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Bahman Bashardoust , Saeid Sadegie Ahari , Firooz Amani , Fatemeh Haedar Pour,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Uremia polyneuropathies especially peripheral neuropathy in chronic hemodialysis patients are very common and its orevalance different and reported between 18-80%. This study was designed to investigate prevalence of neuropathy and its relation ship with duration and adequacy of dialysis in Booali Hospital.

  Methods: This study was an analytic-descriotive study that has been done on 30 patients under hemodialysis and the examinations of which was done by neurologists. To analyze the KT/V for dialysis adequacy, a software from HDCN site was used EMG and NCV to the lower and upper parts were performed to all patients by a neurologist.

 The required tests were extancted from patients' serial tests. In this study patients with hepatitis C, D, diabetes and Amiloid were excuded from the study. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical method in SPSS program.

  Results: EMG showed that 40% of patients had carpal tunnel syndrome (65.7% Mild, 13.3% Moderate, and 13.3% Sever in which then was no significant relationship between efficacy and time length. In 56.7% of patients KT/V had higher than 1.2 (Normal), 16.7% had KT/V between 1-1.2 (Acceptable) and 16.7% have KT/V less than 1 (Non Acceptable).

  Conclusion: Inspite of the new and improved method of hemodialysis, in comparson with the past the prevalence of neuropathy was higher in hemodialysis patients and there was no change in the prevalence of neuropathy. There is no significant relationship between dialysis efficacy and neuropathy. It seems that caulative factors neuropathy like urea were not prevent and they are made within the body.

Khalil Rostami, Abbas Yazdanbood , Nayereh Amini Sani, Faranak Moharami ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

 Background & Objectives: One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is gallstone and its complications, that leads to hospitalization and expensive cost. Since Causative factors in this disease are so many that some of them can be preventable and there has not been a study on the risk factor and gallstone, this study investigates the relationship between riskfactor and gallstone,

 Methods: This was a case-control. study A total of 150 patients with gallstone using the simple nonrandomized method were selected and were compared with 150 hospital controls with which they were matched. The risk factors for gallstone formation (age, gender, family history, parity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia) were assessed in all of subjects. The association of gallstone with all these risk factor was evaluated with statistical tests including chi-square, ANOVA.

  Results: In this study, 117 cases (78%) were female and the other 33 cases (22%) were male. 42 persons (28%) were between 40-49 years old and about body mass index 63 persons (42%) were at the range of 25-299 (overweight). The mean serum level of triglyceride in women of case-group was 152.7 ± 7.5 in comparison with 117.8 ± 57.7 mg/dl in control group (p=0.001). Mean duration of oral contraceptive pills in case was 6.9 ± 4.9 in comparison with 3.1 ± 2.9 years in control group. There was a positive correlation between Goldstone, BMI and mean serum trighyceridz level in women (p=0.001, p=0.001). There was not any arelationship between the parity, smoking, hyper chlostrolemia, hypertriglyceride (in men), positive family history and gallstone.

 Conclusion: In this study, bidy mas index, the period of taking oral contraceptive pills and triglyceride play roles in gallstone formation. Since these factors can be interventional, it is essential that good plannings be devised to improve them.

Mohammadhosein Somi, Sara Farhang , Taher Eftekhrsadat, Eiraj Gorbani Golzari ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

 Background & Objectives:Barrett’s esophagus is the most severe complication of gastroesophageal reflux which may lead to Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. The epidemiologic aspects of this condition is not completed studied in Iran. The aim of this study is to appraise short segment Barrett’s esophagus in patients which are evaluated due to their reflux related symptoms in a university endoscopy center.

 Methods:During this cross-sectional study, short segment Barrett’s esophagus was investigated in 100 consequent patients with reflux symptoms (heart burn and/or acid regurgitation) for at least one year. After obtaining their consent for upper endoscope, they were studied interms of short barrett esophagus Four biopsies from esophageal side of gastroesophageal junction for histologic evaluation, and one from antrum for rapid urease test used for Helicobacter pylori were obtained. Barrett’s esophagus was confirmed by appearance of intestinal metaplasia by two pathologists.

