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Showing 76 results for Amani

Ahad Azami , Shahram Habibzadeh , Hosein Doostkami , Firooz Amani , Faramarz Ajri ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2006)

  Background and Objectives: pericardial effusion is characterized by the accumulation of excessive fluid in the pericardial space, which can lead to cardiac dysfunction or death. Most of the previous studies have been performed in developed countries and its epidemiologic aspects in developing countries were not well-recognized. The aim of this research was determination of etiology, clinical and paraclinical findings in patients with pericardial effusion.

  Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and retrospective study. From all of the patients admitted to Buali hospital between 2001 to 2003 ,49 patients that showed moderate to massive pericardial effusion in echocardiography were selected and studied in terms of history, physical examination, CXR, ECG and pericardial fluid analysis (if performed).

  Results: From 49 patients 25 (51%) were female and 24 were male. Age ranges of patients were 11 to 85 years. The age of 42% of the patients was above 60 years. The most common clinical complaints were dyspnea (44.9%) and chest pain (24.5%). ECG in most of them (53.1%) were normal sinus rhythm. Cardiac electrical axis in 83.7 % was normal, but ECG in 83.7% of cases showed low voltage QRS complex. The most common findings in CXR was cardiomegaly (85.7%) and 14.3% of patients had normal CXR. Common etiologies of pericardial effusion were chronic renal failure (16.3%), tuberculosis (8.2%), heart failure (8.2%) and malignancies (6.1%). Etiology of disease in 44.8% of patients was unknown.

  Conclusion: It seems that most of pericardial effusions occur in higher ages. It can be due to high prevalence of different diseases such as heart failure, chronic renal failure or malignancies in senile persons.

Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari , Masoud Entezariasl , Firooz Amani ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2006)

  Background and Objectives: Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation could lead to hemodynamic responses in the from of hypertension and tachycardia as well as arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia. This alterations can be life-threatening particularly in elderly people. This clinical trial compared the effects of two rapid-onset narcotics, Alfentanil and Remifentanil, on the hemodynamic responses to the induction and tracheal intubation in elderly patients.

  Methods: This double-blind clinical trial was conducted on 40 subjects aged 65 and above. They were candidate of cataract surgery under general anesthesia. The patients were randomly allocated to two groups of 20. The first group, was gaiven Alfentanil 10 m g/kg and for second group Remifentanil 0.5 m g/kg was injected prior to the induction of anesthesia. Both groups were similiar in the method of anesthesia except in narcotics. The first group was infused with Alfentanil 1 m g/kg/min and Remifentanil 0.1 m g/kg/min was used for the second group. Hemodynamic variations including heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure were measured and recorded eight times (before induction, aften injection, after intubation and five times during anesthesia). Data were analyzed with SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics such as T-test, chi squre and ANOVA.

  Results: Immediately after injection of narcotic drugs, all hemodynamic variants decreased. Howerver diastolic blood pressure in Remifentantil group significantly more than Alfentanil group (P<0.05). After laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation all hemodynamic variants increased and slowly decreased in less than 10 minutes. Systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure decreased significantly in remifentanil group than alfentanil group (P<0.05). Although heart rate decreased during few minutes after intubation, there was not significant difference between two groups regarding this decrease (P>0.05). Ephedrin was used to treat severe hypotention in those under Remifentanil (11 patients) more than those under Alfentanil (4 patients) (P<0.05).

  Conclusions: According to the resukts of this study Remifentanil could prevent hemodynamic variation induced by laryngoscopy and treacheal intubation more than Alfentanil. However in some cases Remifentanil leads to hypotension during anesthesia. There is no important difference between two drugs in increasing heat rate after laryngoscopy and intubation.

Abbas Yazdanbod , Manoochehr Iran Parvar , Firooz Amani , Reza Malekzadeh , Saeid Salavati ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2006)

 Background and Objectives: Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in terms of mortality in the world. Ardabil province, in northwestern Iran, has the highest rate of gastric (predominantly cardia) Adeno carcinoma in Iran. The most common site of upper gastrointestinal cancer in Ardabil is cardia region (its right-side wall). Therefore this study aimed to investigate comparatively histopathology of right and left side of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions.

 Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed on one hundred adults who referred to Aras clinic for endoscopy. Endoscopy was done with video endoscope and a single biopsy was taken from right and left side of cardia and z-line respectively and one from antrum for H.Pylori. All the samples of the biopsy material were fixed in formalin in separate bottles and pathologic study of the samples with regard to inflammatory and precancerous lesions were done according to Sydney classification of gastritis. The collected data wereanalyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics.

 Results: 61 (61%) patients were male and 39 (39%) female. The age range of patients was 19-80 years old (standard deviation 53±16.2). Mild to severe inflammation in left and right side of cardia and z-line was 82.6%, 84%, 97.1%, 93%, mild to severe atrophy in 22.8%, 28.7%, 26.5%, 24.4% and metaplasia type 1 to 3 in 2.2%, 6.4%, 2.9%, 12.2% respectively. Suspected dysplasia in cardia and z-line was only in one case. Analysis of these variables with McNamara, Wilcoxon and Lambda tests showed no statistically meaningful difference considering the histopathological findings in left and right side wall of cardia and z-line

 Conclusion: This study showed no statistically meaningful difference between right and left wall of cardia and z-line considering the incidence of inflammatory and precancerous lesions. This observation is not consistent with high incidence of right sided cardia cancer. Further study with multiple biopsy sample and more sensitive methods is recommended for the diagnosis of precancerous lesions.

Masoud Entezari Asl , Ahad Azami , Firooz Amani , Solmaz Khorasani ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Winter 2006)

  Background & Objectives : Most of the people who need blood and blood products transfusion, are the critic cases under transfusional therapy for their bleeding, chronic disease anemia, clotting disorders, platlet problems and so on. Considering the problems and high costs of providing safe blood and due to the transfusional complications, it is necessary for the blood products to be used based on scientific standards and only in the time of emergency. This study examined the cases of transfusion in a surgery and burning hospital and to determine the unnecessary cases of transfusion in a period of six months.

  Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 150 patients under blood and blood products transfusion in Ardabil Dr Fatemi hospital during 2003. Necessary and unnecessary cases of transfusion were categorized according to the patients clinical situations, laboratory criteria, the evidence existing in their records and on the basis of standards documented in the literature. The data were analyzed by SPSS software.

  Results: Among 150 cases transfused, 46 (25.7%) received whole blood, 92 (51.4%) packed cell, 36 (20.1%) FFP and 5 (2.3%) platlet. The ward of transfusion was ICU in 60 cases (40%), surgery ward in 31 (20.7%), operation room in 28 (18.7%), orthepedic ward in 11 (7.3%), burning ward in 10 (6.7%) and emergency ward in 9 (6%). Highest rate belonged to 20 to 40 age-group (32.7%). 67.3% of the cases were male transfusion, based on documented criteria, with regard to the necessary of 26.08% of the cases in whole-blood group, 30.44 in packed cell group, 47.22 in FFP group and 80% in platlet group received umecessary transfusion.

  Conclusions: Considering the high cost of preparation of safe blood and blood products and regarding the problems which can affect the patients after transfusion, these products should be used carefully and on the basis of the documented. The high rate of unnecessary transfusion of blood and its products at the present reseaech demands more attention in this regard.

Vadood Norouzi , Eiraj Feizy , Firooz Amani , Pouneh Zamani ,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (Winter 2006)

 Background & Objectives: Pain acts as a defensive mechanism of body, which occurs following tissue damage. It is expected in surgical wounds. With regard to negative clinical outcomes resulting from surgery pain, this study was conducted to investigate the quality of pain control after appendectomy.

