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Showing 9 results for Hydatid Cyst

Khalil Rostami,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2002)

  Hydatic cyst is caused by Echinococus worm, that involves any part of the body, sometimes it is presented in organs such as thyroid, breast and other organs. Axillary that may be consider adenopathy or metastasis and do biopsy, which so there is danger of leakage, anaphylaxis or relaps.

 The reported case was 39 years old female presented with painless axillary mass without inflammation since 19 years ago that slowly enlarged. Physical findings suggested hydatid cyst which was confirmed with ultrasonography and IHA for Echinococus granolosus and other diseases ruled out. She was operated and she had no relapses after 1.5 years follow up.

Hormoz Azimi, Maryam Nasimi, Reza Keikhosravi, Masoud Ghasemi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2008)

Hydatid cyst disease is a zoonosis disease that is common in both humans and animals. Humans acquire echinococcosis by ingesting viable parasite eggs with their food. The hydatid cyst tend to be in the liver (50-70% of patients) or lung (20-30% patients) but may be found in any other organs of the body, including brain, heart, and bones (less than 10%). Symptoms are often absent, and in many cases infection is detected only incidentally by imaging studies.
This paper presents a case of hydatid cyst who admitted with non specific symptoms such as blotting, recurrent constipation and abdominal distention. Abdominal CT of the patient found low density mass in the right side of abdomen (in small bowel mesentery), without involvement
of the liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas. The patient candidated for resolution of cyst with lapratomic style. And in operative laparatomy a typical hydatid cyst was found and confirmed by pathology and similar reports were not found by the author regarding the literature.
Hafez Mirzanejad-Asl, Majid Fasihi Harandi,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2009)

 Background and objective: Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is a cosmopolitan and prevalent zoonosis in the world. It caused by larva of Echinococcus genusspecies. CE is medically and economically one of the important parasitic zoonoses in Iran especially Moghan Plain. So far no survey was conducted to determine the rate of CE in this region.

 Method: The subjects of this descriptive- analytic study were people of the Moghan plain. The prevalence of the disease was determined with serologic examination using ELISA test. ELISA was carried out using HCF-Ag that obtained from a diseased sheep. Household information was recorded in questionnaires before collecting serum samples. The results were analyzed by SPSS using statistical tests.

 Result: Out of 2008 samples, 1267 were female and 734 were male. At all 9.2 % (184) of sera were found to be positive.

 Conclusion: This survey determined more prevalence of Cystic Echinococcosis in women (%10) than men (%7.9) and infection is more in places that keep much Dogs.

Eiraj Feyzi, Amin Bagheri , Samira Matin ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2011)

  Hydatid disease infection in humans is caused by larva of Echinococcus granulosus. Definitive hosts are carnivores such as dogs, while intermediate hosts are herbivores. Humans can also be intermediate hosts. Hydatid disease is clinically related to the presence of cysts, most frequently in the liver and the lungs and less frequently in the other organs such as kidney, spleen, brain, heart and bone. In this article, a case of splenic hydatid cyst is reported. A 50-years-old man was admitted to the clinic with a abdominal pain lasting for two weeks. Sonography and computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a splenic cyst. Cyst was removed by a surgery. The diagnosis of a hydatid cyst was confirmed by histopathology.

Adel Spotin, Monireh Mokhtari Amirmajdi , Mojtaba Sankian, Abdolreza Varasteh, Ali Akbar Shamsian, Fatemeh Vahedi ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2012)

  Background & objectives: Hydaticosis is a zoonotic helminthic disease of human and other intermediated hosts in which larval stages of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosu transfect human. The liver and lung are the host tissues for the hydatid cyst . It is unknown which mechanisms are involved in infertility of the cyst and suppression of the fertile cyst. This study was aimed to evaluate the expression of the apoptosis inducing-ligands such as TRAIL and Fas-L in germinal layer of the cyst and human normal tissue surrounding the cyst that is one of the unknown host innate immunity mechanisms against the hydatid cyst.

  Methods: In this study, four isolated hydatid cysts were used which had been diagnosed in patients by radiography and parasitological examination in Mashhad Ghaem hospital. Furthermore, the germinal layer of the cyst and accompanied normal peripheral tissues were separated by scalpel in sterile conditions. After homogenization, expression of TRAIL and Fas-L genes were studied by semi-quantitive RT-PCR method.

  Results: The TRAIL and Fas-L showed significant higher level expression in germinal layer of infertile cyst than the fertile cyst and host normal tissues.

  Conclusion: The host tissue-induced apoptosis of germinal layer of the fertile cysts is probably one of the infertility mechanism in patients with hydaticosis

Amirabbas Ghasemi , Behnam Daneshpajouh ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (10-2014)

  Background &objectives: Echinococcosis, referred to as hydatid disease or hydatidosis, is a parasitic disease caused by larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus. In the life cycle of this parasite, dogs and other carnivores are definitive hosts and herbivores are intermediate hosts. Humansin this cycle may incidentally involve by ingestion of parasite eggs and play as intermediate host. Hydatid disease can involve any organ but liver and lung are the most commonly affected organs and kidney, brain, heart, bone may also be affected to a lesser degrees. Cerebral hydatid cyst occurs in about 2% of all echinococcosis cases. In this paper we report two cases of cerebral echinococcosis in whom diagnoses were made based on MRI findings and confirmed by pathology reports after surgery.

