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Darioush Savadi Oskoui , Nayereh Aminisani, Maziyar Hashemilar ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2003)

 Background & Objective: Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. It is more common in men than in women, however more than half total stroke death occur in women. Several conditions and lifestyle factors have been well established as risk factors for stroke. The purpose of this study was to asses the magnitude of classic stroke risk factors and its pattern in women.

 Methods: A total of 62 patients with first-onset ischemic stroke were accrued from neurology unit of Alavi hospital during 2002 and compared with their age-matched controls from other units of same hospital. Information concerning potential risk factor exposure status was collected by structured questionnaire at interviews. Stroke risks were estimated by calculating the odds ratios.

 Results: Significantly increased risk of stroke was found among women with hypertension (OR=8.4 CI=3.7-1.8), current smoking (OR=4.2 CI=1.1-16), diabetes (OR=3.7 CI=1.4-9.7) and heart disease (OR=3.2 CI=1.2-8.4). Association of other factors (passive smoking, Hypercholestrolemia) with stroke was not significant.

 Conclusions: Hypertension, diabetes, current smoking and heart disease are major risk factors for stroke in women. Given that the majority of these factors are either correctable or modifiable, prevention strategies should be planned in accordance with this point in order to reduce the occurrence of stroke in women.

Darioush Savadi Oskoui , Nayereh Aminisani , Maziyar Hashemilar ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2003)

  Background & Objective : Despite the ever increasing use of oral contraceptives there is uncertainty about the stroke risk associated with their use. Some cases of pulmonary Emboli and stroke have been reported among women taking these pills. The present research was conducted to investigate the relationship between taking contraceptive pills and the risk of ischemic stroke.

  Methods : In a case-control study, women with definite ischemic stroke were selected from Alavi Hospital in Ardabil who had no prior stroke. The control group was age-matched ( ± 3years) to cases and were selected from other wards of the same hospital. A questionnaire was administered to elicit information about prior exposure to various risk factors, including the oral contraceptive pill (OCP). The data were analyzed by SPSS software (Ver. 12) and statistical methods such as chi-square, multivariate regression and ANOVA. The risk factor were estimated by odds ratio.

 Results: OCP consumption was associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke (OR=5.4 95% CI=1.1-5.3), and after adjustment for other risk factors of stroke it was OR=2.7 (95% CI=0. 95-7.2) with p=0.05.

 Conclusions: According to this study there was weak evidence for an association between ischemic stroke and OCP consumption. Extended studies are needed to clarify the relationship between risk of stroke and the present/ past use of OCP.

Ahmad Daryani , Behzad Abyar , Gholamhosein Ettehad,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2003)

  Backgrand & Objective: Enterobius vermicularis is a common helminthic infection and its prevalence in Iran is 25 to 92 percent.The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of E. vermicularis infection among children going to daycare centers in Ardabil.

  Methods : This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2003 on 400 children who were selected from 10 daycare centers using Graham's scotch adhesive tape technique. A questionnaire was filled for every subject and the results were analyzed by Chi-square test.

  Results : The prevalence of enterobiosis in the children under study was 18.3%. The highest rate (21.62%) was observed among 3-4 year-old children and the lowest rate (16.19%) was seen among 5-6 year-old ones. The infection rate of males and females were 16.4% and 21.2%, respectively. Prevalence of enterobiosis in children of illiterate mothers (54.5%) was higher compared to literate mothers (12.4%) (p< 0.05).

  Conclusions : In order to prevent this infection, health education especially for illiterate parents or those who have lower level of education is necessary.

Darioush Savadi Oskoui , Nayereh Aminisani , Maziyar Hashemilar,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2003)

  Background & Objective : The role of circulating lipids in the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke remains unclear despite 3 decades of research. Since ischemic stroke is one of the important causes of death or disability in the world. Finding its risk factors can play a crucial role in health interferences.This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between blood lipids and ischemic stroke.

