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Showing 582 results for Subject: Special

Ahad Azami , Shahram Habibzadeh , Hosein Doostkami , Firooz Amani , Faramarz Ajri ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: pericardial effusion is characterized by the accumulation of excessive fluid in the pericardial space, which can lead to cardiac dysfunction or death. Most of the previous studies have been performed in developed countries and its epidemiologic aspects in developing countries were not well-recognized. The aim of this research was determination of etiology, clinical and paraclinical findings in patients with pericardial effusion.

  Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study. From all of the patients admitted to Buali hospital between 2001 to 2003 ,49 patients that showed moderate to massive pericardial effusion in echocardiography were selected and studied in terms of history, physical examination, CXR, ECG and pericardial fluid analysis (if performed).

  Results: From 49 patients 25 (51%) were female and 24 were male. Age ranges of patients were 11 to 85 years. The age of 42% of the patients was above 60 years. The most common clinical complaints were dyspnea (44.9%) and chest pain (24.5%). ECG in most of them (53.1%) were normal sinus rhythm. Cardiac electrical axis in 83.7 % was normal, but ECG in 83.7% of cases showed low voltage QRS complex. The most common findings in CXR was cardiomegaly (85.7%) and 14.3% of patients had normal CXR. Common etiologies of pericardial effusion were chronic renal failure (16.3%), tuberculosis (8.2%), heart failure (8.2%) and malignancies (6.1%). Etiology of disease in 44.8% of patients was unknown.

  Conclusion: It seems that most of pericardial effusions occur in higher ages. It can be due to high prevalence of different diseases such as heart failure, chronic renal failure or malignancies in senile persons.

Saeid Dastgiri , Soltanali Mahboob, Helda Tutunchi , Alireza Ostadrahimi ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Food insecurity and hunger not only affect physical health, but also have social and psychological consequences. Therefore, monitoring food security and fighting against food insecurity and hunger is necessary in a society. This study was carried out to investigate the determinants of food insecurity in northwest of Tabriz (Asadabadi region).

 Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 300 subjects in 2004-2005. The prevalence of food insecurity was assessed using a short questionnaire. Information regarding the socio-economic and cultural status of the subjects was collected through a questionnaire. In order to assess the status of food security on the basis of income, occupation, education level and family size, distribution of secure and insecure groups was individually determined, and then Chi-Square test was used to test the significance of the relationship between these groups. Nutritional status was assessed using food frequency questionnaire. Food groups that had significant correlation with income (relationship between groups and subgroups of foods with income was determined using Pearson correlation coefficient) were selected as a criterion for comparing secure and insecure groups. Mean frequency of criteria foods consumption in two groups was compared using independent-sample t-test.

 Results: The prevalence of food insecurity was 36.3%. Food insecurity increased with family size and declined with income, education and job status of the head of the family (p<0.01). The results of food frequency showed that the mean frequency of bread and potato consumption in food insecure group was meaning fully higher compared to food secure group. Mean frequency consumption of rice, vegetable, fruit, red meat and dairy products in food insecure group was significantly lower compared to food secure group (p<0.001).

 Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed the impact of socio-economic and cultural status of the families on food security. It also indicated that nutritional problems are prevalent in society. Therefore, it is necessary to give practical solutions to fight against food insecurity as a major problem in society.

Hosein Dostkami , Effat Mazaheri ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background & Objective: Myocardial infarction is a comman cause in hospitalized patients with mortality rate of about 30%. Ontime diagnosis, earlier management and simply (time) factor have very important role in effective treatment, prevention of progression of injury and improvement of prognosis in the patients. Nearly 60% of mortality in this disease is in the first hour after onset of symptoms. Therefore this study was done to evaluate the refferal process, admission and hospitalization in patients with myocardial in farction at Buali hospital Ardabil.

  Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done on 77 patients with primary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction based on clinical findings and ECG changes in the form of 1mm ST segment elevation in two adjacent leads or new LBBB or LBBB with unknown onest. Fourteen subjects were excluded from the study based on subsequent examination of continuous ECG and enzymatic evidence rulling out the presence of MI. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics.