 Methods: In this descriptive, cross- sectional and prospective study, 200 patients undergoing appendectomy were randomly selected. Pain control in all of the patients was managed for 8 hours using narcotics injected intramuscularly. The patients were studied during 12 hours after surgery. The rating scale of 0-10 grade was used to estimate pain severity. The collected data were analysed by SPSS.

 Results: From 200 patients experiencing appendectomy, 101 (50.5%) were female and 99 (49.5%) were male. Pain was controlled with pethidine, methadon and pentazocin in 123 (61.5%), 51 (25.5%) and 26 (13%) patients, respectively. In 98 (49%) patients there was severe pain following the surgery. The most severe pain belonged to 21 (80.7%) patients who received pentazocin.

 Conclusions: With regard to multiple complications and problems resulting from pain after appendectomy, careful control of pain and more attention is necessary.

Fariba Kahnamoie Aghdam , Firooze Asadzadeh Monir , Firooz Amani ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

  Background and objectve: Hyper prolactinemia is a disorder which is presented in clinical forms of galatrrhea infertility, menstural disorder, hirsotism and PMS. Bromocriptin is agonist of dopamine and a drug for treatment of this disorder. Because of the necessity in continuous consumption of this drug (even for many years), the acceptance of the patients to the drug is important. In the present study the side-effects and acceptance level of patients to bromocriptin for the two forms of oral and vaginal use were studied.

  Methods: This study is a single-blinded clinical trial. Cases of study were patients referring Gynecology clinic with complaints of “Galactoria, Hirsotism, Menstural disorders and infertility.” The samples were 180 (two groups of 90 members each) and the length of study was two years. The samples were divided into two groups, (oral & vaginal). Before the start of the study, cases underwent, in terms of systemic and local complication, systemic and gynceologic examination to control systemic and local side effects. After health assurance of other systems, drugs were administered in two forms one group oral and the other group vaginal. The data was collected on the basis of questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS.

  Results: This study showed the side effects of Bromcriptin in oral-forms they were 100% and for vaginal-froms they were 43.2%. Most of the side effects in oral froms were nausea 38.9% and in vaginal from was vaginal itching (22.3%). Vertingo in oral forms was more than vaginal form (27.8% to 2.3%). Hypotension was seen in 11.2% of oral forms but not in vaginal form. About 51.2% of oral form group had more than two complications. In both groups the most complications were seem within the first ten days (37.8% and 66.7%). Severity of side effects in 31.2% of oral forms and 11% of vaginal forms were so tense that resulted to patients' discontinuation of the drug.

  Conclusion: There is a significant difference between severity, intensity and kind of complications in the forms of oral and vaginal use of Branocriptin and acceptance and duration of drug intake in vaginal forms is more than oral forms.

Nayereh Amini Sani , Manoochehr Barak , Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran , Firooz Amani , Saadollah Mohammadi , Benyamin Fazli ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2007)

  Background & Objectives: The high incidence of low birth weight (LBW) occurs in developing countries, and diarrhea and respiratory infections are the main causes of infant mortality and morbidity. This study was done to find out whether there was a growth or morbidity response to zinc supplememttion, among LBW infants during the first 6 mo of life.

  Methods: The study was a randomized, placebo-controlled, and double-blind trial study. LBW infants were given daily for 6mo 5mg zn, or a placebo. Questionnairs were filled out during the study by a pediatrician and a GP. Anthropometric measurements were made at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 wk via home visits by trained interviewers.

  Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in zinc and placebo groups. Weight gain in zinc group was significantly higher that of placebo group between 1 to 6 months (p=0.036). Length and head circumference gain were also greater in zinc group than in placebo groups, (p=0.04, p<0.001). The episodes of upper respiratory infections was greater in placebo group than zinc group (mean Episodes in zinc groups= 1.7 and in placebo group was 3) and there was significant difference between two groups (p=0.005). 8 Cases of lower respiratory infections in placebo group and 5 cases in zinc group were observed, but it was not significan diarrheal episods were observed only in placebo groups.

