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Showing 17 results for Corona

Mohammadali Mohammadi , Hosein Doostkami , Behrooz Dadkhah , Seyedhashem Sezavar ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2002)

  Background & Objectives : Coronary artery disease is one of the most important mortality causes in developed and developing countries. Many risk factors can influence coronary artery disease some of which can be controlled and prevented. Information should be given to people for controlling these factors and prior to this information – giving, the primary awareness of them about risk factors needs to be ascertained. This research is a study of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Ardabil people about CAD risk factors.

  Methods : This descriptive analytic study was done on 384 individuals (female and male) over 20 years old. These subjects were selected from five clusters. Synthetic questionnaire was used for data collection through direct interview at home. The collected data was then analyzed by SPSS software.

  Results : 50.5% of samples were females. 27.3 % of the subjects were high-school graduates. Most of them (70%) were aware of stress and lesion as risk factors. 66.9% of them were aware only of the effect of immobility on coronary artery disease but 13% of them had regular physical activity. 52.1% of them were aware of the harmful effect of salt on CAD, but 15% of them had low salt intake. 48.2% of people were aware of benefit of liquid oil on health, but only 25% of them consumed it. Results showed that, 48.2%, 51.3% and 40.9% of individual had moderate knowledge, positive attitude, and weak practice, respectively. The relationship among variables was significant (P<0.0001), and practice of people has been increased with increasing of knowledge and attitude.

  Conclusion : Regarding these results, regular programs are necessary for increasing awareness and practice of people as primary preventive steps for controlling CAD.

Hormoz Ayromlou, Naser Safaii, Nasrolah Maghamipour ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Ulnar nerve involvement is the second most common local mononeuropathy. The ulnar nerve consists of motor and sensory fibers that arise in C8-T1 roots and extends to the lower trunk and medial cord of brachial plexus. Manifestations of this nerve involvement range from elbow pain and intermittent hand paresthesia to marked sensory loss, wasting and weakness  of hand muscles and a claw hand. Ulnar nerve lesion in the elbow region commonly follows surgery in which general anesthesia is used (particularly in patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery). The patient presented in this article was a 56-year-old male who was involved in left ulnar nerve lesion after undergoing coronary artery bypass graft. In electrodiagnostic study we noticed diffused demyelination lesion of the ulnar nerve with dominancy in elbow region along with secondary axonal degeneration. Therefore, suitable positioning of elbow is recommended to avoid the  nervous complications of these operations.

Behzad Babapour , Ali Khaledi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Usually, among the candidate patients for cardiac valve's surgery, the coronary artery angiography is performed according to their age and gender. By this research, the prevalence of coronary artery disease is studied in addition we have tried to consider the risk - factors of coronary artery disease to predict the probability of coronary artery disease among them.

  Methods: we studied prospectively a population of 320 patients (144 male and 176 female) who were candidate to cardiac valve's surgery and underwent preoperative angiography in the cath - Lab of Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran, from April - 1999 to October - 2003.

  Result: There was aortic valvulopathy in 131 patients, mitral in 90 and combined Mitro-aortic in 99. Angina was present in 35% and coronary artery disease risk factors in 27.8% of patients. The prevalence of coronary artery disease was 13.1 %. The prevalence of coronary artery disease in patients with angina was significantly higher (22.3% versus 8.2% in patients without angina). In addition the prevalence of coronary artery disease was significantly higher in patients with coronary artery disease risk factors (22.5% versus 9.5% in patients without risk factors). Three predictive factors of CAD in these patients were age, presence of angina pectoris and presence of CAD risk Factors. The prevalence of CAD in patients who have neither angina nor risk factors was 4.6%. In this group of patients no male under 60 years old and only 3.5% of female patients under 65 years old had coronary artery disease.

  Conclusion: The study showed that due to the low prevalence of coronary artery disease in patients with none of the coronary risk factors or without angina, we can avoid preoperative coronary angiography in males under 60 years old and females under 65 years old who have neither angina nor risk factors of CAD.