  Results: Referral time of patients after onset of symptom was 6.72 ± 5.53 hours. 73.02% of the patients referred with delay (90 minutes after onset of symptom). Mean referral time after onset of symptoms was 7.15±7.07 hours, 60.32% of the patients were outpatients, 34.92% were samples referred by other medical centers and 4.76% by emergency service in the latter group there was no delay in referring time. Mean admission time from emergency room to CCU was 1.04±0.94 hours. 47.62% of the patients underwent thrombolytic therapy with stereptokinase. In this group mean time from entrance to emergency until beginning thrombolytic therapy (Door to Needle time) was 1.22±0.34 houre.

  Conclusion: Because earlier beginning of thromolytic therapy had important role in decreasing mortality and morbidity in patients with myocardial infarction, we can increase survival rate in these patients by recognizing factors delaying, admission and earlier initiation of treatment.

Reza Rastmanesh , Rahebe Shaker , Mehrdad Shoa , Yadollah Mehrabi , Lida Navayi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: Early diagnosis of diabetes can prevent many unwanted and irreversible consequences which require a lot of expenses as well as advanced treatment methods and experts. The present study set out to compare prevalence of diabetes in first degree relatives (FDR) of patients with type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM), glucose intolerants and controls.

  Methods: In This case-control research, 277 healthy subjects (129 males and 148 females) with the age of 11-95 were selected from among FDR in three groups, namely those with type II diabetes, glucose intolerants and controls and were evaluated in terms of diabetic condition. World health organization criteria were applied to recognize case(s) of diabetes and glucose intolerants.

  Results: Odds ratio of being type 2 diabetic or IGT, in FDR of patients with T2DM and subjects with IGT, 5.261 compared to controls was (with 95% CI of 2.15-12.82). Prevalence of T2DM and IGT in both male and female FDR of patients with T2DM and with IGT, was significantly higher than that of controls (p< 0.005).

  Conclusion: Significantly higher prevalence of T2DM and IGT in FDR of patients with T2DM and with IGT, compared to controls, offers a very quick and cost-effective method of diagnosing covered cases of diabetes in country's health care systems.

Fahimeh Sehhatie Shafaie , Alireza Nikniaz, Hosein Koushavar , Haleh Sadegie,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Children are one of the most vulnerable groups of society. Any qualitative and quantitative problem in offering health services to them is a main health and social problem. Cooperative health centers for the first time in Iran were established in East Azerbaijan as a proper strategy for solving health problems and limitations of expansion of government health centers. This study was conducted to evaluate their quality of services to children under one year old in comparison with governmental health centers.

 Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done on 7 cooperative health centers and 14 neighboring government health centers selected by convenience method. Data were collected by filling checklists obtained from observation of services offered to these children by healthcare personnel as well as studying the children's health records. Descriptive (absolute and percent frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential (independent samples t-test) statistics were used for analyzing the data.

 Results: The findings showed that the quality of health care for children under one was good (85.71%) in cooperative centers and moderate (78.57%) in government health centers and their statistical difference was significant (P=0.002). In terms of services about growth monitoring of child, nutrition of infant and mothers' education, cooperative health centers had better practice compared to government health centers (P= 0.001, 0.007and 0.023respectively). Regarding the equipment both centers had good facilities (85.71%) and there was no statistically significant difference between them (P= 0.912).

 Conclusion: The results showed that, in most cases, the quality of health care given to children under one was good in cooperative health centers and moderate in government centers. This optimum performance of cooperative centers can encourage health care authorities to plan for the expansion of such centers to compensate for the deficiencies of health services especially in children under one year old.

Mohammadhosein Alimohammadian, Seyedhojjat Khalilollahi , Ali Khamesipour, Yahia Dowlati ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: Leishmanin skin test (Montenegro test) is a best indicator for evaluation of delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and cell-mediated immunity in leishmaniasis. A standard antigen is needed for this test. In this research, several batches of leishmanin antigen were produced under standard conditions, and their immunogenicity, specificity, sensitivity and potency were evaluated.

  Methods: In order to produce leishmanin, standard strain of Leishmania major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) was cultured in equal volume ofliquid medium of D-MEM and Tc Medium 199 in large scale. Parasites from stationary phase of growth were harvested and washed under strict standard conditions and used for preparation of leishmanin. Immunogenicity of prepared antigen was tested by skin testing in pre-immunized guinea pigs. Specificity of the reagent and abnormal sensitization were evaluated by skin testing in healthy individuals in non-endemic areas of Tehran and Tabriz. Sensitivity and potency of leishmanin reagent were evaluated by skin testing in recovered individuals from cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in endemic areas of rural and urban areas.