  First Case Report: The first case was a 30 years old man who was admitted after an episode of generalized tonic-clonicseizure. The MRI imaging performedand patient underwent surgery with diagnosis of a right frontal cystic lesion. The patient was improved progressively and there was no seizure attack and recurrence during 18 months follow up period.

  Second Case Report: The second case was a 28 years old woman presented by headache and abnormal behavior. MRI of this patient revealed a large cystic lesion in left frontal lobe and then underwent surgery. No complication was seen during postoperative period. The headache and behavioral disorder were improved completely and there was no sign of recurrence during 18 months follow up period.

  Conclusion: Hydatid cyst should be considered as a differential diagnosis of cystic brain lesions in endemic areas. Although hydatid cyst is a benign lesion but surgical removal of it without rupture is very important for prevention of probable future complications.

Somaye Bahrami , Mohammad Hossein Razi Jalali , Zahra Ramezani, Mehdi Pourmehdi Boroujeni , Ferial Toeimepour ,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (1-2015)

Background & objectives: One of the most important zoonotic parasitic diseases, hydatidosis, is caused by the larval stage of Echinococcous granulosus. Investigations have shown that plants secondary metabolites, such as essential oils have anti parasitic properties. Based on previous reports on antiparasitic properties of Lepidium sativum, in this study we investigated the scolicidal effects of the essential oil (EO) extracted from this plant.

Methods: Lepidium EO was obtained by hydrodistillation method. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was employed to determine the chemical composition of the EO. Protoscolices were exposed to various concentrations of EO (1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 mg/ml) for 10, 20, 30 and 60 min. Viability of protoscolices was confirmed by 0.1% eosin staining.

Results: A total of 19 compounds representing 95.5% of the total oil, were identified. α-Thujene (88.86%), Myrcene (2.9%) and P-cymene (1.67%) were found to be the major EO constituents. Based on the results, protoscolices mortality rates at 1, 3 and 5 mg/ml of EO didn’t have a significant relationship with the control group. While, the difference in mortality rate at a concentration of 10 mg/ml of EO in 30 and 60 min was significant. Also, the concentration of 15 mg/ml of EO at all times of incubation had significantly higher protoscolicidal effect. In the present study there was a significant relation between the amount of protoscolicidal activity of different EO concentrations and different incubation times. In other words mortality rates enhanced with increasing concentrations and incubation times.

Conclusion: The results of present study revealed that the EO of Lepidium is rich in α-Thujene and has a high scolicidal power. This plant may be used as a natural scolicidal agent

Somayeh Bahrami, Hossein Najafzadeh, Ali Shahriari, Sara Ahmadi, Mohammadhossein Razi Jalali ,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (1-2016)

Background & objectives: Polyamines such as putrescine, spermidine, and spermine are ubiquitous in all eukaryotic cells and play an essential role in cell division and differentiation. One way of polyamine biosynthesis is done by ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) which catalyzes the transformation of ornithine to putrescine. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of putrescine, spermidine and spermine in protoscolices, hydatid fluid and germinal layer and also to evaluate ODC activity.

Methods: In the present study putrescine, spermidine and spermine levels were investigated in germinal layers, hydatid fluids and protoscolices. To evaluate the activity of ODC, protoscolices were incubated with ornithine and changes in polyamines level were assayed. The samples were homogenized and liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for polyamines measurement.

Results: Based on the results, putrescine was the lowest polyamine and since its level was not increased in protoscolices incubated with ornithine, ODC activity was not detected. Spermidine was the highest polyamine and the results showed that germinal layer contained the highest level of polyamines.

Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that ODC activity was not detected in hydatid cyst and level of polyamines in germinal layers  which contained rapidly proliferating cells was higher than other parts.

Iraj Feizi, Somaieh Matin, Hasan Ghobadi, Saeed Hosseininia, Susan Mohammadi Kebar, Farideh Feizi, Hossein Salehzade,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Background & objectives:  Hydatid cyst is a major hygiene problem in Iran. In 80% of cases, only one organ is involved. However, multiorgan involvement has also been rarely reported. But it seems, the prevalence of hydatid cyst with the involvement of more than one organ in Iran is more than other world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the patients with hydatid cyst multi organ involvement in Ardabil province in northwest of Iran.
Methods: In this retrospective study, 34 patients with hydatid cyst with involvement in more than one organ were included. For each patient, a pre-designed questionnaire including name, age, education level, occupation, place of residence, cyst location, clinical manifestations and serologic test results were completed. Patients, who had previously a history of treatment due to hydatid cyst, were excluded from the study.
Results: The mean age of patients was 36.41 years. 61.8% of the patients were housewives and 64% were rural residents. The most commonly involved organs was liver and simultaneous involvement of liver and lung was observed in 38.2% of patients and was more in women. The association of the right lung cyst with the liver cysts was greater than that of the left lung. Only in 43% of the patients, the serologic test was positive for hydatid cyst, and the relationship between serologic test and type of involvement was not significant.
Conclusion: Regarding the high incidence of hydatid cyst involvement in more than one location in our region, in all patients, especially women with liver hydatid cyst, other organs, especially the lungs, should be investigated

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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