Fariborz Akbarzadeh , Naser Aslan Abadi , Abdolrasool Safaiyan ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Many risk factors are important in genesis of coronary artery disease. Their effect and prevalence are different in hypertensive patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of cardiac risk factors in hypertensive patients and compare those in normotensive patients.

  Methods: With descriptive cross sectional study and random sampling, 976 of 3000 patients’ units who underwent coronary angiography (CAG) during year of 2004 were studied. Demographic and angiographic data were collected. Data entry and analysis were done by SPSS 11.5 and EPI 6 statistical software.

  Results: Prevalence of patients who underwent CAG was 60.5%. Mean age of patients were 58.6 and 53.9 years and prevalence of CAD were 84 and 84.5 percent in hypertensive and non hypertensive patients respectively. Prevalence of two and three vessel disease was higher in hypertensive patients. Male gender, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and age were main predictors of CAD in hypertensive patients but in normotensive patients male gender, smoking, familial history and age were major predictors.

  Conclusion: Prevalence of HTN, RFs and CADare high in patients who underwent CAG and pattern of CAD in our country follows western country patterns. Male gender, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and age were main predictors of CAD in hypertensive patients, respectively regarding to high prevalence of cardiac risk factors and their severe effect on genesis of CAD in hypertensive patients rapid health measures are needed for control of HTN in general population.

Samad Ghaffari, Reza Zerehpoush,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Electrocardiography is a useful method in predicting coronary artery occlusion site, left ventricular function and the prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Accurate localization of coronary artery occlusion and the extent of ischemic area are very important in decision making for invasive procedures to restore coronary perfusion.

  Methods: In this prospective study the abnormal findings of first recorded electrocardiogram in 100 patients with acute myocardial infarction w ere compared with coronary angiography findings and the value of ST-T changes in predicting coronary artery occlusion site was evaluated.

  Results: In acute anterior wall infarction, ST elevation in aVR (p=0.001), right bundle branch block (p=0.001) and ST depression in V5 strongly predicts LAD occlusion at its proximal part. Also ST depression, especially equal or more than 1 mm, in inferior leads indicates proximal LAD occlusion. The absence of such ST depression in these inferior leads correlates with distal LAD occlusion (p=0.01).ST depression of aVL also is a sign of distal LAD occlusion (p=0.01).In acute inferior wall infarction ≥ 1 mm ST depression in leads I, aVL and greater ST elevation in lead III than lead II refers to RCA involvement.

  Conclusion: In acute anterior myocardial infarction electrocardiography can help to differentiate proximal LAD lesion from its distal involvement. Also it is useful in determining the culprit vessel in acute inferior wall infarction and helps to recognize high risk patients with major benefit from invasive reperfusion strategies.

Nasrin Fouladi , Hosein Alimohammadi Asl, Firouz Amani, Farhad Pourfarzi, Nasrin Homayunfar , Mansoureh Karimollahi , Hojjatollah Safir, Adalat Hoseinian ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2012)

  Background & Objectives: Coronary artery disease is the main cause of mortality in developing and industrial countries. Recently the involvement of infectious agents as a risk factor for Acute Coronary syndrome is drafted. So this study was designed to investigate the probable association between Acute Coronary syndrome and Helicobacter pylori infection.

  Methods: This case-control study was carried out on 300 hospitalized patients with the diagnosis of Acute Coronary syndrome (UA and MI) and 300 hospitalized patients without the history of coronary heart disease. Anti Helicobacter pylori Antibody level was determined by as an indicator of infection history. Using chi-square and t- test the results were analyzed in SPSS software.

  Results: Results showed that 79 patients (26.3%) in control group and 122 patients (40.6%) in case group were seropositive and the difference was significant. Relationship between cronory diseases risk factors and levels of IgG was not significant. Also the results showed that the rate of hypertension in seropositive patients in case group was significantly upper than control group.

  Conclusion: Regarding the findings of this study we can conclude that Helicobacter pylori infection probably is a risk factor for Acute Coronary Syndrome. Thus, further studies are needed to elucidate the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Hosein Douste Kami , Adalat Hosseinian , Effat Mazaheri, Naser Aslanabadi , Samad Ghaffari , Bahram Sohrabi , Eiraj Mohammadzadeh , Farhad Pourfarzi , Naser Moaiiednia ,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (10-2013)

  Background & Objectives: Coronary bifurcation lesions are important, complex lesions with different therapeutic strategies. In this study, patients with Coronary bifurcation lesions were treated and clinical results in these patients were followed during the nine-month period.