  Results: The findings indicated the productions of leishmanin are sterile and safe with high immunogenicity. Specificity of the products was shown to be higher than 99% with no abnormal sensitization to reagent. Sensitivity and potency of preparations were determined > 96% with mean induration between 15-18 mm in endemic areas of rural CL, and > 93% with mean reactivity of 12-14 mm in endemic areas of urban CL.

  Conclusion: The findings indicated that this product is safe and sterile with high immunogenicity, specificity, sensitivity and potency and has no abnormal sensitization. These products which are easily available inside the country could be used easily for skin testing and detection of delayed-type hypersensitivity response in leishmaniasis.

Nasrin Fouladi , Mahvash Salsali , Fazlollah Ghofrani Far ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: The remarkable increase in the number of chronic diseases and failing in the definite treatment of these illnesses in order to meet the needs of these patients as well as the high costs of control and management of these diseases require special attention to the promotion of health in them. The first step in planning for this promotion is a study of the factors inflouencing health promotion in order to use them in planning to control and manage chronic diseases.

  Methods: Granded theory is a powerful research method to study social structures and processes. This method was employed in the present research to collect and analyze the data in chronic patients. Semi-Structured interviews were used to collect the data which were analyzed using continuous comparison method.

  Results: Six main themes including the meaning of health, life style, individual factors, spiritual beliefs, support and education emerged, all of which were effective in the process of health promotion in these patients.

  Conclusion: The findings indicated the concepts found in the research were interactively influencing each other to promote health in chronic patients. Support and education overshadowed other factors and had them under its influence. So, it is necessary to emphasise the role of these two factors in health-promoting activities in chronic patients and leading the patients towards health promotion through increasing self-reliance and creating a supportive environment.

Akram Kooskki, Mahdi Golafrooz Shahr ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Oxidative stress has a role in the pathogenesis of type II diabetes due to increase in insulin resistance or disorder in insulin secretion and atherosclerosis. Food antioxadants including carotenoids protect against diabetes by preventing oxidation reactions. Therefore, this study was conducted in Sabzevar to study the relationship between carotenoids and blood sugar and lipids in type II diabetic patients.

 Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on type II diabetic patients who were randomly sampled. Their height and weight were measured and relevant data on nutritional intake and frequency in 3 successive days were collected through 24-hour recall. Measures were domesticated and converted to grams. Carotenoids of the intakes were calculated. Blood sugar, triglycerides and serum cholesterol after 12 hours fasting were measured through enzymatic procedures. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive statistics and partial correlation.

 Results: 75 type II diabetic patients with mean age of 54.05±14.2 years, mean BMI of 27.02±5.03 Kg/m2 participated in the study. Their mean blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol were 196.36±87.82, 262.84±147.89 and 243.98±60.76 mg/dl respectively. Mean daily intake of beta carotene was 1236.56±810.21 mcg, alpha carotene 878.170±149.04 mcg, lutein 1163.40±819.77 mcg, zeaxanthin and lycopen were 2195.77 ±988.70 mcg.

 Conclusion: Our results showed that most carotenoids negatively correlated though not significantly with their blood sugar and lipids.

Mohammad Mazani , Hasan Argani , Nadereh Rashtchizadeh , Mohammad Rohbaninoubar , Amir Ghorbanihagjo , Reza Mahdavi , Reza Razzaghi , Babak Rahimi Ardabily , Seyedjamal Ghaemmaghami ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: A great amount of evidence shows that Oxidative stress is high among hemodialysis patients. The purpose of present investigation is examination of the effect of zinc supplementation on improvement of oxidative stress in chronic hemodialysis patients.

  Methods: In this double blind clinical trial 65 chronic hemodialysis patients were studied in two groups Group one (35 patients) received placebo and group two (30 patients) received 100 mg elemental zinc (as zinc sulfate) daily for 2 months. The placebo and supplement discontinued in next 2 months. Then, the study continued for two other months in the cross-over from. The levels of serum zinc, total glutathione, malondialdehyde (MDA), total serum antioxidant capacity and the activity of whole blood superoxide dismutase (SOD) were determined on 0th, 60th,120th,180th days, in fasting, predialysis samples. Food record was recorded for one day prior to dialysis in above-mentioned days and their dietary zinc was assessed.