  Results: Among 100 eligible subjects, 39 patients were male and 61 were female with a mean (±SD) age of 42.31±15.12 years. Prevalence of short segment Barrett’s esophagus in this study was 8%. Barrett’s esophagus was not related to gender, symptoms and their severity but was significantly more frequent in patients experienced their symptoms for more than 5 years. Barrett’s esophagus was not related to the presence of esophagitis. Infection with Helicobacter pylori was related to less esophagitis but was not related to presence of Barrett’s esophagus.

 Conclusion:According to the high prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus in subjects with reflux related symptoms in our region, upper gastroesophageal endoscopic evaluation of patients with symptoms more than 5 years is recommended even before age 40. Patients may benefit from Concentration the attention of the endoscopist for taking biopsies.

Hasan Edalatkhah, Leila Masodi ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Eczema is an inflammatory skin reaction to exogenous and endogenous factors which originate by processes within the body. One of clinical forms is Dry palmar Eczema. This condition affects housewives and cleaners who frequently immerse their hands in water and detergents. Emollients and topical steroids are used in all cases of Eczema. It is believed that alpha-hydroxy acid agents causes the regrowth and increase the viable epidermal thickness. This study showes the effects of Alpha- hidroxy acids and Vaseline on housewives hand Eczema.

  Methods: At this clinical trial, 22 housewives who had mild dry palmar Eczema were entered to study. One hand was treated by A.H.A (7% glycolic acid) and the other hand by vaselin (placebo) for a month, four times daily. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS soft ware.

  Results: Age mean of patients were 26±2 years. There was a significant relationship between Alpha-hydrocy acid and erythema improvement whith 99% confidence (p<0.01) and also between Vaseline and arrhythmia improvement with 95% confidence (p<0.04). There was a significant relationship between performing preventive recommendation and the decline in the number of complaints (p<0.01). Improvement was seen in the epidermal atrophia in 50% of the cases in Alpha-hydroxy acid group (p<0.0001). Whereas in the Vaseline group' it was not seen.

  Conclusion: Improvement and repair in Damages of stratum corneum of Epidermis by A.H.A agents is better done than through Vaseline. Howere, Vaseline is also effective in decreasing complaints and Erythema.

Parnian Alizadeh Oskoee, Siavash Savadi Oskoee, Mahdi Abed Kahnamuee, Moharram Baghery Paridlu,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Vast usage of Amalgam and it's poisoning nature related to mercury necessited the hygiene aspects of mercury to be put in to consideration. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of dentists towards the principles of mercury hygiene.

  Methods : In this descriptive analytic study, 116 dentists in their private clinic were selected randomly and were analyzed for the above parameters by questionnaire. Data were analyzed in spss.14/win software with descriptive statistic methods, t test and Pearson correlation test.

  Results : The mean of knowledge, attitude and practice of dentists were 45.74±13.28, 68.96±10.62 and 17.43±17.55 respectively. There was no statistically significant correlation between the knowledge and attitude and practice of principles of mercury hygiene. Besides there was no significant correlation between sex, specialty and graduation time with those parameters.

  Conclusion: Despite positive attitude and knowledge, practice of Tabriz dentists is not favorable. According to the positive attitude and the willingness of the dentists for knowledge enhancement and optimizing the practice for mercury hygiene, appropriate programming for mercury hygiene instruction during the educational period and continuing educational program can be very advantageous.

Gholamhosein Farjah , Tahmineh Peirouvi, Mohammadtaghi Joghataei , Mahdi Mehdizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Formation of myelin depends on maturation and development of the axonal cytoskeleton andmitochondria. Collagen gel can specifically play role in the regulation and development of axonal cytoskeleton.

  Methods: This research is an experimental study in which forty eight male rats (200-250g) were used. After axotomy, 1 cm segment of the sciatic nerve in rats was removed, and the gap was then bridged by one of the four following methods: polyvinylidene fluoride or PVDF + Collagen gel, Autograft, sham and control. Sciatic nerve was studied by electron microscope by the end of the 4th week and the 12th week.

  Results: By the end of the 4th week after the regeneration the number of unmyelinated axons in autograft and Collagen Gel was not significant, by the end of the 12th week, the number of unmyelinated axons in autograft group was superior to that of nerve growth factor group (P<0.01). After 12 weeks of regeneration, microtubular density values of normal and autograft groups were not statistically different. The cristae of axonal mitochondria in experimental groups are orientate parallel with its long dimension.