  Methods: This descriptive analytical study was performed between January 2007 to December 2008 at Tabriz Shahid Madani Cardiovascular Center. We have studied 96 patients (83 male and 13 female). Patients on the basis of one or two stents were placed in one group and the other groups were divided based on the use of Drug Eluting Stent and Bare Metal Stent. After diagnostic angiography if coronary bifurcation lesions were present based on Medina classification, appropriate angioplasty treatment was carried out. In a situations including chest pain, electrocardiographic changes or the objective evidence of ischemia and indication of angiography, appropriate diagnostic tests during follow up period were done. Clinical outcomes including acute coronary events were recorded. And result analyzed using SPSS version 16 . Chi-square ، Fisher and T tests were used to compare the relationship between variables.

  Results: In this study 86.5% was male and 13.5% female. The mean age of these patients was 56±9.9 years old. The most prevalent risk factor was HTN with 41.7% incidence and 55.2% of patient had chronic stable angina and 26% of them had history of acute myocardial infarction, 7.2% with history of PCI and 5.2% with history Of CABGS. Most prevalent site of bifurcation was ALD/diagonal with 65.5% incidence. The most prevalent complication was mild bleeding from puncture site with 10.4% and 5.2% of patients had mild hematoma. Among patients with two stents versus one stent presence of AMI presentation with CSA, ST Elevation in ECG was statistically significant. Also involvement of SB (side branch) lesions lengths at SB, kissing ballooning after implantation of two stents were statistically significant. Among patients with DES versus BMS usage of stent in RCA, LAD, lesion lengths at PMB (proximal main branch), DMP (distal main branch) and SB, procedure time, radiation dose, fluoroscopy time were statistically significant. Among two groups MACE (major acute coronary event) in two stents patient between 1-3 month and total MACE at first 6 month were statistically significant

  Conclusion: The age of patients treated with CBL was low, also more usage of BMS and stenting of BFLs with two BMS had weak results in this study but surprisingly total results of BMS and DES did not have significant difference after 9 months follow up between two groups.

Adalat Hosseinian , Vahideh Kasayi , Alireza Mohammadzade , Shahram Habibzadeh , Fariba Saghi , Mahnaz Davari , Azam Barzegar, Mehri Seyedjavadi ,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  Background & Objectives : Nowadays, coronary artery disease is the most common cause of death in developed countries and in the whole world. According to the WHO reports, it will be the main cause of death in 2020. Myocardial infarction is the most common diagnosis among hospitalized patients in industrialized countries. This disease causes more mortality and morbidity than others. Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABGS) is one of the common treatments for ischemic heart disease but it may have some complications. In this study we wanted to evaluate the incidence of CABGS complications in Imam Khomeini Hospital of Ardabil in the first month after CABG.

  Methods: This study was a cross sectional analytic descriptive type and performed on all of the patients underwent CABGS in Imam Khomeini Hospital during 2011-2012. All of the data from patients (like demographic, past medical history, physical exam findings, paraclinical findings and CABGS complications) were inserted in special forms after gathering, and analyzed by SPSS v.16.

  Results: In this study, 211 patients were studied. About 145 (68.72%) of them were male and 66 (31.28%) were female. Seventy patient (33.17%) were more than 70 years old. About 33.22% of patients had a history of cigarette smoking and 9.95% were opioid abused. The 34.12% of patients had hypertension (HTN) history, 40.28% diabetes mellitus (DM), 17.06% history of hyperlipidemia and 63.98% had a history of the previous MI. Chest pain was the most common complication among the patients (93.36%). According to our study the prevalence rate of post CABGS complications were: bleeding after surgery 13.27%, postoperative myocardial infection 8.05%, neurological disorders 12.32%, renal complications 2.36%, respiratory symptoms 11.37% and 34.59% for cardiovascular complications. Also the total mortality was 5 (2.36%) persons. The data analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between sex with survival status, local infection and neurological disorders, and also there was a significant relationship between age with post CABGS survival, bleeding after surgery and renal complications. There was also a significant relationship between DM and post CABGS survival, local infections and respiratory complications and between HTN and local infections.

  Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the most common post CABGS complications were cardiovascular complications, especially arrhythmias.

Mehraban Shahmari, Seemin Dashti, Saeedeh Ameli , Somayeh Khalilzadeh, Adalat Hosseinian,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Background & objectives: Most of coronary angiography patients have not enough information about undergoing procedure . This lack of knowledge makes anxiety in patients and thereby changes their vital signs. There is no study regarding the effective education of patients based on their native language. This study was done to investigate the effect of video education in native language on vital signs caused by anxiety of patients undergoing coronary angiography.

Methods: This quasi experimental study was done in 2013 on 160 patients undergoing angiography in Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil. Participants were divided into two groups randomly (80 in each group): case (native video education) and control groups. The sheets of hemodynamic variables were completed in determined time intervals for data collection. ANOVA with repeated measures and Chi square were used to analyze the data in SPSS13 software. P-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The results of repeated measures ANOVA showed significant improvement in vital sign variables except for temperature in both groups over the time (p<0.05). And there was significant difference in the mean vital sign variables in determined time intervals (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Video education in native language decreases the vital signs in coronary angiography patients. Therefore the video education especially in native language is recommended for improving vital signs before invasive procedures.

Jinous Gamissi, Mohammadtaqi Masoumi, Adallat Hossinian,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background & objectives: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of mortality and disability around the world. Determination of the health status and spatial and temporal patterns of the disease prevalence has a major role in health planning.
This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal pattern of CAD in Ardabil Province.
Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed using the data belonging to 60156 patients with history of hospital admission due to CAD in Ardabil Province during 2010-2015. Hospitalization Rate (HR) was calculated after classification of the data in terms of location and date of hospitalization. The spatiotemporal and demographic variables, including age, gender, type of CAD, periods and duration of hospitalization were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA and repeated measures in SPSS v23 statistical software. Spatial distribution maps were drawn for each month and year in ArcGIS 10.2.
Results: Of 60156 hospitalized patients with CAD diagnosis, men (58%) were more in number than women (42%). The majority of hospitalized patients fell in the age range 60-69 years (25.3%), and 92.40% of patients were hospitalized for less than 7 days. An ascending pattern was observed in temporal hospitalization trend in Khalkhal and a descending trend in Ardabil. The lowest hospitalization rate, however, was observed in Kosar city despite the ascending trend. During the research period, the greatest decline in hospitalization rate was observed in temporal trend in Bilasuvar, Meshkinshahrand Namin cities, and the largest increase was observed in Germi, Pars-Abad and Kosar cities.
Conclusion: By using the comprehensive technology, GIS, spatiotemporal distribution and CAD trend during 2011-2015 were modeled in Ardabil province. Spatiotemporal trend of CAD in Ardabil province and allied cities indicated the necessity of paying more attention and studying community for further prevention of the disease. Community-based interventions should be implemented for prevention of risk factors of CAD during childhood and adolescence especially in the districts with high risk.
Hossein Raghfar , Nasrin Sargazi , Satar Mehraban , Mohammad Ali Akbarzadeh, Mohammad Reza Vaez Mahdavi , Zahra Vahdati Manesh ,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Background & objectives: cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of mortality around the whole world. However, there is limited information on its economic costs in Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluate the economic costs of coronary heart disease in Iran in 2014.
Methods: The diseases costs were calculated based on the incidence approach using a bottom-up method and a community-oriented perspective.   The drug cost information was obtained from angiographed patients (607 cases) in Shahid Modarres Hospital using simple random sampling method. Other information like disease incidence, distribution of patients, treatment patterns, length of stay and mortality rate was gathered from the literature, interview with patients, consultation with specialists, questionnaire, ministry of health and statistical center of Iran.
Results: Coronary heart diseases impose a significant economic burden in the range of 4,715 and 4,908 billion dollars (210,037,860,000,000-201,778,425,000,000 rials) upon Iran economic system. The medical costs and the costs of lost productivity due to premature death were calculated at USD 3.572 billion (152,863,740,000,000 rials) and USD 933 million (39,927,735,000,000 rials) respectively. The major part of medical costs was related to angioplasty costs (47%) and the minor part was related to drug costs (1.15%).
Conclusion: Coronary heart diseases impose a lot of financial costs to Iran healthcare system which cover more than 16% of whole healthcare financial costs. It is possible to streamline all consequential costs due to coronary heart disease by means of economic and effective use of resources and widespread self-care plan.
Mahsa Haji Mohammad Hoseini , Leila Ghanbari Afra, Monire Ghanbari Afra, Mohsen Taghadosi, Zahra Afshar Vala , Mohammad Reza Yeganehkhah,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (1-2019)