  Results: Basal serum zinc levels in both groups were below 80 μ g/dl. The zinc upplementation led to significant increase in the levels of serum zinc in both groups .The levels of serum total antioxidant capacity, total glutathione and activity of whole blood SOD increased significantly during zinc supplementation period. The concentrations of serum MDA decreased significantly in zinc supplementation period in both groups. During the placebo period the levels of MDA in first group increased significantly, whereas the concentration of glutathione in second group decreased significantly. The body mass index (BMI) values did not change significantly during the study.

  Conclusion: It can be concluded that in patients undergoing hemodialysis the oxidative stress enhanced during nonsupplementation period (zinc sulfate). Low serum zinc levels are improved by zinc administration and zinc supplementation improves oxidative stress.

Mahdi Hedayati , Parvin Mirmiran, Parta Hatamizadeh , Hamid Jafavizadeh , Rambod Hajipour , Fereidoon Azizi ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Iodine deficiency disorders have been one of the main health-nutritional problems in Iran for many years. Prior to the iodine-supplementation program, Ardabil province was one of the regions with endemic goiter in Iran. The program of control and prevention of iodine deficiency has been performed here since 1989 through production, distribution and consumption of iodized salt. This study was performed in 2001 on 7-10 years-old pupils of Ardabil as a part of national monitoring survey of iodine deficiency control.

 Methods: In a cross sectional- descriptive study, 1200 students (equal number of boys and girls) were selected randomly. The prevalence of goiter was determined by clinical examination and according to WHO classification. Urinary iodine content was determined in one tenth of the cases using digestion method.

 Results: Total goiter rate was 9.3 in all the subjects (10.7% in girls and 7.9% in boys). Median urinary iodine was 18.8µg/dl. In 80.7% of the cases urinary iodine was above 10µg/dl and was less than 5µg/dl in 4.2%. Urinary iodine below 2µg/dl was not observed.

 Conclusion: The results showed that the rate of goiter among pupils has significantly decreased since 1996 and urinary iodine levels in schoolchildren of Ardabil complied with WHO index. So, Ardabil province can be considered as an “iodine deficiency free” zone.

Abbas Yazdanbod , Manoochehr Iran Parvar , Firooz Amani , Reza Malekzadeh , Saeid Salavati ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in terms of mortality in the world. Ardabil province, in northwestern Iran, has the highest rate of gastric (predominantly cardia) Adeno carcinoma in Iran. The most common site of upper gastrointestinal cancer in Ardabil is cardia region (its right-side wall). Therefore this study aimed to investigate comparatively histopathology of right and left side of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions.

 Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed on one hundred adults who referred to Aras clinic for endoscopy. Endoscopy was done with video endoscope and a single biopsy was taken from right and left side of cardia and z-line respectively and one from antrum for H.Pylori. All the samples of the biopsy material were fixed in formalin in separate bottles and pathologic study of the samples with regard to inflammatory and precancerous lesions were done according to Sydney classification of gastritis. The collected data wereanalyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics.

 Results: 61 (61%) patients were male and 39 (39%) female. The age range of patients was 19-80 years old (standard deviation 53±16.2). Mild to severe inflammation in left and right side of cardia and z-line was 82.6%, 84%, 97.1%, 93%, mild to severe atrophy in 22.8%, 28.7%, 26.5%, 24.4% and metaplasia type 1 to 3 in 2.2%, 6.4%, 2.9%, 12.2% respectively. Suspected dysplasia in cardia and z-line was only in one case. Analysis of these variables with McNamara, Wilcoxon and Lambda tests showed no statistically meaningful difference considering the histopathological findings in left and right side wall of cardia and z-line

 Conclusion: This study showed no statistically meaningful difference between right and left wall of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions. This observation is not consistent with high incidence of right sided cardia cancer. Further study with multiple biopsy sample and more sensitive methods is recommended for the diagnosis of precancerous lesions.