  Conclusion: It was found that low birth weight infants had better growth and lower morbidity during the first 6 months of life by receiving zinc supplementation.

Mohammad Narimani , Malahat Amani ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2007)

 Background & Objectives: Mental retardation is a critical deficiency in cognitive functions, social skills, and adjustment behaviors. About 1 to 2 percent of people are mentally retarded because of various factors. The purpose of this research was to study the prevalence of mental retardation in Ardebil city and determining the role of environmental and Heredity factors on mental retardation. In other words, which of pre-, on-, and post-birth factors as well as environmental factors are related to mental retardation of 7-11 aged children.

 Methods: In order to find out the prevalence of mental retardation, a sample of 500 families were selected by simple random sampling method and were studied by causal-comparative method. Also percentage, frequency, and comparing of two independent groups were used to analyze the data and study the extent of prevalence.

 Results:The results showed that the rate of prevalence of mental retardation is 3.6%, which is higher than the extent of prevalence of the world. Also the results of comparing two groups normal and mentally retarded revealed that familial marriages, in-birth events, fever and convulsion diseases during post-birth period are higher in mentally retarded group. Furthermore, the results showed that the level of mothers’ educations in normal group is significantly higher than that of mentally retarded group. And among the other factors, environmental factors were the most important factors of mental retardation of children in Ardabil city.

 Conclusion:The high rate of prevalence of mental retardation and the role of environmental factors in mental retardation of children in Ardabil city require environmental intervention such as training of families and improving health level of society.

Firooz Amani , Jafar Bashiri , Ahmad Sabzevari, Babak Gharoosi , Negin Nahanmoghaddam,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)

  Background & Objectives : Tuberculosis has been the most common fatal disease among adults. It was ranked as the 7th most prevalent disease in the Global Burden of disease. It was also predicted to retain similar rank based on the Disability-Adjusted life Years (DALY) Criteria in the year 2020, whereas this rink has decreased for other infectious diseases. Tuberculosis varies in socio-demographic characteristics in different geographic areas. Therefore understanding its pattern could be useful in designing a preventive strategy. This study was conducted to identify socio-demographic pattern of this disease on the basis of smear.

  Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in Ardabil city by reviewing 232 samples of patients who were under treatment for TB during last four years. Information was collected from patients’ records which were kept in Ardabil health center. The Data were analyzed through SPSS.

  Results: 37.5% of cases were male and the rest were female. 86 of subjects had positive smear, 44 negative smear and 98 were diagnosed as extra pulmonary tuberculosis and 4% as relapse. The average age of cases was 42 with SD=19.4 ranging between 2 and 86 years. Positive smear’s pulmonary TB more prevalent in urban areas than rural areas while negative smear’ pulmonary TB and relapse were more frequently observed in the rural areas. Smear positive was 59.3% smear negative was 59.1% and extra-pulmonary TB 67.3% were more common in women than men. However, relapse rate was equal in both sexes.

  Conclusion: the average age of our subjects was compatible to the findings of other studies.66% of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis had positive smear which is close to 65% that was reported in the national program for prevention of TB. The ratio of positive smear’ pulmonary TB to extra-pulmonary and negative smear’s pulmonary TB was 60% which differs to the expected ratio of one. Relapse rate was 1.7% which is less than expected rate (4%). This shows that DOTS was a successful program.

Bahman Bashardoust , Saeid Sadegie Ahari , Firooz Amani , Fatemeh Haedar Pour,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)

  Background & Objectives: Uremia polyneuropathies especially peripheral neuropathy in chronic hemodialysis patients are very common and its orevalance different and reported between 18-80%. This study was designed to investigate prevalence of neuropathy and its relation ship with duration and adequacy of dialysis in Booali Hospital.

  Methods: This study was an analytic-descriotive study that has been done on 30 patients under hemodialysis and the examinations of which was done by neurologists. To analyze the KT/V for dialysis adequacy, a software from HDCN site was used EMG and NCV to the lower and upper parts were performed to all patients by a neurologist.

