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Showing 4 results for Family Planning

Nategh Abbasgholizadeh , Manoochehr Barak , Mehrdad Mirzarahimi , Esmaeil Valizadeh- Haghi ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2003)

  Background & Objective : The fast population growth is one of the basic problems in Iran and using family planning devices has a remarkable role in decreasing it. The findings of researches carried out nationwide indicate the effectiveness of instruction in the application of family planning methods and devices. The objective of this study is determining the level of knowledge of 15-49 year-old women under Ardabil health and treatment center services.

  Methods : 138 qualified mothers were chosen randomly from among 15-49 year-old women under Ardabil health and treatment centers services. These subjects were selected from among 14 centers (10 mother from each center) and had secondary school level of education. This descriptive cross-sectional and prospective research was conducted by filling out the pre-planned questionnaire and preparing educational booklets and giving them to the mothers under the study as pretest and post-test procedures during the time span of December 2000 to May 2001.

  Results : No meaningful relationship was found between employment and utilizing family-planning devices. The results of Mc-Nemar test and t-test showed that statistically the instruction given with regard to the method of beginning to take anti-gestation pills, method of the intervals of taking the anti-gestation pills, taking measures at the time of forgetting to take anti-gestation pills, the preference of vasectomy to tobectomy, the interval between the injection of anti-gestation ampoules and the duration of IUD effectiveness before and after studying the manuals demonstrated a significant difference.

  Conclusions : Education plays an important role in increasing the knowledge level of the population under study and hence it improves their performance about family planning. So this instruction is recommended to be followed seriously.

Fariba Kahnamoei Aghdam , Mohammad Ali Mohammadi, Bahrooz Dadkhah, Firooz Asadzadeh , Melina Afshinmehr,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (6-2005)

  Background & Objectives: Unwanted pregnancy is a general and worldwide issue that has an impact on not only the women but the families and societies as well. It may be caused by a failure to use contraceptive methods and paying less attention to family planning methods. This may result in negative effects on community health. This study is an attempt in this regard.

  Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study 600 pregnant women referring to health care centers in Ardabil were selected through cluster sampling (5 clusters). The data were collected in the form of questionnaires filled in by the researchers interviewing the subjects. These data were then analysed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics.

  Results: The subjects ranged between 13 to 44 years old (Mean=25.13). Among them 93.5% were housewives and 18.5% were illiterate. Majority of them (72%) wanted to have two children. 30.8% of the present pregnancies were unwanted and 11.2% of the women had the experience before. Age average in unintentionally pregnant women was greater than that of intentionally pregnant ones (28.5 and 23.7 years old respectively). This difference was statistically significant. 75.7% of the unwanted pregnancies had happened despite using family planning methods. The rate of unwanted pregnancy among illiterate women was significantly greater than that among the educated ones (52.34% and 26.7% respectively). Also there was a significant relationship between the type of pregnancy on the one hand and the husbands’ education and the wife’s employment on the other (P<0.0001).

  Conclusion: With regard to 30.8% prevalence of unwanted pregnancy and irregular use of contraceptive methods, it can be claimed that training the pregnant women and providing them with necessary information have been insufficient. It seems necessary to teach them the methods of contraception and follow them up.

Sarie Golmohamadloo , Farzane Broomand, Mitra Asadi Afshar ,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2005)

 Background & Objectives: Unintended pregnancy is a worldwide problem. Despite abundant efforts by lranian family planning authorities during the last decade, unintended pregnancy and its consequences such as infected abortions is still a common problem. The aim of this descriptive study was to examine the causes of unintended pregnancy in Kosar Hospital, Urmia.

  M e thods : In this descriptive-analytical study the data were collected from 330 unintendedly pregnant women (out of 1830 pegnant women) visiting gynecology unit at Koshar Hospital in Urmia in 1999. These subjects were interviewed to fill out a questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS using t-test and Chi-square.

 Results: 83.6% of the cases were illiterate and 96.36% were housewives. 59.69% of the cases were above 30 79.09% had 3 or more children. The subjects used the following prophylaxy.

 Methods: thads. Pills (40%), withdrawal (25.5%), IUD (10%), injection (6.4%), minipills (4.5%), condom (3.6%) breast feeding (2.7%), rhythmic (0.9%) and tubectomy (0.6%). The remaining 5.8% had not used any prevention methods. We found a significant correlation between aging and number of unwanted pregnancies (P<0.0001 r = 0.44) and a negative meaningful correlation between literacy and rate of pregnancy (P<0.0001 r = 0.39). Reasons for failure were irregular use of pills, minipills or condom (90% each), unfamiliarity with prevention affter forgetting to take the pill (0.77%), IUD extraction, interrupted use of DMPA method and incorrect use of breast feeding method.

 Conclusion: This study reveals that desptie available prevention methods, due to lack of knowledge irregular use and misconceptions about complications of prevention methods, the subjects used unreliable methods which are more likely to lead to failure. Therefore, new measures should be taken in family planning centers to increase awareness among women concerning risk of unitended pregnancy.

Shahnam Arshi, Seid Reza Majdzadeh, Homauoon Sadegi, Seid Hadi Sezavar, Zahra Tahmacian, Looeiz Amanati , Ali Ruhi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2006)

  Background & Objectives: Regarding the recent implementation of new information system in medical universities, it seems quite necessary to perform an evaluation study on its effectiveness as well as on the functioning of health care systems regarding the different parts of this system. The aim of this study was to investigate skills of family health personnel in health centers of Ardabil province on correctly completing two common data forms called family planning form and maternity care data form. This can be a reasonable criterion for how well the new system is working in the field of family health.

  Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical study. All family health care personnel from Ardabil province heal care centers were entered into the study. They were asked to enter data related to 10 case presentations into blank forms. After filling out the forms they were checked and evaluated for correctness and final scores were analyzed by SPSS.

  Results : From all the data collected from 9 cities of the province, 38.5% lacked an academic education and 52% were graduated in midwifery. Mean personnel skill was 4.38 out of 10 and only 11.7% had acceptable skills in filling out the forms. Those with academic education outperformed the non-academic ones. Discrepancies regarding the correct ways of filling the forms, were observed among different cities’ health care centers.

  Conclusion: The findings indicated family health personnel were not skillful enough in completing the data forms. This led to their weak and non-dependable statistic which in turn would waste budget and energy. Moreover, the validity of the collected data would be under question. So the form 108 is very complicated and needs revision.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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