  Methods : This wasa case-control study conducted in 2002. The case group were patients who were definitely diagnosed to have ischemic stroke for the first time. An equal number of control subjects (with the same age and sex) were selected from other hospital wards. These two groups were compared in terms of the blood lipids. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software (release 12) and statistical methods such as ANOVA and multivariate regression.

  Results : In this research 132 cases were compared with equal number of control subjects. The subjects in both groups were 64.1 years old on average. The mean level of total cholesterol was significantly higher in case group (p=0.001). The mean level of Triglycerides had no significant difference in two groups.

  Conclusions: Regarding the findings of the present research, offering strategies to lower the chlestrol level through primary prevention as well as drug interferences especially in the groups with other risk factors of stroke, seems to have a significant role in the prevention of ischemic stroke.

Ghodrat Akhavan Akbary , Abdolrasool Heidari , Shokouh Sadr Azodi ,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2004)

  Background & Objectives : Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation may lead to tachycardia, hypertension and dysrhythmia or myocardial ischemia. In this double blind study, the effects of midazolam and lidocaine on hemodynamic response to endotracheal intubation have been examined.

  Methods : 52 ASA class one patients, aged 20-50, who were candidate for elective inguinal hernia surgery with general anesthesia, were randomly assigned to two groups. All patients received normal saline or Ringer's lactate solution (5ml/kg) about 5-10 minutes before induction of anesthesia and were preoxygenated for 3 minutes. Group 1 received midazolam (0.05 mg/kg) and group 2 received lidocaine (1.5 mg/kg) during 3 minutes prior to intubation. Anesthesia was induced with fentanyl (100 µ g) and thiopental (5 mg/kg) and trachea was intubated by the aid of succinyl choline (1.5 mg/kg). Anesthesia was maintained with halothane (0.5-0.75%) and equal proportions of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate were recorded before premedication and intubation, as well as immediately two and five minutes after intubation. The data were analyzed by SPSS software using paired t-test.

  Results : After intubationSystolic and diastolic blood pressure, MAP and heart rate increased in both groups compared to the baseline values. The difference in increasing diastolic blood pressure and MAP between the two groups was significant (p<0.05), but the difference in increasing systolic blood pressure and heart rate between two groups was not statistically significant. The increase in diastolic blood pressure and MAP in group 1 was significantly more than group 2 (p<0.05).

  Conclusion : Clinically, midazolam was as much effective as lidocaine in controlling response to intubations. Consequently it can be used as an alternative lidocaine in intubations. It has also other priorities such as amnesia, anti-anxiety and anti-agitation.

Daruoosh Savadi Oskoyi , Ali Abedi, Reza Khandaghi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (12-2005)

  Background & Objectives: Hypokalemic paralysis is a relatively uncommon syndrome which is potentially dangerous. If it is diagnosed and treated timely, the patients will be saved without any side effects. Various diseases can lead to this syndrome which is characterized with decreasing of serum potassium and acute systemic paralysis. In hypokalemic paralysis, the serum level of potassium reaches to less than 3.5 Mmol/lit. This may be caused by transferrence of K to intracellular department, (periodic hypokalemic paralysis and periodic thyrotoxic paralysis). The aim of this study was to determine sex and age prevalence of these patients as well as other features of the patients suffering from periodic hypokalemic paralysis.

  Methods: 55 patients participated in this prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study which was conducted from 1999 to 2003. These patients were referred to the neurological department with hypokalemic diagnosis on the basis of laboratory and clinical examinations. The data were collected using a questionnaire. Also the serum level of K was measured. The data were analyzed by SPSS software.

  Results: from 50 patients, 46 (92%) were male and others were female. The patients were in 19-60 age range (Mean=33.16 SD=9.1). Mean serum level of K+ was 2.37 Mmol/lit (SD= 0.49) in the first hospitalization. The incidence of hypokalemia increased with aging , but majority of the patients (76%) were in age range 20-40. In 86% of the patients the time of hypokalemia crisis was at night and early morning. 11 patients had a high consumption of rich carbohydrate foods previously and 11 others had consumed corticosteroids. There was relapse of disease in 21 patients. 40 patients had paralysis in 4 extremities and 12 patients in 2 extremities. 4% of the patients were hypertensive and 4 patients were hyperthyroid. EKG was normal in 8 patients but in other cases there were abnormal changes.

