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Showing 3 results for Dysplasia

Moharram Aghabalaei,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2004)

Recurrent meningitis is a rare incident and is likely to have multiple etiologies, which could lead to repeated admissions to the hospitals. A detailed investigation of congenital and anatomic anomalies facilitating bacterial entry into the subarchnoid space is mandatory in these patients. A proper diagnosis can often be obtained through taking a complete history, previous admissions, and complete clinical and radiological examinations. The present case is a 25-year-old woman with 8 admissins because of meningitis. After being hospitalized for a long time and relative improvement, she was operated for the first time. The surgery was repeated due to rhinorrhea and the diagnosis of mondini congenital dysplasia in direct relationship with intranasal space. This led to the complete recovery of the patient. Anosmia her only problem at the present time.
Farnaz Ehdaeevand , Mohammad Tagei Neeknejad, Naiere Aminisani, Mahdi Chinifroush,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2005)


 Background & Objectives: cervical dysplasia indicates the growth disorder of cervix and is characterized by the appearance of cancerous and precancerous cells in cervix. Cervical dysplasia often has no symptoms but can progress to cervical cancer in 5 % of the cases. Early diagnosis of these pre-invasive lesions with pap smear can prevent, to a great extent, the progress of lesion to cancer. The prevalence of cervical dysplasia is different in different parts of the world and depents, to a great extent, on its etiology. This study was an attempt to determine the prevalence and types of cervical dysplasia in 5000 cases of pap smears.

 Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 5000 cases of pap smears selected randomly from among 8249 pap smears in the period between March 2003 to August 2004. Some samples were studied retrospectively and some others prospectively. The population of the study was composed of women referring to Ardabil health care centers for pop smear test. The data were collected with questionnaires and were analyzed using SPSS software (ver.11).

 Results: Cervical dysplasia was found in 56 cases (1.12%) 0.66% of which was CIN I, 0.3% CIN II and 0.16% CIN III.

 Conclusion: The total percentage of cervical displasia in this study was 1.12%. This prevalence in other similar studies varies between 0.4% in Scotland and 12% in USA. Nevertheless, the prevalence found in this study is in line with most of the similar researches.

Abbas Yazdanbod , Manoochehr Iran Parvar , Firooz Amani , Reza Malekzadeh , Saeid Salavati ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in terms of mortality in the world. Ardabil province, in northwestern Iran, has the highest rate of gastric (predominantly cardia) Adeno carcinoma in Iran. The most common site of upper gastrointestinal cancer in Ardabil is cardia region (its right-side wall). Therefore this study aimed to investigate comparatively histopathology of right and left side of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions.

 Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed on one hundred adults who referred to Aras clinic for endoscopy. Endoscopy was done with video endoscope and a single biopsy was taken from right and left side of cardia and z-line respectively and one from antrum for H.Pylori. All the samples of the biopsy material were fixed in formalin in separate bottles and pathologic study of the samples with regard to inflammatory and precancerous lesions were done according to Sydney classification of gastritis. The collected data wereanalyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics.

 Results: 61 (61%) patients were male and 39 (39%) female. The age range of patients was 19-80 years old (standard deviation 53±16.2). Mild to severe inflammation in left and right side of cardia and z-line was 82.6%, 84%, 97.1%, 93%, mild to severe atrophy in 22.8%, 28.7%, 26.5%, 24.4% and metaplasia type 1 to 3 in 2.2%, 6.4%, 2.9%, 12.2% respectively. Suspected dysplasia in cardia and z-line was only in one case. Analysis of these variables with McNamara, Wilcoxon and Lambda tests showed no statistically meaningful difference considering the histopathological findings in left and right side wall of cardia and z-line

 Conclusion: This study showed no statistically meaningful difference between right and left wall of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions. This observation is not consistent with high incidence of right sided cardia cancer. Further study with multiple biopsy sample and more sensitive methods is recommended for the diagnosis of precancerous lesions.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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