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Showing 3 results for Human

Ali Pezeshki, Mostafa Rezaeian , Mitra Zarebavani,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2013)

  Background & Objectives: Giardia duodenalis is the most common intestinal parasite with cosmopolitan distribution. This parasite has been found in the intestine of humans and other mammalian hosts including cats, dogs, cattle, sheep, deer, pigs and muskrats. It is postulated that animals maybe reservoir for human infection and viceversa. In present study, the possible genetic similarity between cat and humans Giardia and its probable zoonosis were investigated.

  Methods: Direct examination and formalin-ether concentration techniques were performed on stray and semi stray cat fecal specimens. Gradient sucrose method was applied for collection and purification of cysts and DNA extraction was performed by phenol-chloroform and CTAB (Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromid ( methods. DNA of cysts could hardly be extracted after repeated freezing and thawing. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed for DNA amplification. In this study triosephosphate isomerase (tpi) gene was selected as a molecular marker. Two sets of primers (PM 290 and PM 924) were considered. Two restriction enzymes RsaI and AvaI were also used to determine restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for PCR fragments amplified by both primer sets.

  Results: Ten samples were positive for Giardia cysts which were examined for molecular investigation. Four cat isolates were amplified by PM 290. PCR-RFLP patterns were found to be similar to human isolates AC≠AF 069556 (subgroup of AC≠U 57897) with possibility of cross-transmission.

  Conclusion: Therefore the similarity of genomic characters of isolates of cat and human Giardia implies possibility of zoonosis and transmission of these protozoa from cat to human and vice versa.

Somayeh Bahrami , Leila Kharrati , Mahmoud Makki,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Background & objectives: The adjacent of residential buildings in the countryside with livestock causes external parasites to be transferred easily and feed on the human hosts. Due to fleas haematophagus nature they are able to transfer pathogens from animal to animal or animal to human and thus they are considered as zoonotic pathogens. Therefore, identification of fleas is necessary.

Methods: In the present study 30 infested people with biting signs and 800 sheep and goats were investigated. About 50 fleas from infested people and 160 from animals were collected. Samples were cleared with KOH and recognized based on proper identification keys.

Results: Based on the results it seems that sheep and goats were infested with Ctenocephalides canis and Pulex irritans. Out of the 160 studied fleas from sheep and goats 118 (73.7%) were identified as C. canis and 42 (26.3%) as P. irritans. Out of 50 collected fleas from infested people 43 (86%) were identified as C. canis and 7 (14%) as P. irritans.

Conclusion: The present report is the first report of man infestation with canine fleas or C. canis. According to climate condition and employment of most of villagers to traditional animal husbandry, it seems that there is a proper condition for external parasites (such as fleas) growth and proliferation. Therefore, studies based on infestation identification and report can be considered for control strategic programs.

Katayoun Bahman Soufiani,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background & objectives: Low immunogenicity and targeted migration of mesenchymal stem cells to inflammatory sites have introduced these cells as the best vehicle for the delivery of gene or therapeutic products. Lentiviral vectors can be used as an efficient vehicle for inserting ectopic genes into stem cells. Therefore, the evaluation of the effect of lentiviral vectors on the identity, behavior and functional characteristics of the stem cells can show that vectors are safe tools in cell manipulation and gene therapy.
Methods: At first, three vectors of lentivirus were added to HEK-293T cells using calcium phosphate method. After confirming the expression of GFP protein in more than 80% of HEK-293T cells, viral supernatant was collected and concentrated. Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs) were transduced with condensed viruses. After the elimination of the non-transduced cells by puromycin, transduced hASCs were evaluated for immunophenotyping and differentiation to adipocyte and osteocyte. Behavioral characteristics such as viability, migration and invasion were analyzed using MTT and transwell methods, respectively.
Results: In the current study, there was no significant difference in the expression of CD29, CD34, CD73 and differentiation to adipocyte and osteocyte in the test group when compared to the control group. Moreover, there was no significant difference between two study groups in the behavioral characteristics such as proliferation, invasion and migration.
Discussion: The findings of this study declare that lentiviral vectors do not have adverse effects on the identity and functional characteristics of stem cells. Therefore, they can be used in gene manipulation of the target cell.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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