 The required tests were extancted from patients' serial tests. In this study patients with hepatitis C, D, diabetes and Amiloid were excuded from the study. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical method in SPSS program.

  Results: EMG showed that 40% of patients had carpal tunnel syndrome (65.7% Mild, 13.3% Moderate, and 13.3% Sever in which then was no significant relationship between efficacy and time length. In 56.7% of patients KT/V had higher than 1.2 (Normal), 16.7% had KT/V between 1-1.2 (Acceptable) and 16.7% have KT/V less than 1 (Non Acceptable).

  Conclusion: Inspite of the new and improved method of hemodialysis, in comparson with the past the prevalence of neuropathy was higher in hemodialysis patients and there was no change in the prevalence of neuropathy. There is no significant relationship between dialysis efficacy and neuropathy. It seems that caulative factors neuropathy like urea were not prevent and they are made within the body.

Davar Amani , Mohammadhasan Zahir , Mojtaba Karimzadeh, Sadegh Feizollah Zadeh, Mohammadhosein Dehghan ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2007)

 Background & Objective: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) develop as recognition and defense against malignant cells by the host immune system. T cells are the most tumor infiltrating immune cells. There are controversial data about intratumor T cells and many have proposed diverse mechanisms for dysfunction of TILs. The aim of this study is analyzing Tumor Infiltrating T lymphocytes in patients with breast cancer by immunophenotyping.

 Methods: Sixteen women suffering from breast cancer were examined thirteen of them were confirmed histologically to be invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Tissue samples from patients and matched control group were processed for analysis by flow cytometry.

 Results: Results indicated that human breast cancer contain variable numbers of TILs. No significant changes in the percent of intratumor CD45+, CD3+ and CD3+/CD45+ cells were observed between studied group. Also there were no significant differences between cancer patients (group 1 and 2) and control group in the case of infiltration and activation status of T cells subpopulations. CD4+ cells in IDC patients and CD8+ cells in patients with other tumors (ILC+AMC) were the most infiltrated TILs. Intratumor TCD8+ cells expressed HLA-DR markers significantly more than CD25 as activation marker. In this investigation we could not find any correlation between TIL and both size and clinical stages of tumor.

 Conclusion: An immune infiltrate is an invariable finding in breast cancers, with considering the activation marker expression, TIL may be activated, albeit partially. Understanding the insensitive and/or suppressive nature of cancer cells to the immune system may provide important insights into tumor escape mechanisms as well as the development of anti-cancer strategies.

Nasrin Homayounfar , Fahimeh Sehhati , Afrooz Mardi , Firooz Amani , Hamid Jafarzadeh ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2007)

  Background & Objective: Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) is an injectable contraceptive method that is widely used by 68 million women in over 114 countries and was reported Different medical and non medical reasons were reported for discontinuation of DMPA use. Due to little information about continuation rate and reasons for discontinuations of DMPA in this region and because of the different result of the research in other countries this study was designed. to evaluate the use of DMPAincluding continuation rate and side effects.

  Methods: In this cross sectional retrospective study 396 DMPA user women referring to health care centers in Ardabil were selected through classified sampling. The data were collected by a questionnaire by interviewing the subjects and data were analyzed by SPSS software using analysis variance (ANOVA) and correlation and T-test.

  Results: The mean age of the study population was 32±7.8 years, 33.8% had primary education and the majority of the users were housewives (%95) and only20 (%5) were employed. 6, 9, 12 and 24 month cumulative continuation rate of DMPA were recorded as %44.5, %26.5, %18.2 and %2.3 respectively. The most common reason for discontinuation among all of groups was amenorrhea. The most common side effects were amenorrhea (%69.7), low back pain (%13.4), and weight gain (%13.4) and headache (%10.4). There was a significant corvelation belween education level and spouse's education level, spouse's job, family income, grariding, number of off spring, type of previous delivery and continuity of DMPA (p<0.05).

