic lesions. In this paper we report one case of paraplegia who had experienced spinal infarction and paraplegia after internal bleeding and two times laparatomies due to long lasting hypotension. In this case regarding the patient ’ s age, occupation and physical health, the possibility of cardiovascular lesions and consequent thromboembolism seems very unlikely. Furthermore, considering the two operations performed and the temporal space between them, the only factor that could have led to ischemia and infarction of the spinal cord in this patient is long-standing hypotension.