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Showing 5 results for Growth

Nayereh Amini Sani , Manoochehr Barak , Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran , Firooz Amani , Saadollah Mohammadi , Benyamin Fazli ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (6-2007)

  Background & Objectives: The high incidence of low birth weight (LBW) occurs in developing countries, and diarrhea and respiratory infections are the main causes of infant mortality and morbidity. This study was done to find out whether there was a growth or morbidity response to zinc supplememttion, among LBW infants during the first 6 mo of life.

  Methods: The study was a randomized, placebo-controlled, and double-blind trial study. LBW infants were given daily for 6mo 5mg zn, or a placebo. Questionnairs were filled out during the study by a pediatrician and a GP. Anthropometric measurements were made at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 wk via home visits by trained interviewers.

  Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in zinc and placebo groups. Weight gain in zinc group was significantly higher that of placebo group between 1 to 6 months (p=0.036). Length and head circumference gain were also greater in zinc group than in placebo groups, (p=0.04, p<0.001). The episodes of upper respiratory infections was greater in placebo group than zinc group (mean Episodes in zinc groups= 1.7 and in placebo group was 3) and there was significant difference between two groups (p=0.005). 8 Cases of lower respiratory infections in placebo group and 5 cases in zinc group were observed, but it was not significan diarrheal episods were observed only in placebo groups.

  Conclusion: It was found that low birth weight infants had better growth and lower morbidity during the first 6 months of life by receiving zinc supplementation.

Homeira Nasiri Rineh , Ferangis Khanpour,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2013)

  Background & Objectives: Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases and hormonal and metabolic factors have a great impact on its development. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between leptin and growth hormones with anthropometric indices and blood glucose in healthy men.

  Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study on 30 healthy adult men aged 18-49 years in Tonekabone city during 2011-2012. Samples were randomly selected and information on anthropometric parameters (waist circumference, body mass index and waist/hip ratio), fasting blood sugar, serum levels of leptin and growth hormones were recorded and blood sampling was performed After 12 hours of fasting (at 8 am). Data were analyzed using software SPSS 15 by non- parametric Mann – Whitney and Spearman test s and multiple regression analysis.

  Results: Serum leptin levels were negatively correlated with serum level of growth hormone ( P<0.05) and positively related to body mass index ( P<0.01) , waist circumference ( P<0.01) and the body weight ( P<0.05). Inverse relationship between serum growth hormone levels with age and fasting blood glucose were observed (P<0.05). Serum levels of leptin were significantly higher in overweight and obese than normal weight subjects (P<0.01) and mean leptin levels in subjects with central obesity ( waist circumference≥94cm) were significantly higher than men without central obesity (waist circumference<94cm) (P<0.01).

  Conclusion: This study showed that growth hormone level was negatively correlated with serum level of leptin. Low serum growth hormone and high serum leptin levels were associated with obesity and upper body fat distribution. Obesity and abdominal obesity are also associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome

Farshid Parsa , Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini, Davood Mehrabani, Sara Hashemi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (7-2020)

Introduction & objectives: Cannabis extract is an important psychoactive substance that have used by people around the world. Due to the diverse effects of cannabis on brain cells, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of cannabis extract on the growth of SH-SY5Y neurons.
Methods: In this experimental study, SH-SY5Y cells were prepared from Pasteur Institute of Iran and then incubated in DMEM, supplemented with  10% fetal bovine serum ,embryo-L glutamine, penicillin and streptomycin at 37oC and 5% CO2. following cell proliferation, the cells in the fourth passage were divided into control and experimental groups which were treated with cannabis at concentrations of 100 and1000 ng/ml. during  1 to 9 days, SH-SY5Y cells growth was calculated by flow cytometry using PDT= T× formula.
Results: SH-SY5Y cells adhered to the bottom of the flask 24 hours after transfer to the cell culture flask. These cells were initially spherical and after 24 hours become spindle. The results of cell count test on days 1 to 6 showed the growth of cannabis-treated cells similar to the control group, but from the sixth day, in the cannabis extract treated groups, a significant reduction in cell growth was observed at the level of p<0.05 compared to the control group.
Conclusion: The results showed that SH-SY5Y cells in the culture medium were spherically shaped, similar to fibroblast cells, and the based on the results of cell count, it was determined that cannabis inhibits the growth of these cells.
Behzad Azadi, Lotfali Boboli, Mostafa Khani, Marefat Siahkohian, Amaneh Pourrahim,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Background & objectives: Insulin-like growth factor -1 (IGF-1) has a variety of roles, but the abundance of scientific evidence indicates that it is a metabolic biomarker associated with physical fitness and health. The present study investigates the effect of eight weeks of polarized exercise training on serum GH / IGF-1- indices in active young men.
Methods: In this double-blind experimental study, 20 young males were allocated randomly into polarized training group (N=10) and a control group (N=10). The polarized training group performed 80-70% of the main workout volume (30 minutes) with light to moderate with 50-60% reserve heart rate (RHR) intensity and the remaining 20-30% at 85-95% RHR intensity; in a way that they ran two periods consisting 3 repetitions of 15-30 seconds, with 30-60 seconds of active rest after each repetition and 3 minutes of active rest after each period. Blood samples were taken from all subjects in three stages, including: pre-test stages, 24 hours before the start of the post-test, and after 12 hours overnight fasting. Post-test samples were collected, one sample immediately after the first session and the another  48 hours after the end of the last exercise session.
Results: The results of the present study showed that bipolar training significantly increased growth hormone and free IGF-I levels after one training session, and after eight-week bipolar training program. However, total IGF-1 levels decreased significantly after one exercise session and after eight-week bipolar exercise program. Also, no significant change was observed in IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5 levels after one training session and eight-week training program. Acid-labile subunit levels did not change significantly after one training session, but decreased significantly after eight weeks of bipolar training.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it seems that the use of bipolar exercises, training may be a good way to improve the hormonal function and assess the level of health and physical fitness of active young men.
Mehdi Hoseinnezhad, Naser Hamidi, Javad Mehrabi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (1-2022)

Background & objectives: This research has been carried out in order to optimize technology development policies and reduce the costs of health technology development centers in universities of medical sciences. Identifying the influential factors in the growth of technology units helps the growth centers to more efficiently use the growth of knowledge-based companies and the development and progress of innovative entrepreneurs as a host environment for technology growth.
Methods: The current study is a qualitative research that was conducted by extracting qualitative data through semi-structured interviews with 31 managers of growth centers and managers of units located in growth centers and experts in the field of health entrepreneurship. It has been coded and categorized in three stages and the main and subcategories have been identified.
Results: The results show that for the growth of technology units in health technology growth centers, two basic variables of the growth center program and infrastructure have an effect on the efficiency of the centers and the growth of the units. This is despite the fact that according to the regional capacities of Type 3 medical sciences universities in the country, growth program factors have introduced more categories and less focus has been placed on infrastructure, so the growth plan is good. It can have a bigger share.
Conclusion: This research shows what categories are expected from the growth plan and infrastructures of health technology growth centers in few universities.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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