Introduction & objectives: Marital satisfaction is a very important aspect of a couple's relationship that is affected by various factors such as cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to assess the sexual satisfaction based on the left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) in patients with coronary artery disease.
Methods: This descriptive  cross-sectional study was performed on 220 patients with acute coronary disease admitted to angiography ward of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2018. The data collection tools in this study included background and clinical information checklists and Larson's sexual satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis was performed with chi-square, one-way ANOVA and univariate and multivariate regression test.
Results: The mean sexual satisfaction of all participants was 103.24±13.62. Their average sexual satisfaction in people with LVEF in range of >55%, 45-55%, 35-45% and <35% was 106.29±14.49, 105.95±10.12, 103.84±12.18 and 96.89±17.7 (p=0.041) respectively.
Conclusion: LVEF is an important factor in sexual satisfaction in patients with acute coronary disease and sexual satisfaction decreases by reducing of LVEF.
Ali Akbar Moradi, Amir Rashid Lamir, Rambod Khajeie, Ahmad Zendedel, Akbar Safipour Afshar,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background & objectives: ABCA1 plays an important role in HDL biosynthesis and cellular cholesterol homeostasis and is effective in preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. This study aimed to investigate the effect of combined and rehabilitation training on ABCA1 gene expression in blood lymphocytes and lipid profile in middle-aged men with coronary bypass graft.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 45 middle-aged men (mean age: 55.58±4.7 years) were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly divided into three groups of combined training (15 people), rehabilitation (n=15), and control (n=15). The combined training group included resistance and aerobic exercises and rehabilitation training group included aerobic exercises for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week). Blood samples were taken from all subjects at weeks 0 and 8 to measure the expression levels of ABCA1, HDL, and LDL genes. Kruskal-Wallis, one-way ANOVA, and Tukey post hoc tests were used for statistical analysis using SPSS software, and significance level was p≤0.05 .
Results: The results showed that eight weeks of combined training and rehabilitation training increased the expression level of the ABCA1 (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively) gene and plasma HDL (p=0.001 and p=0.012, respectively) level and decreased plasma LDL (p=0.001 and p=0.01, respectively) level. There was also a significant difference between the three groups in ABCA1 and HDL values in favor of the combined training group. 
Conclusion: It seems that combined training can be more effective than rehabilitation training to further increase ABCA1 gene expression and plasma HDL levels and decrease LDL level in middle-aged men with coronary bypass graft.
Mohadeseh Rezaei Farahabadi, Javad Khodadadi Sangdeh, Sepide Imanian Najafabadi,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Background & objective: Despite of significant advances in medicine, infectious diseases still threaten the health of society. A new type of Coronavirus called Covid-19 has become increasingly common in the world.  Because of quarantine, the interactive patterns between family members, especially couples with Corona was affected and changed. The main goal of this research is to study the factors affecting interactive patterns between couples in the Corona period according to the conditions of the disease and home quarantine.
Methods: This study is a qualitative research and was done by Phenomenological method. The Participants included 15 men and women coronavirus survivors in 2020 that were selected by targeted sampling method. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data.
Results: This research findings indicated that 5 main themes included: Changing roles, experiencing negative emotions, Coping behaviors, Support and Communication problems and 22 sub-themes.
Conclusions: The results showed that the performance of couples can play an effective role in the transition from crisis and disease and the type of their behaviors in this period can affect marital satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Ayda Naderi Pour, Soheila Derisavy Jorfian,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background & objectives: The 2019 coronavirus pandemic is a major threat to global public health due to unprecedented individual and social fear and anxiety and it puts significant stress on health-related quality of life and challenges health care professionals, including dentists, with increasing patient burdens, unprecedented disruptions in normal life and The high risk of being exposed to the disease has put them in stressful situations and therefore they are more exposed to stressful situations that can affect their quality of life. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the level of perceived stress and the quality of life of the students and professors of Ardabil Dental School in the face of the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus disease in 2021 and the relationship between these two variables with the demographic characteristics of the participants.
Methods: To measure the level of perceived stress, Cohen's Perceived Stress Questionnaire was used, and to measure the quality of life, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Standard Questionnaire-Abbreviated (WHOQOL-BREF) was used. The statistical population in this study is all dental professors and dental students of the Faculty of Dentistry of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. A significance level of less than 0.05 was considered.
Results: From the statistical population of this study, a total of 227 people including 33 professors and 194 students participated in the study. There was no significant relationship between demographic variables and perceived stress variables and quality of life. Perceived stress and quality of life were higher for professors than for students during the pandemic. There was a direct relationship between perceived stress variables and quality of life in both groups. The level of perceived stress in both groups was lower than the optimal level and the quality of life in both groups was higher than the optimal level.