  Conclusion: The results of study indicated that because of its positive effect on the growth and development of microtubules and mitochodria, collagen Gel combination with PVDF can be used to repair peripheral nerve injuries.

Masoud Noroozianavval , Peghah Veisi, Mohammad Aghaeishahsavari , Hasan Argani, Nadere Rashtchizadeh, Amir Ghorbanihaghjo,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives : Panel-reactive antibody (PRA) is a routine test to evaluate for sensitized human leukocyte antigens (HLA) before kidney transplantation. The present study evaluates the correlation of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) polymorphisms with the level of PRA in renal transplant candidates.

  Methods: This study included 108 renal transplant candidates. The current patients sera were screened by standard complement-dependent microlymphocytotoxicity technique. RAS polymorphisms were determined by polymerase chain reaction. PRA<10, 10-29, 30-49, and ≥50 considered as negative, mild, moderate, and highly positive PRA, respectively.

  Results: Twelve (11.1%) patients had positive PRA, among them 10 (83.3%) had mild and 2 (16.7%) of them had moderate PRA levels we had no highly positive PRA. Ninety-six of cases (88.9%) were negative for PRA. There was no significant correlation between discrete RAS polymorphisms (alone or together) and the degree of panel antibody reactivity (P>0.05).

 Conclusion: We suggest that none of the RAS polymorphisms could predict the positivity degree of PRA level.

Farzaneh Maleki , Farzaneh Delgoshaee , Mohammadreza Khakzad , Mohammad Wejdanparast, Behiyeh Zakerian ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: :Contact Dermatitis (C.D) is a common condition and 5.4% of population are suffering from it. Main treatments are based on emollients and corticosteroids. and in C.D cellular infiltration are mononuclears chiefly T. helper lymphocytes. The aim of this study was to have a new approach to herbals with new science covering and study the efficacy of alcoholic extracts of 4 herbals: henna, camomile cedar and aloevera in experimental C.D on mice.

  Methods: In a pilot experimental study first we chose 70 mice (ENMARY race, 50 ± 10gr weight as case group, then we shaved behind of their left ears (at the days 0 and 1) and rubbed DNCB 400 mg/ml on the skin.At the 10th and 14th day the same amount of DNCB again was rubbed on the left ear. On the right ear the same amount of olive oil in Acetone dissolver was rubbed,as control group. Then at the times of 2, 10, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 150 hrs after the 2nd contact, the mice were killed with Ether, cutting the ears from base and prepared pathological sections for study of cellular infiltration. In second stage alcoholic extracts of 4 plants were prepared, then herbal cream with 4% concentration in cold cream as pallish cream were made, with considering the results of first stage that showed the maximal infiltration was at 120 hr after contact, the creams were rubbed every 12hr for 7 days on 40 mice in 4 groups that had been sensitized before with DNCB. 2 groups (20 mice) were considered as control (10 mice received no drugs and 10 mice received cold cream). 60 mice were chosen in the second phase and in general 130 mice were investigated.

  Results: lymphocytic infiltration reduced after 7 days application of drugs for camomile group about 66/7%, cedar 50%, alaevera 12/5% and henna 0%

  Conclusion: Camomile chammazolen, Inositol had the best response (66/7% severe response) on improvement of contact dermatitis (P=0.02)

Peyman Azghani , Alireza Samarbafzadeh, Ahmad Farajzadeh, Fransva Feval , Alireza Khorramifar,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Mycobacterium leprae is the cause for leprosy which is a contagious disease in many developing countries. These diseases have always been a dreadful one for its unpleasant clinical symptoms and the disabilities it causes. It has the most prolonged cell division time of all bacteria (12-14 days). Its incubation period is long (3-5 years) even 40 years has been reported. The complications which it leaves are irreversible and it bears a heavy socio-mental burden on the individual and the society. WHO has listed 91 countries with leprosy. The goal of the present study was the early diagnosis of the disease before the emergence of unpleasant clinical symptoms and popularizing molecular method of PCR in place of the conventional method of slit skin smear which is not a precise or reliable method.

