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Showing 2 results for Body Composition

Babak Nakhostin-Roohi, Nasrin Vaezi ,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (9-2011)

 Background & Objectives: Effects of new educational programs on health and physical fitness promotion is an important issue which needs regular evaluations. Physical fitness has many advantages such as cardio-respiratory health promotion, prevention of some diseases and improvement of quality of life. On the other hand, it has been shown that there is significant relationship between waterpipe smoking and cancer, cardiovascular as well as pulmonary diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between addiction to waterpipe smoking and cardio-respiratory fitness and body composition of physical education students in Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch.

 Methods: One hundred and eighty-one physical education students participated in this study. All subjects were selected by cluster sampling method. Cardio-Respiratory fitness (using Cooper test), Body Mass Index (BMI), Fat percent (using 2-point Lohman equation), addiction to waterpipe smoking, smoke exposure and awareness of waterpipe effects on athletic performance (using questionnaire) were evaluated.

 Results: The body composition of the most students was not suitable (50.3% extra fat), but the cardio-respiratory fitness of male students was better than that of female students.

 Furthermore, In spite of decrease in waterpipe smoking in comparison to last year (13.3% versus 35.6%), many non-smoking students are exposed to waterpipe smoke (21.0%) and some of them (48.1%) had little information about the harmful effects of waterpipe smoking on athletic performance.

 Conclusion: According to results of this study improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness and body composition of physical education students and enhancement of their information about side-effects of waterpipe smoking should be emphasized

Hamid Vasfi, Hamid Mohebbi, Marefat Siahkouhian, Lotfollah Rezagholizadeh, Abuzar Jorbonian,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Background: Weight gain and obesity are the global health problem. Time-restricted feeding is a relatively new method of weight loss with many metabolic and anthropometric benefits. Low-intensity aerobic exercise also has beneficial effects on weight loss and metabolic factors; However, the combined effect of TRF and low-intensity aerobic exercise on metabolic and anthropometric factors in healthy overweight middle-aged men has rarely been investigated. The present research has investigated this purpose.
Methods: Among 55 volunteers, 27 healthy middle-aged men in the age (35 to 55) with overweight (25 The groups included: 1-TRF18:6 & EX 2-TRF 16:8 & EX 2-TRF 14:10 & EX. Three groups performed TRF protocols with different feeding times (6, 8 and 10 hours of free feeding) and fasting in the remaining 24 hours, and the same low -intensity aerobic exercise (55-65% of maximum heart rate). The interventions continued for 12 weeks. Blood and body composition tests were measured before and after the intervention. Daily food intake was measured before the intervention and during 12 weeks. Finally, all the data were analyzed.Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used for analysis. P values ​​less than 0.05 were considered as a significant criterion in all statistical tests.
Results: The combination of TRF and exercise decreased glucose and insulin resistance in all groups. Cholesterol and LDL decreased in the 6-h and 8-h TRF groups. HDL reduction was significant only in the 8-h TRF group. Weight and BMI were reduced in the 6-h and 8-h TRF groups. The percentage of fat reduced in the 6-h group.  There was no significant difference between the groups for any of the variables. The average energy received in 12 weeks was not significantly different in any group; however the 6-h model caused a greater decrease in the average energy received during 12 weeks than in the other two groups.
Conclusion: The 6-h TRF model along with light aerobic exercise is suggested as the most reliable method to improve the metabolic and anthropometric profile in overweight middle-aged men.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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