  Conclusion: Despite the international references, the incidence ratio of male to female is high but the decreasing of K is more severe in female. Asetazolamide and oral KCL therapy not only decrease the period of hospitalization, but also are more effective in treatment of the disease.

Seid Kazem Shakouri , Mohammad Shimia, Vahide Toopchizadeh, Hasan Arkani ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2006)

  Background & Objectives : Although peripheral neuropathy involvement is well recognized in chronic renal failure, there are only a few studies on the evalution of central nervous system in these patients. Blink reflex as a simple and non-invasive test for evaluation of central nervous system can be helpful in patients with uremic neuropathy.

  Methods : This case-control and prospective study was performed on 18 patients with chronic renal failure (mean age 41.2) and 21 healthy subjects (maen age 37). Supraobital nerve stimulation was used to compare the subjects in two groups in terms of R1, IR2 and CR2 response latencies. The data were analyzed using SPSS (Ver.10).

  Results : Healthy subjects’ mean latencies for R1, IR2 and CR2 were 10.7, 31.9 and 33.1 milliseconds respectively. In chronic renal failure group it was 11.7, 34.3 and 35.1 millisecond respectively. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).

  Conclusion : In addition to peripheral neuropathy, cranial nerve involvement is seen in chronic renal failure. Therefore, blink reflex can be used as a simple and non-invasive method for evaluation of cranial nerve involvement.

Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari , Masoud Entezariasl , Firooz Amani ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2006)

  Background and Objectives: Laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation could lead to hemodynamic responses in the from of hypertension and tachycardia as well as arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia. This alterations can be life-threatening particularly in elderly people. This clinical trial compared the effects of two rapid-onset narcotics, Alfentanil and Remifentanil, on the hemodynamic responses to the induction and tracheal intubation in elderly patients.

  Methods: This double-blind clinical trial was conducted on 40 subjects aged 65 and above. They were candidate of cataract surgery under general anesthesia. The patients were randomly allocated to two groups of 20. The first group, was gaiven Alfentanil 10 m g/kg and for second group Remifentanil 0.5 m g/kg was injected prior to the induction of anesthesia. Both groups were similiar in the method of anesthesia except in narcotics. The first group was infused with Alfentanil 1 m g/kg/min and Remifentanil 0.1 m g/kg/min was used for the second group. Hemodynamic variations including heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure were measured and recorded eight times (before induction, aften injection, after intubation and five times during anesthesia). Data were analyzed with SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics such as T-test, chi squre and ANOVA.

  Results: Immediately after injection of narcotic drugs, all hemodynamic variants decreased. Howerver diastolic blood pressure in Remifentantil group significantly more than Alfentanil group (P<0.05). After laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation all hemodynamic variants increased and slowly decreased in less than 10 minutes. Systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure decreased significantly in remifentanil group than alfentanil group (P<0.05). Although heart rate decreased during few minutes after intubation, there was not significant difference between two groups regarding this decrease (P>0.05). Ephedrin was used to treat severe hypotention in those under Remifentanil (11 patients) more than those under Alfentanil (4 patients) (P<0.05).

  Conclusions: According to the resukts of this study Remifentanil could prevent hemodynamic variation induced by laryngoscopy and treacheal intubation more than Alfentanil. However in some cases Remifentanil leads to hypotension during anesthesia. There is no important difference between two drugs in increasing heat rate after laryngoscopy and intubation.