  Methods: In this study 40 slit skin smear and the same number of skin biopsies were taken from patients referring Bababaghi Hospital and samples from ear lobes and eyebrows were taken. Slit skin smears were stained with Zeihl-Neelsen method and examine microscopically. At the same timy biopsy specimens were extracted.

 Results: Of 40 samples, three slit-skin specimens (7.5%) had positive smear result, while 14 (35%) biopsies had PCR positive result. The rest (11 cases) probably had TT or borderline forms of BB, BT, BL).

 Conclusion: The results showed that SSS is not a precise and reliable method for diagnosing leprosy especially in TT form which is always negative direct smear. Also direct smear method and clinical symptoms are not accurate or reliable methods in estimating the rate of disease prevalence.

Fariborz Akbarzadeh , Naser Aslan Abadi , Abdolrasool Safaiyan ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Many risk factors are important in genesis of coronary artery disease. Their effect and prevalence are different in hypertensive patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of cardiac risk factors in hypertensive patients and compare those in normotensive patients.

  Methods: With descriptive cross sectional study and random sampling, 976 of 3000 patients’ units who underwent coronary angiography (CAG) during year of 2004 were studied. Demographic and angiographic data were collected. Data entry and analysis were done by SPSS 11.5 and EPI 6 statistical software.

  Results: Prevalence of patients who underwent CAG was 60.5%. Mean age of patients were 58.6 and 53.9 years and prevalence of CAD were 84 and 84.5 percent in hypertensive and non hypertensive patients respectively. Prevalence of two and three vessel disease was higher in hypertensive patients. Male gender, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and age were main predictors of CAD in hypertensive patients but in normotensive patients male gender, smoking, familial history and age were major predictors.

  Conclusion: Prevalence of HTN, RFs and CADare high in patients who underwent CAG and pattern of CAD in our country follows western country patterns. Male gender, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and age were main predictors of CAD in hypertensive patients, respectively regarding to high prevalence of cardiac risk factors and their severe effect on genesis of CAD in hypertensive patients rapid health measures are needed for control of HTN in general population.

Davar Amani , Mohammadhasan Zahir , Mojtaba Karimzadeh, Sadegh Feizollah Zadeh, Mohammadhosein Dehghan ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

 Background & Objective: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) develop as recognition and defense against malignant cells by the host immune system. T cells are the most tumor infiltrating immune cells. There are controversial data about intratumor T cells and many have proposed diverse mechanisms for dysfunction of TILs. The aim of this study is analyzing Tumor Infiltrating T lymphocytes in patients with breast cancer by immunophenotyping.

 Methods: Sixteen women suffering from breast cancer were examined thirteen of them were confirmed histologically to be invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Tissue samples from patients and matched control group were processed for analysis by flow cytometry.

 Results: Results indicated that human breast cancer contain variable numbers of TILs. No significant changes in the percent of intratumor CD45+, CD3+ and CD3+/CD45+ cells were observed between studied group. Also there were no significant differences between cancer patients (group 1 and 2) and control group in the case of infiltration and activation status of T cells subpopulations. CD4+ cells in IDC patients and CD8+ cells in patients with other tumors (ILC+AMC) were the most infiltrated TILs. Intratumor TCD8+ cells expressed HLA-DR markers significantly more than CD25 as activation marker. In this investigation we could not find any correlation between TIL and both size and clinical stages of tumor.

 Conclusion: An immune infiltrate is an invariable finding in breast cancers, with considering the activation marker expression, TIL may be activated, albeit partially. Understanding the insensitive and/or suppressive nature of cancer cells to the immune system may provide important insights into tumor escape mechanisms as well as the development of anti-cancer strategies.

Nayereh Amini Sani , Darioush Savadi Oskoui, Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran, Saeid Dastgiri , Mazyar Hashemilar, Maryam Jafariani,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Cerebrovascular disease mortality rates have declined in some countries during recent decades. Changes in mortality rates over time could be attributed to changes in disease incidence or case fatality rate. Very few studies have provided information regarding survival after stroke. We aimed to determine the case-fatality rate (28 days) among patients with first-ever stroke from a population-based study in Ardabil province, Northwest of Iran.

  Methods: This study was conducted between May 2005 and February 2006, all individuals with an acute stroke who were residents in Ardabil province and hospitalized at Alavi Hospital, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria. The data were analyzed through SPSS, Chi square and variance analysis.

