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Showing 4 results for Cataract Surgery

Rahim Masoomi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2004)

Background & Objectives: Senile cataract is one of the most common diseases in the world and a common cause for reduced visual acuteness and blindness. It is due to many factors the most important of which is aging. Other risk factors include gender, smoking, sunlight, living environment, high risk professions, family history, systemic diseases, etc. The present study was an attempt to investigate this disease epidemiologically and draw a general profile for it in order to pave the way for further research.

 Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive and retrospective study. The files of the patients who had received senile cataract surgical operation in Alavi hospital from March 1999 to February 2000 were investigated to collect the required data. The data were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods.

 Results: 218 patients were studied. The prevalence of this disease was found to be 83.9% which was observed among males more than females and was more common in the 6th decade of life. The disease was mostly seen in the left eye and reduced visual activity to the light perception was the most common clinical complaint among the patients. 29% of the patients were diabetic and 22.1% of them had hypertension.

  Conclusion: Because of high prevalance of cataract, it is necessary to have good medical care and management. Moreover, some training and guidelines seem necesarry.

Rahim Masoumi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2004)

Background & Objectives: Congenital cataract surgery is one of the complicated and difficult surgeries in ophthalmology. Its prevalance is one per 2000 live birth but it is one the main causes of blindness in children. This prevalence is even higher in underdeveloped countries (30 in 100000 cases). Lensectomy & vitrectomy by vitrectome device are the latest methods in this regard. The objective of this study was to evaluate the post-operative results of this method of surgery in patients operated because of congenital cataract.

  Methods: After the diagnosis of the congenital cataract and primary examinations, the patients, in necessary cases, were examined under anesthesia and if possible, in all patients retinoscopy was conducted and intraocular presure was measured. If the examination of the retin was possible, the red reflex was determined. Then the patients were garded to D( absence of cloudy lens), 1( the presence of opacity up to 1 mm), 2A (the area of apaque part less than nonopaque area), 2B (the area of opaque part more than nonopaque area) and 3 ( complete opaqcity of lens). All of the patients were evaluated in two groups: first, only congenital cataract second cataract due to trauma.

  Results: In the first group (with 24 patients and 33 eyes). 26 eyes (79%) had very good postoperative condition, 4 eyes (12%) had good condition and 3 eyes (9%) were nearly good. In the second group including 17 patients, 9 eyes (56%) were very good and 4 eyes (26%) good and 4 eyes (26%) moderate in terms of postoperative results, and none of them had poor results.

  Conclusion: Because of the good surgical results of lensectomy and vitrectomy in congenital cataract and rapid visual acuity they are still methods of choice in congenital cataract surgery.

Masoud Entezariasl, Khatereh Isazadefar , Ghodrat Akhavanakbari,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Postoperative nausea and vomiting are among the main complication after anesthesia and various methods are used for the prevention of this complication. In this study, the effect of the pre induction use of 10mg Metoclopramide’ 8 mg Dexamethasone and the combination of the both, on decreasing in the rate of nausea and vomiting after cataract surgery in intravenous anesthesia is compared with placebo.

  Methods: In this double blind clinical trial, one hundred patients of cataract surgery who are appropriate for this study were, randomly divided in to four groups. In the group of placebo (P), 2cc normal saline, in group (M), 10mg metoclopramide, in group (D), 8mg Dexamethasone, and in group (M+D), 10mg metoclopramide and 8 mg Dexamethasone, one minute before the induction of anesthesia was injected. Patients were received the anesthetic drugs in the sameway and after the tracheal intubation infusion of propofol was started. After the end of surgical operation, the appearance of nausea and vomiting in the recovery room and also 6 and 24 hours after the surgery are recorded in the patients' information forms. Finally the data were analysed by statistical software of SPSS and the statistical tests.

  Results: After the use of these drugs, the rate of nausea in the recovery room decreased from 44% in placebo to 20% in metoclopromide group, 16% in Dexamethasone group, and 8% in combination of metoclopromide and Dexamethasone and the rate of vomiting decreased from 20% in placebo group to 4% in metoclopromide group, 4% in Dexamethasone group, and 0% in combination of these two drugs, both the nausea and vomiting the effect of combination of metoclopromide and Dexamethasone in decreasing of postoperative mausea and vomiting was significant (P<0.05). The 24 hour following of nausea and vomiting, also had the same results.

  Conclusion: With regrard to the results of this study, implication of the combination of 10mg metoclopromide and 8mg Dexamethasone before the induction of anesthesia remarkably decreased the rate of postoperative nausea and vomiting and is useful for the high risk groups for this complication especially in out patient surgery.

Masoud Entezariasl, Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari , Khatereh Isazadeh Far,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: With consideration the daily increased development of outpatient surgeries and high rate of these operations in elderly patients, rapid and safe recovery of patients for coming back to daily life is necessary. In this clinical trial study recovery time and nausea and vomiting after the use of two rapid-onset narcotic, alfentanil and remifentanil in elderly patients has been compared.

  Methods: In this double-blind clinical trial 40 elderly patients (age above 65) candidated to cataract surgery with general anesthesia were studied. The patients were divided randomly into two groups and for first group alfentanil was injected 10 m g/kg and for second group remifentanil 0.5 m g/kg during 30 seconds one minute before induction. Both two groups were under general anesthesia with same method and during the anesthesia first group took infusion of alfentanil 1 m g/kg/min and second group remifentanil 0.1 m g/kg/min. At the end of surgery the time intervals between end of anesthesia drug adminstration and autonomic respiration, eyes opening with stimulation, verbal response and discharge of recovery room, also the incidence of complications related to narcotic drugs especially nausea and vomiting were recorded. The data were analyzed in SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics as T-test, chi square and ANOVA.

  Results: The time of autonomic respiration in alfentanil group was 2 minutes and in remifentanil group 3.3 minutes,this time in alfentanil groupe1.3 minutes shorter but the difference was not significant. The time of eyes opening with stimulation, verbal response and discharge of recovery room were not significantly different. During recovery incidence of nausea and vomiting in remifentanil group (30% of patients) was significantly more than alfentanil group (5% of patients) (P<0.05).

  Conclusion: The time of recovery between alfentanil and remifentanil group was not significantly different, but incidence of nausea and vomiting in remifentanil group was higher than alfentanil group significantly.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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