Jamshid Yousefi, Abdolreza Malek, Seyedmorteza Mirzadeh , Samaneh Davoodi ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Jaundice is a common disorder in preterm and term newborns and G6PD deficiency is one of its etiologic agents. With respect to high incidence of G6PD deficiency in Iran, this study was conducted to determine the clinical correlation of this deficiency with time of jaundice onset and mean level of serum bilirubin. Management and complication rates are also evaluated in these neonates in comparison with those without this deficiency.

 Methods: This is a case-control study performed through G6PD assay in icteric newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care unit in 22 Bahman hospital in Mashhad within 3 years. This case group was compared with the control group who were randomly selected from among icteric neonates without G6PD deficiency. The data were collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS.

  Results: This study was done on 505 icteric neonates. The case group consisted of 34 newborns (6.7%) with G6PD deficiency. M/F ratio in case group was higher than control group (P= 0.01). Mean level of total serum bilirubin was significantly higher in case group (P=0.047). There were no significant differences in duration of phototherapy and hospitalization between two groups, but exchange transfusion rate in case group was twice as much. Complications such as seizure and kernicterus in both groups were the same.

 Conclusion: Due to high incidence of G6PD deficiency in our study (6.7%) and significant incidence in female patients, determination of enzyme level is recommended in all newborns with jaundice regardless of their gender. Because of higher level of serum bilirubin in G6PD deficient patients, phototherapy must be done as soon as possible to avoid invasive procedures such as exchange transfusion.

Javad Agazadeh, Mojgan Lotfi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background and Objectives: Perception and Feeling are two parts of each sensory experience. Sensory reception of information proceeding about internal or external environment is conducted by sensory root. Humans inform themselves of their surrounding by receiving and organizing sensory stimulants. This conception and stimulant organization is called sensory reception. When a help seeker is admitted to a health care organization, he/she encounters stimulants which are different in quality and quantity from past stimulants and this causes sensory changes in him. The patient who is admitted to ICU ward is exposed to overburden or sensory deprivation due to some critical situations and complex methods of therapy.

 Methods: This is a descriptive study which was performed on 45 cases using simple random sampling method. A three-part questionnaire was used to collect the data which were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

 Results: The findings showed that the subjects experienced no, very little or occasional unpleasant sensory reception in more than 80% of the cases (without sensory overburden). But the assessment of emotional reactions indicated 39.8% had experienced pain, 18.5% anxiety, 12% fear, 7.4% anger and 0.9% hating, which probably happened because of sensory deprivation arising from less family visiting and lack of knowledge about disease.

 Conclusion: Since patients in ICU experience some unpleasant emotional reactions, in order to decrease this experience, it is recommended to educate the patients and increase the duration of visiting time.

Masoud Entezari Asl , Ahad Azami , Firooz Amani , Solmaz Khorasani ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

  Background & Objectives : Most of the people who need blood and blood products transfusion, are the critic cases under transfusional therapy for their bleeding, chronic disease anemia, clotting disorders, platlet problems and so on. Considering the problems and high costs of providing safe blood and due to the transfusional complications, it is necessary for the blood products to be used based on scientific standards and only in the time of emergency. This study examined the cases of transfusion in a surgery and burning hospital and to determine the unnecessary cases of transfusion in a period of six months.

  Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 150 patients under blood and blood products transfusion in Ardabil Dr Fatemi hospital during 2003. Necessary and unnecessary cases of transfusion were categorized according to the patients clinical situations, laboratory criteria, the evidence existing in their records and on the basis of standards documented in the literature. The data were analyzed by SPSS software.

  Results: Among 150 cases transfused, 46 (25.7%) received whole blood, 92 (51.4%) packed cell, 36 (20.1%) FFP and 5 (2.3%) platlet. The ward of transfusion was ICU in 60 cases (40%), surgery ward in 31 (20.7%), operation room in 28 (18.7%), orthepedic ward in 11 (7.3%), burning ward in 10 (6.7%) and emergency ward in 9 (6%). Highest rate belonged to 20 to 40 age-group (32.7%). 67.3% of the cases were male transfusion, based on documented criteria, with regard to the necessary of 26.08% of the cases in whole-blood group, 30.44 in packed cell group, 47.22 in FFP group and 80% in platlet group received umecessary transfusion.