  Conclusion: The result of this study could help health authorities and care givers in term of correct counseling and follow up. This factor could result in more satisfaction and improve continuation rate of DMPA.

Majid Rostami, Firooz Amani, Elnaz Zayedi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2008)

Background & Objective: Ingrowing toe nail disease is caused by excessive lateral nail growth in to the nail fold. Because of high incidence of this disease and high percentage of recurrence after routine treatments, we decided to compare the matricectomy with phenol %88 with electrocoagulation.
Methods: This research was an clinical trial study that have been done on 30 patients with bilateral ingrowing toe nail disease who referred to the Dermatology clinic in the Ardabil Imam Khomeini Hospital, from October 2005 to September 2006. In each case, phenol %88
matricectomy used on one side of affected zone and lectrocoagulation used on the other side.
The data was collected with questionnaire and the time for follow up patients was six months. Collected data analyzed by SPSS, chi square and fisher exact test.
Results: Average age of patients was 24.56±5.40 years old, ratio of female to male was 3 to 2 and in all patients affected site was the big toe. Most of the patients were in primary level of education (%33.3), 18 (60%) patients had secondary infection, 8 (26.7%) patients had
abscess, 13 (43.3%) patients have granulation tissue and no cases of onychomycosis were detected. Recovery period with phenol was 2-4 weeks and recurrence or side effect were not seen. Regarding the recovery duration these two therapeutic methods had significant
statistical differences only during the second fortnight (p=0.001). But there was no significant statistical difference in recurrence period and side effects.
Conclusion: Matricectomy with phenol %88 had less recovery time than electrocoagulation.
Adalat Hosseinian , Firouz Amani , Ebrahim Hajizadeh , Shahram Habibzadeh ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

 Background & Objectives: Cardiovascular disease is the most important cause of death in the world. Statistics shows that mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease in Iran is going up, so quality of management and treatment of these patients need to be better. For these reasons, determination of survival rates and factors affecting it is important and is also the aim of this study.

  Methods: This is a survival analytic prospective study, done on 800 patients, admitted in Ardabil Bouali Hospital CCU. All of the patients were followed up one year and a questionnaire about them was obtained. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS. For survival analysis Kaplan Maier, life table, logReng test and Cox regressions model were used.

 Results: Mean age of patients was 60.6±12.4 years. Total number of mortality in one year was 84 persons (10.5%). 582 patients were men and 218 were women. 47.4% were smokers, 33.4% had hypertension, 18.1% had diabetes mellitus, 15.3% had hyperlipidemia and 30% had arrhythmia. Survival rate in the first 10 days, 28 days and one year were 94%, 93% and 90% respectively.

 Conclusion: Factors that affected survival in Cox regress ional model were: diabetes mellitus, age, use of streptokinase, left ventricular ejection fraction, heart rate and heart block. Knowledge from survival rates and relative risks can help health managers in better health service preparation.

Saeid Sadeghie Ahari , Solmaz Arshi , Manoochehr Iranparvar , Firouz Amani, Hosein Siahpoosh,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

 Background & Objectives: The prevalence of diabetes and its different methods of treatment have significantly been increased in the last two decades. The actual effect of these treatments is a common topic in the patients’ health and quality of life among these patients has a considerable importance in the community medicine. This study was designed to indicate the quality of life in the diabetic type II patients.

  Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive analytic study in 2004 on 110 type 2 diabetic patients who had referred to Bu Ali Hospital in Ardabil. The patients were randomly selected and took the SF-36 Questionnaire and in the end the data were analyzed by SPSS.

  Results: The average age of the patients was 52.5 with the standard deviation of 11.3 years. 73 of the patients were female (66.4%) and rest of them were male. The average period of sickness among diabetics was 8 years from the time of diagnosis with a standard deviation of 6.2 years. The average of duration of therapy was 7.7 years with 6.1 years standard deviation. 51 patients (46.36%) had the history of hospitalization. Vitality indicator was low in 39.1% of patients. Social functioning was low in 50% of patients. In general, by adding up the quality of life’s various indexes scores based on SF-36 questionnaires standard coefficients, 77% of patients had intermediate and low quality of life.