  Results: A total of 352 patients with first-ever stroke were registered, and 346 (96%) were followed up. 288 (81.8%) ischemic stroke, 16.2% (57) ICH and 2% SAH. By 28 days, 70 patients (20.3%) had died. Hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease history were reported in 61.6%, 16.8% and 26.1% respectively and 19.8% of patients were smokers. Mean age of survivors was different from patients who died at 28 days after index event (64.2±12.9 VS 69.1±10.9, p=0.03). The proportion surviving 28 days varied from 16.2% among patients with ischemic stroke to 43% among ICH and SAH. For ischemic stroke, Survival rates were similar for men and women, whereas men with ICH had lower survival than women.

  Conclusion: Case fatality rate after first-ever stroke is substantial. Rates of mortality differ according to patients diagnosis, age, sex, and heart disease. These data highlight the importance of long-term secondary prevention.

Masoud Entezariasl, Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari , Khatereh Isazadeh Far,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: With consideration the daily increased development of outpatient surgeries and high rate of these operations in elderly patients, rapid and safe recovery of patients for coming back to daily life is necessary. In this clinical trial study recovery time and nausea and vomiting after the use of two rapid-onset narcotic, alfentanil and remifentanil in elderly patients has been compared.

  Methods: In this double-blind clinical trial 40 elderly patients (age above 65) candidated to cataract surgery with general anesthesia were studied. The patients were divided randomly into two groups and for first group alfentanil was injected 10 m g/kg and for second group remifentanil 0.5 m g/kg during 30 seconds one minute before induction. Both two groups were under general anesthesia with same method and during the anesthesia first group took infusion of alfentanil 1 m g/kg/min and second group remifentanil 0.1 m g/kg/min. At the end of surgery the time intervals between end of anesthesia drug adminstration and autonomic respiration, eyes opening with stimulation, verbal response and discharge of recovery room, also the incidence of complications related to narcotic drugs especially nausea and vomiting were recorded. The data were analyzed in SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics as T-test, chi square and ANOVA.

  Results: The time of autonomic respiration in alfentanil group was 2 minutes and in remifentanil group 3.3 minutes,this time in alfentanil groupe1.3 minutes shorter but the difference was not significant. The time of eyes opening with stimulation, verbal response and discharge of recovery room were not significantly different. During recovery incidence of nausea and vomiting in remifentanil group (30% of patients) was significantly more than alfentanil group (5% of patients) (P<0.05).

  Conclusion: The time of recovery between alfentanil and remifentanil group was not significantly different, but incidence of nausea and vomiting in remifentanil group was higher than alfentanil group significantly.

Esmaeil Pesianian, Ali Movaffagi , Abdolnaser Rafi, Mohammadali Hosseinpour Feizi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Ultrasound waves are extensively used for therapeutic application in physiotherapy. The therapeutic effects of ultrasound often result from the increasing temperature in the exposed tissues, although the nonthermal effects, such as cavitation have an important therapeutic role, the amount of heating depends upon the intensity and frequency of ultrasound. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of alterations in intensity and frequency of therapeutic ultrasound on chromosome aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

  Methods: This study which was a longitudinal and semi experimental one, was carried out in vivo condition as pre and post treatment. Twenty individuals were selected nonrandomly out of the patients referring to the physiotherapy unit. The studied samples were provided into four stages of before the treatment, the end of the fifth session, the end of the tenth session and a week after the end of the treatment, respectively. The treatment was carried out using ultrasound waves in different intensities and frequencies and the results obtained before the treatment were compared with three stages after the treatment. The results were analyzed by Wilcoxon and Friedman statistical tests.

  Results: The mean of the total number of chromosome aberrations at the first stage before exposure was 0.45 percent that in comparison comparing with the second stage after exposure it reached 1.62 percent (p=0.02), at the third stage to 3.23 percent (p=0.008) and at the fourth stage to 1.59 percent. A significant increase was observed between increase of ultr asound intensity and chromosom al aberrations frequency (p=0.002).

  Conclusion: It seems that exposure to therapeutic ultrasound waves with high intensities leads to an increase in the frequency of chromosome aberrations in the individuals undergoing exposure. However, increasing the frequency of these waves did not have significant effects on chromosome aberrations of the studied specimens.