Mohammad Rahbar , Roghaiye Sabourian , Mahnaz Saremi , Mohammad Abbasi , Hosein Masoumi Asl , Mahmood Soroush ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2007)

 Objectives: Cholera is an endemic disease in Iran and some cases of this disease are reported throughout the world annually. The aim of this study was to determine epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype ELTor serotype Inaba in 2005 summer outbreak in Iran.

 Methods: Stool samples were collected from patients suspected of having cholera who were admitted to hospitals and clinics and then were cultured in TCBS. Specimens examined by confirmed bacteriological methods and ultimately they were serotyped by special antiserums. Finally 5% of the isolates were sent to Cholera Reference Laboratory for confirmation, serotyping and susceptibility testing. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion methods and E-test minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) as recommended by NCCLS.

 Results: Totally, 1118 patients were to have cholera the epidemicity. The Disease was reported from twenty six provinces. The majority of cases were reported from Tehran, Qum and Hamedan with 219, 190 and 150 cases respectively. 50% of patients were between 15-34 years old. 53% of patients were male and 47% female. 97.7% of patients had Iranian nationality, 2.3% were from Afghanistan and Pakistan. 20% of patients were hospitalized and 80% were treated as outpatients. Case mortality rate was 1%. 1104 isolates were Inaba serotype and only 14 cases were ogawa serotype. Our studies revealed that the origin of Vibrio cholerae was consumption of raw vegetables that were watered by sewage. We also isolated V. cholerae from sewages. All isolates were resistant to Co-trimoxazole, Nalidixic acid, Furazolidone, and intermediate to Chloramphenicole. All isolates were susceptible to Tetracycline, Ciprofloxacin, and Erythromycin. MIC for Co-trimoxazole and Nalidixic acid were over 256µg/ml and 1.5µg/ml for Erythromycin. The antibiogram results showed that all isolates had the same origin.

 Conclusion: Our study reveals that, unlike previous epidemics, the causative agent of cholera in summer outbreak of 2005 was V. Cholerae ELTor, serotype Inaba. Concering the similar antibiogram pattern they had the same origin.

Hadi Sadeghi , Saleh Rohollahi ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (4-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Ardabil city with population of about 340386 is still supplied with groundwater resource for drinking. That should have optimum quality standards in different aspects. If a drinking water physicochemical parameters levels is higher than the permitted recommended levels, they may create irreversible damages. This study intended to determine the physicochemical parameters of drinking water in Ardabil in the year 2004.

  Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study that has been done on 35 samples of Ardabil city drinking water resources in 2004. Most of the physicochemical parameters due to their importance and present limitations or even through technical restriction in water and wastewater laboratory of Ardabil health care centers were chemically analyzed and the results were statistically analyzed and compared by 1053 country standard methods.

  Results: According to the results of analyzed samples and their comparison with their related standard, it is estimated that So4, Po4 and total hardness of samples were %9, %71 & %41 respectively more than maximum acceptable level. Fluorine of samples was %57 less than the minimum recommended fluorine.

  Conclusion: Due to the lack of consistency in the values of So4, Po4, fluorine and total hardness of testing samples with the related standards, programming for obviation of the problems seems essential.

Gholamhosein Farjah , Tahmineh Peirouvi, Mohammadtaghi Joghataei , Mahdi Mehdizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (9-2007)

  Background & Objectives: Formation of myelin depends on maturation and development of the axonal cytoskeleton andmitochondria. Collagen gel can specifically play role in the regulation and development of axonal cytoskeleton.

  Methods: This research is an experimental study in which forty eight male rats (200-250g) were used. After axotomy, 1 cm segment of the sciatic nerve in rats was removed, and the gap was then bridged by one of the four following methods: polyvinylidene fluoride or PVDF + Collagen gel, Autograft, sham and control. Sciatic nerve was studied by electron microscope by the end of the 4th week and the 12th week.

  Results: By the end of the 4th week after the regeneration the number of unmyelinated axons in autograft and Collagen Gel was not significant, by the end of the 12th week, the number of unmyelinated axons in autograft group was superior to that of nerve growth factor group (P<0.01). After 12 weeks of regeneration, microtubular density values of normal and autograft groups were not statistically different. The cristae of axonal mitochondria in experimental groups are orientate parallel with its long dimension.