  Conclusion: According to this study most of the patients in this study had a low quality of life.

Alireza Ebadi , Saeid Golbidi, Mohsen Taghaddosi, Zarichehr Vakili , Bahareh Arbab , Shokouh Sarboluki , Batool Zamani ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

  Background & Objectives: With respect to the importance of diabetes mellitus prevalence and contradictory role of treatment with metformin on vitamin B12 and folic acid serum levels and this study was done in order to determine of Vitamin B12 and folic acid serum level in patients with diabetes mellitus under treatment with metformin. This research was performed in diabetes center of Kashan in 2004.

  Methods: Information about research method, target and conclusions were given to patients. Those who were under treatment with anti acids, and chemotherapy drugs and also those who were alcoholic and had gastrointestinal diseases and hepatic diseases were excluded among all samples of this research, then patients were divided in to 2 groups: The first group were under treatment with metformin, second group were with other drugs for diabetes treatment. All of people were under treatment for at least 6 months folic acid, vitamin B12 serum level of them were checked after 14 hours fasting and the findings were studied with SPSS software and X2 tests, T test fisher exact test.

  Results: there were 145 (84.31%) female and 27 male (15.69%) between 172 patients. Average age of patients was 52.1±12.7 years. Duration of disease was 5.42±9.1 and average Body Mass Index was 27.7±4.7 kg/m2. Folic acid average was 9.2±5.1 (ng/dl) in patients who consumed metformin and was 8.7±4.6 (ng/dl) in patients without consuming of metformin that did not show significant difference (p=0.557). B12 vitamin average was 5.43±342.54 (pg/dl) in patients under treatment with metformin and was 516±32.16 (pg/dl) in patients without consuming metformin in statistical findings between these 2 groups was not significant. (p=0.639). Significant correlation was observed between age of patients whom were studied and serum folic acid level of them. (p=0.07), But did not show significant correlation between age with serum B12 level (p=0.095). There was no significant correlation between age, length of disease, body mass index and level of B12 and folic acid.

  Conclusion: Correlation between reduction serum level of B12 and folic acid with consuming of metformin was not found. Difference between results of this study with other studies is likely because of more use of routine vitamin supplement that is consumed by patients without physician’s recommending, genetic differences or drugs composition.

Hosein Alimohammadi, Nasrin Fouladi , Firouz Amani , Mehran Safarzade, Farhad Purfarzi , Effat Mazaheri ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

 Background & Objectives: Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis parasitical disease. Infection with Toxoplasma gondii in transmission of parasite to fetus or its reactivation among immune-compromised persons can lead to server clinical symptoms. The aim of study was to determine immune level of Toxoplasmosis among women who were to get married and have referred to Health Center of Ardabil.

  Methods: In this study 272 blood samples of women who had referred to health center of Ardabil in 2007 were collected. Samples were tested with ELISA method to detect Anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG Antibodies.

  Results: The tests showed that 42.3% of women were IgG Positive, 57.2% were IgG negative and 2.6% women were IgM positive and also IgG positive. They have ( IgG positive women) 11.3% family history of abortion, 96.5% eating raw vegetables, 92.2% eating half cooked meat, 89.6% not washing the vegetables with disinfectants, 29.6% animal contact, 57.4% contact with raw meat and 94.8% used piped water.

  Conclusion: Since 57.7% of women who were to marry in Ardabil city were negative from the view point of Toxoplasmosis, health education for elimination of risk factors especially within pregnancy period seems mandatory.

Firouz Amani, Shahram Habibzadeh, Khalil Rostami,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (spring 2009)

  Introduction: Trauma is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the world and it puts a great deal of financial pressure on the health systems. Due to the abundauce of the mechanism of trauma and identification of most prevalent mechanizing this study was done to survey specifications of traumatized patients referring Fatemi Hospital in Ardabil city.