Nayereh Khadem , Ahmadshah Farhat, Nayereh Ghomian , Samira Ibrahimzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Preeclampsia is an unknown disease. It was seen in 3.7% of live births and it is the cause of mothers' death in 18%. In addition to complications for mothers, fetal damage have also been seen. Also we sought to consider predictors of neonatal outcome in women with preeclampsia and normal women.

  Methods: It is a prospective and cross-sectional study that was performed on 127 preeclampsia pregnant women and 254 normal pregnancy. Statistical analysis was performed by software SPSS/Win and was used X2 test for analysis of the results.

  Results: Prevalence of preterm labor was 54.4% in women with preeclampsia and 25% in normal pregnancy. There was no statistical difference such as parity (P=0.157), age (P=0.256) and type of delivery (P= 0.226). There was a significant difference between two groups in gestational age (P<0.0001), birth weight (P<0.0001), neonatal mortality (P=0.013), neonatal Apgar score (P=0.005) and NICU admission (P<0.0001).

  Conclusion: It is clear that the difference between two groups is mainly because of preterm labor in preeclampsia group. Attention to exact control of illness and avoidance of making rash decision for terminating pregnancy in mild preeclampsia can improve outcomes of Neonates.

Gholamreza Sharifirad , Aziz Kamran , Mohammadhasan Entezari ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Diabetes is one of diseases in which the main part of treatment depends on the patient's responsibility. Therefore their knowledge of the various aspects of nutrition has great importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diabetic diet education on nutritional behaviors. FBS and BMI of patients with type II Diabetes mellitus in Iranian Diabetic Association.

  Methods: 88 type II diabetic patients from Iranian Diabets Association (Karaj Branch) participated in this study. The Patients were randomly divided into two groups as experimental (44) and control group (44). Data were collected with a valid and reliable questionnaire (58questions) and checklist in two stage of before and one month after intervention.

  Results: After the intervention in the experimental group regarding diabetes and nutritional behaviors, there was a significant increase in mean score of knowledge (from 57.50 to 80.18) and a significant decrease in the mean of BMI (from 28.3 to 27.9) and in the mean of fasting blood sugar (from 167.9 to 134.5) (p<0.001). However, there was no significant change in the control group.

  Conclusion: The finding of this study indicated the efficacy of education on FBS and BMI in patients with type II diabetes.

Fariba Sadeghi Movahhed , Farideh Mostafazadeh, Mehrnaz Mashoufi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

 Background & Objective: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common disease in psychiatry which increases anxiety in approximately 2% of the world population. Recent reports suggest that OCD starts in menstruation, Pregnancy, post-partum periods which causes failure in women's quality of life. The aim of study was to determine the onset of (OCD) in fertile women.

 Methods: In a descriptive study in 2006, 53 women with DSM-IV were interviewed for obsessive disorder at psychiatry clinic of Fatemi hospital. A questionnaire including two parts on demographic information and 8 questions on the onset of obsessive disorder in menstruation, pregnancy, puerperium periods was completed. Data were analyzed through SPSS.

 Results: In 3.8%, the onset of obsessive disorder was with the first menstruation period. In 12.5% it was during pregnancy. In 57.1% (4) of obsessive samples onset of obsessive was in second pregnancy. In 16.24% onset of OCD was after delivery. In 28.8% it was after first delivery and 30% after first delivery had affective disorders.

 Conclusion: The menstruation, pregnancy, post partum may be a periods of risk for recurrence or onset of obsessive compulsive disorder and women should be taken care of more in order to avoid disorders like depression. Midwife clinicians caring for women need to be aware of the impact of these symptoms and attention for mental health in women.

Ehya Garveriani , Mohammad Mahdi Aslani , Shahram Habibzadeh , Afshin Fathi ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Yersinia spp is from Enterobacteriacea family. The members of this group are all gram negative bacilli or cocobacili and non-spore and negative heme-oxidase which casuses a vast spectrum of diseases in humans the commonest one of which is gastroenteritis. Other diseases and clinical syndromes are septicemia, mesenteric lymphadenitis, Appendicitis, pharyngitis and rarely Reiter's syndrome. Due to frequent reports of febrile gastro-enteritis from Health centers of Ardebil, the probability of gastroenteritis resulted from Yersinia in this cold province is predictable. Thus this study was done to determine the role of Yersinia spp in the diarrhea of children under 5 in the cold seasons of the year in Ardebil.