  Conclusion: The results of study indicated that because of its positive effect on the growth and development of microtubules and mitochodria, collagen Gel combination with PVDF can be used to repair peripheral nerve injuries.

Nayereh Amini Sani , Darioush Savadi Oskoui, Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran, Saeid Dastgiri , Mazyar Hashemilar, Maryam Jafariani,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Cerebrovascular disease mortality rates have declined in some countries during recent decades. Changes in mortality rates over time could be attributed to changes in disease incidence or case fatality rate. Very few studies have provided information regarding survival after stroke. We aimed to determine the case-fatality rate (28 days) among patients with first-ever stroke from a population-based study in Ardabil province, Northwest of Iran.

  Methods: This study was conducted between May 2005 and February 2006, all individuals with an acute stroke who were residents in Ardabil province and hospitalized at Alavi Hospital, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria. The data were analyzed through SPSS, Chi square and variance analysis.

  Results: A total of 352 patients with first-ever stroke were registered, and 346 (96%) were followed up. 288 (81.8%) ischemic stroke, 16.2% (57) ICH and 2% SAH. By 28 days, 70 patients (20.3%) had died. Hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease history were reported in 61.6%, 16.8% and 26.1% respectively and 19.8% of patients were smokers. Mean age of survivors was different from patients who died at 28 days after index event (64.2±12.9 VS 69.1±10.9, p=0.03). The proportion surviving 28 days varied from 16.2% among patients with ischemic stroke to 43% among ICH and SAH. For ischemic stroke, Survival rates were similar for men and women, whereas men with ICH had lower survival than women.

  Conclusion: Case fatality rate after first-ever stroke is substantial. Rates of mortality differ according to patients diagnosis, age, sex, and heart disease. These data highlight the importance of long-term secondary prevention.

Alireza Vahidi , Mohammadhosein Dashti ,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2007)

  Background & Objective: Herbal medicine has an old history with a broad application all over the world. Many researches have focused on the curative as well as antinociceptive effects of herbal extracts. In the previous study the analgesic effect of Chamomile extract containing 2 mg/kg essence in Rats which revealed a significant analgesic effect were studied. In this study it is planned to compare the analgesic effect of chamomile extract and Morphine (as a standard analgesic) in mice.

  Methods: This experimental study was carried out in Shahid Sadughi Medical School on 48 Syrian mice (25-30 grams) which were randomly divided into 8 groups. In this study the analgesic effect of intraperitoneal administration of Chamomile extract containing 2 mg/kg essence and different doses of Morphine (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) were assessed by using Formalin Test (for chronic pain during 1 hr. post Formalin injection) and Tail Flick Test (for acute pain during 2 hr. post drug administration in 15 min. time intervals).

  Results: The results of this study showed that 2nd phase of Formalin Test had more analgesic effect than that of 0.5 mg/kg morphine. In the case of Tail Flick Test its analgesic effect was prominent 30-90 min. after drug administration which was identical to the analgesic effect of 1.0 and 0.5 mg/kg Morphine Sulfate (P > 0.05).

  Conclusion: Data from this study confirms the analgesic effect of chamomile essence which was indicated in our previous study and that this analgesic effect is comparable with 1 mg/kg of morphine sulfate in both the Formalin TEST & Tail Flick TEST. Chamomile as an analgesic should be studied more in different studies.