  Conclusions: Considering the high cost of preparation of safe blood and blood products and regarding the problems which can affect the patients after transfusion, these products should be used carefully and on the basis of the documented. The high rate of unnecessary transfusion of blood and its products at the present reseaech demands more attention in this regard.

Yousef Bafandeh , Davood Daghestani ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

  Background & Objectives : Patients with esophageal SCC and GEJ adenocarcinoma have a poor prognosis. The advanced stage tumor is not amenable to cure and requires palliation, specially to relief dysphagia and to improve quality of life. Esophageal stenting has been shown to be faster, and longer lasting method of palliation. Esophageal expandable stents have been available recently in IRAN. The aim of this study was to report the results of our experience to relief dysphagia by means of stents, specially plastic removable types.

  Methods: This was a prospective trial in 60 patients with strictures due to malignant esophageal and /or GEJ cancers and those who had undergone anastomotic procedure during 2001 to 2005. These patients referred to endoscopy clinic of Tabriz Immam hospital for stenting. Dysphagia was scored according to a 5-point scale before stenting, 3 days after, and later during follow-up period of a mean of 7.6±6.6 months. Barium study and endoscopy was done for evaluation of site and length of stricture, and its etiology. Strictures were dilated up to 15 mm before stenting. The data were analyzed using correlation test, Chi-sqare and T- tests.

  Results: Covered metallic Wallstent was used in 12 patients removable covered polyflex stents in 47 and double lumen metal stent in only one case. Stents were successfully deployed in all cases. Dysphagia improved significantly by all stent types compared with the presenting status, after 3 days (p<0001) and during follow up period (p<0.05). Distal displacement of stents was seen in 16 (32%) patients, all of which happened during 1-3 months after insertion. In polyflex stents, the way restored by endoscopic intervention. Tumor overgrowth at the end of stent was seen in 4(8%) of the cases. Mean period of survival was 7.6± 6.6 months. In no case was the death directly attributable to the procedure.

  Conclusions: Self-expandable plastic stents (SEPS), have favorable efficacy in palliating dysphagia. Their insertion is easy, with low risk and successful and associated with a lower rate of complications, morbidity and mortality in majority of the patients.

Shirin Babri , Naser Khalajy ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

  Background & Objectives : Piracetam is a nootropic compound, which acts as a nervous system enhancer. Different processes are involved in memory formation and various parameters are able to disturb it. Due to increase of exposure possibility to electromagnetic fields in recent years and the effects of theses fields on memory consolidation, this investigation designed to clear the relation between these parameters and memory consolidation.

  Methods: In this research eleven groups of male wistar rats (ten rats in each group) with a mean weight of 275±25 gr aging 3-4 months were studied. To evaluate the effects of electromagnetic field, four groups of rats were exposed to 5mT/50HZ electromagnetic field for 1,4,6 and 8 hours respectively immediately after training. In other six groups 250mg/kg or 500 mg/kg piracetam were administered orally one hour before training. They were also exposed to electromagnetic field for 4,6,8 hours respectively immediately after training,. Retrieval test was performed 24 hours later in all groups.

  Results: 1 hour exposure on EMF had no meaningful effect on memory consolidation, however, in other three groups the electromagnetic fields impaired memory consolidation significantly compared to the control group (p<0.05). Piracetam administration with two mentioned doses significantly improved memory consolidation (p<0.05).

  Conclusions: Acute exposure to low intensity magnetic field can disturb memory consolidation and piracetam administration can prevent it.

Rahman Parniya , Darioush Savadi Oskuei , Seyedabbas Mousavi ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background & Objectives: Stroke is the third cause of mortality after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is also the most common debilitating neurologic disorder. Considering the high prevalence of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and its mortality, it seems quite necessary to study the frequency of ICH risk factors and its mortality related to size and region of hemorrhage.

 Methods: 157 ICH patient units were studied to determine hemorrhage size and region via CT Scan reports. Patients were followed to record the mortality and a questionnaire was filled out for them. The data were analysed by SPSS version 13.

 Results: Females constituted 57.9% of the 157 patients and the rest were males. Mortality rate was 37.6%. Most of the patients were in 70-79 years age group. Hemorrhage had the highest frequency found in putamen (39.4%). Hemorrhage size less than 20 cm3 had the highest frequency among living patients and hemorrhage size in a range of 20-100 cm3 was most common among expired patients. There was a statistically significant relationship between mortality and hemorrhage size (P<0.05). Intraventricular hemorrhage was more frequent among expired patients (p<0.05). There was also a statistically significant relationship between a history of cardiovascular disease and mortality rate (P<0.05).