  Methods: Stool samples from 490 children under 5 with diarrhea in a 7-month period were collected, and transferred in carry-Blair to the laboratory. Stool samples were cultured on Mac-Conkey agar and Salmonella-Shigella agar and Yersinia selective agar, TCBS agar and selenate agar. After adequate incubation, the growing colonies were identified according to the standard biochemical methods.

  Results: of 490 samples, only 405 were suitable to be cultured of which 9.38% pathogenic bacteria were isolated. The frequency distribution of the separated bacteria were as follows Y.enterocolitica, 13 species vibrio, 11 species Enteropathogenic E.coli, 6 species Salmonella, 5 species Shigella, 2 species and plesiomonas, one species.

  Conclusion: The findings of this study are the indicator of the role of Yersinia spp in diarrhea in the cold seasons of the year in the cold and mountainous province of Ardebil. On the other hand, the frequency of isolated vibria was due to simultaneous cholera epidemy in this area.

Samad Ghaffari, Reza Zerehpoush,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Electrocardiography is a useful method in predicting coronary artery occlusion site, left ventricular function and the prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Accurate localization of coronary artery occlusion and the extent of ischemic area are very important in decision making for invasive procedures to restore coronary perfusion.

  Methods: In this prospective study the abnormal findings of first recorded electrocardiogram in 100 patients with acute myocardial infarction w ere compared with coronary angiography findings and the value of ST-T changes in predicting coronary artery occlusion site was evaluated.

  Results: In acute anterior wall infarction, ST elevation in aVR (p=0.001), right bundle branch block (p=0.001) and ST depression in V5 strongly predicts LAD occlusion at its proximal part. Also ST depression, especially equal or more than 1 mm, in inferior leads indicates proximal LAD occlusion. The absence of such ST depression in these inferior leads correlates with distal LAD occlusion (p=0.01).ST depression of aVL also is a sign of distal LAD occlusion (p=0.01).In acute inferior wall infarction ≥ 1 mm ST depression in leads I, aVL and greater ST elevation in lead III than lead II refers to RCA involvement.

  Conclusion: In acute anterior myocardial infarction electrocardiography can help to differentiate proximal LAD lesion from its distal involvement. Also it is useful in determining the culprit vessel in acute inferior wall infarction and helps to recognize high risk patients with major benefit from invasive reperfusion strategies.

Asghar Mohammadpooras, Ali Fakhari , Fatemeh Rostami , Rezagholi Vahidi, Saeid Dastgiri ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Limited information is available on adolescent’s substance abuse in Iran. The aim of this study is to estimate prevalence of substance abuse among the sample of sophomore male students in Tabriz city, and to evaluate the associated factors.

  Methods: Of all sophomore male students in Tabriz, 1785(13.7%) were randomly sampled, and a self-administered questionnaire with 48 questions was distributed to students in February and March 2005. The questions aimed to obtain information on substance abuse, smoking, self-confidence, tendency toward smoking and risk-taking behaviors as well as demographic information. The influence of different factors on substance abuse was evaluated with a logistic regression model.

  Results: The mean age of the subjects was 16.3±0.87 (min. 15, max. 19) years. Among 1785 students 226(12.7%) had the experience of taking alcohol and 36(2.0%) had used substances. The results indicate that, older age (OR= 1.55), having general risk taking behavior (OR= 1.70), higher smoking stage (OR= 3.70), having masochism (OR= 1.22), high socioeconomic class (OR= 1.62), and use of illicit substances (OR= 5.72) were factors associated with prevalence of the use of alcohol. Also higher smoking stage (OR= 3.26), high socioeconomic class (OR= 1.52), and the use of alcohol (OR= 7.81) were factors associated with prevalence of the use of substances.

  Conclusion: This study showed the low prevalence of substance abuse, and determined some of its risk factors among students. This study may be supportive of interventions that target multiple behaviors. The findings of this study is important for public health officials however, more studies are necessary to generalize the findings.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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