Hadi Peeridoghaheh, Marziyeh Aligholi, Mohammadhosein Dehghan, Parviz Maleknejad,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2008)

Background & Objective: Brucellosis is one of the most common zoonotic diseases in Iran and is endemic in all parts of the country. Patients recorded in 1988 were 71,051(132. 4 per 100,000). Brucella species are facultative intracellular bacteria, and therefore a limited number of antibiotics are effective against these organisms. The aim of this study was the
evaluation of in vitro sensitivity of various antimicrobial agents against 47 brucella melitensis strains isolated from blood culture.
Methods: The susceptibility of 47 Brucella melitensis isolates derived from clinical samples were tested in vitro. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the tested antimicrobials were measured by the agar dilution method.MIC90 and MIC50 values were defined as the lowest concentration of the antibiotic at which 90 and 50 percent of the isolates
were inhibited, respectively. The NCCLS criteria for slow growing bacteria were considered to interpret the results.
Results: Tetracycline (MIC50: 0.13μg/ml, MIC90: 0.25 μg/ml) and streptomycin (MIC50:0.003 μg/ml, MIC90:0.25 μg/ml) had the lowest MICs in vitro against the B. melitensis strains. Norfloxacin had the highest (8 μg/ml) MIC90 value. More than half
isolates presented reduced susceptibility to rifampin (MIC value: 2μg/ml).
Conclusion: Brucella isolates remain susceptible in vitro to most antibiotics used for treatment of brucellosis. There is no significantly important resistance problem for antibiotics targeted against Brucella species in Iran. However, since rifampin is commonly used for prevalent diseases such as tuberculosis, the regional susceptibility pattern of rifampin should be assessed periodically.
Hamdollah Panahpour, Nicolas Plesnila,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2009)

 Background & objectives: Stroke remains one of main causes of death and disability in human. Animal models of the brain ischemia provide an important roles for studying of the pathophysiological mechanisms and evaluating of the efficacy of neuroprotective agents. The aim of this study is introducing a new model of the focal cerebral ischemia with increased success and low mortality rate.

 Methods: Fifteen six male mice were anesthetized with isofolorane and mixture of O2/N2O divided in four groups. Focal cerebral ischemia was induced by intraluminal filament method. A silicon coated nylon filament was used for middle cerebral artery occlusion. Regional cerebral blood flow was monitored by laser Doppler flowmetery for leading of filament in vascular pathway. In the 24 hours following ischemia (60minutes), animals were assessed for neurological outcome, infarct volume and brain edema induction. A new and reformed neurological test was used for evaluation of neurological deficits. 10 µm coronal sections were collected from 12 levels of the brain and stained, digitized and quantified by using an image analysis system. Ischemic brain edema was investigated by brain water content detection.

 Results: When sham operated mice had no motor deficit and infarction, induction of ischemia in ischemic group, seriously caused impairment of motor functions (neurological deficit score 3.36±0.25). Mean total infarct volume of left (ischemic) hemisphere was 85.2±4.9 mm3 and 47 percent of infarction occurred in subcortical regions of the brain. Induction of focal cerebral ischemia in the left (ischemic) hemisphere of the brain significantly increased water content (83.1±0.29 percent) compared to both hemispheres of sham group and right hemisphere of the same group. Success rate of ischemia induction was 97.6 percent and mortality rate was 4.21 percent.

 Conclusion: These findings indicate. This present model can be used for brain ischemia studies with high success rate, low mortality rate and narrow variety of the size and location of infarct volume. This model provides controlled and standard conditions to study ischemic brain injury and edema formation and introduce new therapeutic strategies.

Marjan Akhavan Amjadi , Faraz Mojab, Samira Shagbazzadegan,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2009)

 Background & Objectives:Primary Dysmenorrhea (PD) is common gynecology problem in women. It is defined as a menstrual pain that occur in absence of pelvic pathology. PD is common reason of women and girls’ absence from schoole. Pain is main complain of PD but other systemic symptoms like headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, irritability and dizziness are common. Many chemical drugs have been used to cure dysmenorrheal, but each has its own side effects.

  Cinnamomum zeylanicum has been used as an anti-spasmodic agent in traditional medicine .