 Conclusions: Intraventricular hemorrhage and hemorrhage size were significantly related to mortality rate.

Sima Khavandizadeh Aghdam ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background & Objectives:Different studies have emphasized the psycho-social aspects of delivery, so that these aspects are no less important than medical and midwifery factors. This is a quasi- experimental study, the main objective of which was to evaluate the effects of the continuous labor support from a supportive companiom on the process and outcome of labor in primigravida.

 Methods: 50 women in supported group (case) and 50 without supporative companion (control) were selected. All women were between 18-30 years, and had term pregnancy, single fetus, cephalic presentatation or spontaneous onset of labor without any complications. The supportive companions were students of midwifery. The support consisted of talking, touching, reassurance, soothing, giving encouragement and physical comfort (e.g, helping to change position, keeping lips wet and cooling). The data were analyzed using student t-test, chi-square and Fisher test.

 Results: The findings showed that the continuous labor support by a companion reduced length of active phase (p<0.01), cesarean section (p=0.026) and increased APGAR score in the first minute (p=0.015) and led to the early onset of breast feeding (p<0.01). Duration of second labor and fifth-minute Apgar were not significantly different in two groups. Conclusions: This study showed that the continuous labor support can result in better outcomes in deliveries.

Maryam Zakeri Hamidi , Saeideh Zeiyaei , Anooshirvan Kazem Negad ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background & Objectives: Dysmenorrhea is a common complaint among women, which is occasionally accompanied by gastro-intestinal problems. This study was designed to consider the therapeutical effects of vitamin E on gastro-intestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea due to primary dysmenorrhea.

 Methods: This was an experimental randomized study. A questionnaire was given to three hundred girl students suffering from primary dysmenorrhea. Then 128 girls who had gastro- intestinal symptoms accompyning dysmenorrhea entered the study. 69 subjects were assigned to case group and 59 to control group. From two days before the period until three days after it, four pills of vitamin E (400IU) daily were given to the case group and four chewing placebo were given to the control group as well, for four months. The data were analyzed by SPSS using Chi-square test.

 Results: The findings showed no significant difference between the two groups in terms of gastro-intestinal symptoms after two months of treatment. But after four months of treatment there was a significant difference in the gastro-intestinal symptoms between the two groups (p=0.001).

 Conclusions: Vitamin E is effective to be used after the second month of treatment to treat the gastro-intestinal symptoms in girls with primary dysmenorrhea.

Bahram Sohrabi , Behnaz Pourasghar , Saeid Dastghiri ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2006)

 Background & Objectives: Different studies have reported conflicting results on increased rate of early mortality after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in females compared to males after adjustment for age and other confounding factors. The female gender plays a crucial role in early mortality after AMI. The aim of this study was to assess the role of gender as an important key factor in early mortality after acute myocardial infarction.

 Methods: In this research, patients (80 females and 174 males) with acute myocardial infarction were studies for six months (2003-2004) in terms of risk factors of coronary artery diseases, clinical conditions at admission, treatment modalities in the hospital and at the time of discharge, clinical accidents at the hospital and mortality and during one month after acute myocardial infarction and after being discharged.

 Results: Intrahospital mortality odds ratio for females compared to males was 2 (confidence interval 95%: 0.951-4.208). Mortality odds ratio during one month after acute myocardial infarction and discharge for females compared to males was 4.586 (confidence interval 95%: 1.294-16.252). This rate after adjustment for age was 3.15 (confidence interval 95%: 0.857-11.579) and after adjustment for confounders was 5.387 (confidence interval 95%: 1.296-22.393). In severe clinical conditions females referred to hospitals with more delay compared to men. Females were treated less than males with streptokinase, aspirin, betablockers and invasive diagnostic and treatment procedures. They received calcium channel blockers and nitrate much more than males.

 Conclusions : Females in comparison with males were at higher risk for early mortality (during one month after acute myocardial infarction and discharge). Age was not considered as the most important and potential factor for this higher rate.

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