Conclusion: Students and professors of Ardabil Faculty of Dentistry experienced moderate stress during the Covid-19 epidemic and had a good quality of life. By comparing between the two groups of participants, professors had more perceived stress.
Neda Mohammadpour, Nasrin Foladi, Mina Asadi,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Background & objectives: To deal with the more and sudden prevalence of   covid-19, dentists should be aware of recent developments, especially the guidelines for the prevention of covid-19. This study aimed to assess of compliance with guidelines about the prevention of covid-19 in the dental setting in Ardabil city in 2022.
Methods: This cross-sectional (descriptive-analytical) study was conducted in the period from May to August 2022. In this study, 254 general and specialist dentists were examined using full-census sampling. The tool for collecting information was a researcher-made questionnaire that was valid and reliable based on the country's guidelines, which included 6 demographic and 41 questions related to compliance with the instructions related to the prevention of covid-19. After collecting the data, they were classified and analyzed using the chi-square and Fisher's exact test. SPSS software version 26 was used for data analysis. The acceptable error level was considered 0.05.
Results: The survey results showed that the rate of compliance with guidelines about the prevention of covid-19 in the index of patient management before treatment was estimated at 45%, in the index of required equipment and personal protection requirements were 72.42%, and in the index of required therapeutic action during the pandemic was 42.81%. There was a significant difference in compliance with the guidelines related to the prevention of covid-19 based on education and work history (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in compliance with the guidelines related to the prevention of    covid-19 based on gender, age, marital status, and history of corona infection.
Conclusion: The level of compliance with the guidelines related to the prevention of  covid-19 in the dental centers of Ardabil city was at an average level and was influenced by factors such as the dentist's education and work history.
Marefat Siahkohian, Leila Fasihi, Bahman Ebrahimi Torkamani,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (1-2023)

Background & objectives: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is an important medical disorder and one of the most common heart diseases worldwide, which causes disability and economic burden. The medical and research community is increasingly interested in computer-aided coronary heart disease diagnosis through the use of machine learning methods. This study aimed to diagnose coronary heart disease using a discriminant analysis algorithm in active elderly men.
Methods: This analytical study was conducted on 351 patients of Ayatollah Kashani Hospital in Tehran. This work used discriminant analysis algorithm to diagnose coronary artery disease. Python software was used for data analysis.
Results: The results showed that by using 14 characteristics as risk factors related to the subjects' laboratory, personal and lifestyle information. The discriminant analysis algorithm could distinguish healthy and sick people with 94.4% accuracy and 88.9% precision.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that this system can probably be used as an effective and intelligent method along with other diagnostic methods by cardiologists to predict coronary artery disease. Also, new data mining methods can be effective in reducing invasive risks.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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