  Methods : This was a cross-sectional study carried out on traumatized patients between Jan and June 2008. Data collection method was a questionnaire including demographic data, mechanism of trauma, location of accident, way of transportation and other data that have been obtained by face to face interview. Data were analyzed in SPSS program using descriptive and analytical statistical methods.

  Results: In 955 patients with trauma, the ratio of male to female was 23. The mean age of patients was 28.7±18.7. About %50 of patients were <25 years old. The most common causes of injuries were falling (38.5%) then cutting and accidents each with 22.1%, 10.8%, respectively. Satisfaction with the emergency care was relatively high and only 9% were carried by an ambulance to the emergency unit.

  Conclusion : The most prevalent trauma mechanism was falling from height and then cutting injury and car accidents. Satisfaction with emergency care was relatively high.

Firouz Amani , Anooshirvan Kazemnejad, Reza Habibi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (autumn 2009)

  Background & Objective: Mortality statistics and cause of death are the main components in health planning in any community. Knowry the change of marraliy pattern is important for future health programming. This study have to determine and analyze the Mortality changing trends dury lest 35 years.

  Methods: In this study data recorded of 9740556 deaths from were analyzed. Graphical method were usead to analyze dara and . We analyzed data by croghal method and comping the trouds of morality cheye pattern.

  Results: Our servey should 60.4% of total deaths were in rural areas and 61.1% among males. The crude death rate was 13per 1000 pasim from to 1971-76 that decrease to 5 per 1000 pasim from to 2006-2010. Also life expectancy rate has been increased in study years from 55.2 in 1971-76 to 71 in 206-2010.

  Conclusion: results show that mortality pattern in years 1970 to 2007 have been changed and crude death rate with decrease tread and life expectancy with increase trend represent the level of health indicators in world and our country Iran have been developed and extended.

Abdolhasan Kazemi , Najibeh Akbari , Eiraj Asvadi, Jamal Aivazi , Jalil Vaez , Alireza Nikanfar , Hadi Maljaei , Hosein Koshafar, Iran Nokhah, Leila Nozamani,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (summer 2010)

  Background & Objectives: Malassizia furfur (pityrosporum ovale/orbicular) and other related species are ethologic agents of tinea versicolor and pityrosporosis in normal individuals but fungal infections due these yeasts are a major cause of mortality in immunocompromised and cancer patients. Catheter-related fungemia or foliculitis is most common mycoses in immunocompromised cases, but malassezia Spp., has been frequently implicated as the causative agent of peritonitis, septic arthritis, mastitis, and sinusitis and variety ocular infections. In this study we surveyed Pityrosporom ovale in dandruff of patients with leukemia underlying chemotherapy.

  Methods: Over a one year period, 100 scale samples were obtained from 50 patients with leukemia underlying chemotherapy. All samples were stained using Metilin Blue method. In direct microscopic examination, seeing budding yeast cells with certain numbers, (bottle bacillus) on epithelial cells were reported positive sample.

  Results: Pityrosporosis were dtected in %78 patient with Leukemia. Most of patients were range of 21-30 years old (27%), that suffering from increased scale.

  Conclusion: Malassezia fur fur is one of more common noncandidal yeasts causing a variety of fungal infection. This organism is a lipophilic yeast that colonizes superficially in human skin and causes superficial mycoses such as tinea versicolor, rarely catheter– related sepsis, foliculitis and other systemic mycoses. Most reported cases of systemic mycoses due to this yeast have been in neonates or adults with malignancy or immunocompromised patients, who were receiving parenteral lipids via a central vascular catheter, undergo chemotherapy and BMT. As pityrosporosis were positive in over than 82% of studied patients, suggested that for prevention of serious fungal infections and mortality in immunocompromissed patients, it must be considered a suitable anti fungal protocol for these cases such as using shampoo or other drugs containing antifungal agents for treatment of patient underlying chemotherapy.

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