  Methods : This study was a placebo-control, triple blind and randomize clinical trial. We research. The efficacy of C. zeylanicum on severity of symptoms with PD Severity of symptoms were assessed. Data were collected by question validated questionnaires. The subjects of study were 47 single women, who sufrred from primay dysmenorrhes, They were randomly selected and their age use between 18-30 years old. We divided them two group, 26 case women in (treatment group) whom needed capsules contain C. zeylanicum and control group whom revided placebo capsules. administered as soon as onset of pain feeling or bleeding, five capsule a day and continued for minimum three days. Severity of systematic symptoms was assessed with Andersch & Milsom verbal multidimensional scoring system. Data were analyzed through by SPSS software.

  Results: The mean age of women in case and control groups were 20.69 ± 1.93 and 21.7+4.6. There was a significant differences (p<0.001) in the Severity of pain between two groups. The severity of all the systematic symptoms decreased in both groups, but this reduction was not significant between two groups. No significant difference was seen for systematic symptoms between twogroups. In this study, had not been observed any side effects by using of C. zeylanicum .

  Conclusion: The results our study should that C. zeylanicumcan be effective in reducing the severity of dysmenorrheal, but C. zeylanicum has no sufficient effect on relief of systematic symptoms accompanying with dysmenorrhea.

Pooran Akhvan Akbari , Parviz Molavi, Ghodrat Akhvan Akbari , Mohammad Reza Ghodrati,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2009)

  Background & Objectives: ECT is one of the most common methods in treatment of different types of psychological disorder. The effectiveness of this therapy has direct relation to the duration of convulsion. Knowing the rate of efficacy of anesthetic drugs over convulsion by ECT and preventing of hemodynamic complications are important. This study was conducted to compare effect of Propofol with Sodium Thiopental in the induction of anesthesia during ECT.

  Methods : The subjects of this randomized, controlled and trial study were 16 patents with psychotic disorders. These patients received Sodium Thiopental and Succinylcholine or Propofol and Succinylcholine during 72 sessions of ECT. Duration of subjective and objective convulsion and hemodynamic changes (HR and MAP) as well as side effects of anesthesia and ECT was recorded. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS.

  Results: Duration of subjective and objective convulsion was lower in Propofol taken group than Sodium Thiopental taken patients, but this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.32). The variation of hemodynamic parameter was lower among Propofol taken patients.We observed significant difference between two groups regarding to increase of arterial BP’ mean after taking drugs and immediately after ECT (p=0.04). There was not significant difference from view points of prevalence of respiratory, Hemodynamic complications, nausea, vomiting and restlessness between two groups.

  Conclusion: Duration of convulsion in induction of anesthesia in ECT with Propofol and Sodium Thiopental was not different.

Mahdi Arzanlou,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2010)

  Back ground and aim: Cerebral phaeohyphomycosis in humans is caused by fungal agent which belongs to black yeasts. The disease is apparently restricted to Middle East been reported from Saudi Arabia, occupied Palestine and Qatar. The disease has not been recorded from Iran yet or its existence has not been noticed. Ramichloridium mackenziei is responsible for this disease, which belongs to fungal order chaetothyriales. Members of this order are mainly opportunistic pathogens on humans and animals causing a wide range of infections such as chromoblastomycosis (cutaneous, subcutaneous) and cerebral phaeohyphomycosis. Species recognition and delineation in members of this order is based on morphological features of asexual stage (anamorph). This order encompasses several genera such as Ramichloridium, Rhinocladiella, Exophiala, Veronaea, Cladophialophora. Some members of this order are morphologically similar to plant pathogenic or saprotrophic species and there is no clear-cut morphological differences among these genera. Accurate identification of human pathogenic species in both clinics and natural ecological niches will play important role in our understating on ecology of these fungi.

  Materials and methods: In present study, 24 isolates belonging to 15 species from three genera viz., Ramichloridium, Rhinocladiella and Veronaea were subjected to morphological and molecular examinations. Morphological features were evaluated on malt extract agar, using a slide culture technique. Phylogenitc relationship among isolates was inferred based on sequence data from two genomic regions of ribosomal DNA including partial sequences from ITS-rDNA and LSU-rDNA.

  Results: Phylogeny inferred from DNA sequence data placed isolates in two groups. Clade one included Rhinocladiella and Veronaea together with Ramichloridium mackenziei and R. fasiculata, R. anceps and Rhinocladiella basitona which all belong to the order Chaetothyriales. The second clade included type species of genus Ramichloridium (R. apiculatum) together with other plant pathogenic Ramicholridium species which belong to the order Capnodiales. Putting together DNA sequence data, ecology and morphology, Rhinocladiella is an appropriate genus to accommodate Ramichloridium mackenziei.

  Conclusion: taxonomic and phylogenetic position of Ramichloridium mackenziei is ascertained in Chaetothyriales. Combination of DNA data set together with morphology and ecology is indispensable in identification of human pathogenic Chaetothyriales. Current work is good starting point towards studying importance and diversity of these fungi in Iran.

Mahshid Talebi Taher, Masoumeh Abasi , Mitra Barati ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (9-2010)

  Background and objectives: Because of diminished inflammatory responses to microbial invasion, the identification and diagnosis of diabetic foot infections remains a complex problem. The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial agents of diabetic foot infection and their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern. Additionally the percent of infections that were lead to amputation was determined.

  Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on a cross sectional basis at two teaching hospitals. Documents belonging to patients with diabetic foot infections in stages III and IV were studied. All demographic information, clinical manifestations, culture results, outcome of infection and other necessary data were recorded in special data sheets. The SPSS 13 statistical software was used for analyzing data. Statistical significance was assayed by Student’s t-test and chi2. The differences were considered to be significant at the p<0.05 level.

  Results: Fifty two patients were selected, 36 patients (69.2%) were male. The mean age of patients was 60±12.8 years, and the mean duration of diabetes was 17±10.6 years. Amputation was done in 29 patients, and a significant correlation was found between duration of diabetes and amputation (p=0.04). The most frequently isolated pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (38.46%) E. coli (15.4%), coagulase negative staphylococci (13.5%), and proteus spp (13.5%). Antimicrobial susceptibility results showed that 55% of Staphylococcus aureus isolates were resistant to methicillin. All the Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative Staphylococci isolates were sensitive to vancomycin. 100% and 87.5% of E. coli isolates were resistant to ceftriaxone and ceftazidime respectively. All Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were sensitive to ceftazidime.

  Conclusion: More than half of patients with diabetic foot infection were under amputation and there was significant correlation between amputation and duration of diabetes, so prevention of foot ulcer is very important in those patients. The results showed that the most isolates were resistance against common antibiotics and antibiogram is the best way to choose appropriate therapy in these patients.

Masoumeh Hajishafiha, Shaker Salari Lac , Minoo Khairi Tabar , Siyamak Naji, Mahzad Sadaghiani , Nahideh Asadi ,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2011)

  Background & objectives : Today there is a significant progress in the treatment of female infertility but there is no main improvement for the rate of implantation and live birth. This is because of non-implantation and early abortion that lead to decrease the rate of live birth. Genital infections such as bacterial vaginosis are common cause of this problem.

  Distinction and treatment of bacterial vaginosis is easy and non-expensive. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis could results in improving the rate of implantation and then live birth.

  Methods: We considered 209 infertile women treated with ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection). This study was performed in infertility clinic of KOSAR hospital affiliated to Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran.

  Before transferring of embryo, a sample was taken from posterior culdesac secretions by sterile cotton swap and fixed it on lamella. Then bacterial vaginitis was graded by a pathologist. The relationship of bacterial vaginosis with implantation and early abortion was studied. Data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed by t-test and Chi-Square test. p<0.05 is considered statistically significant.

  Results: Bacterial vaginosis was significantly more frequent in patients with tubal and ovulatory disorder (p=0.013). In women undergoing ICSI, bacterial vaginosis was not associated with decreased conception rate (p=0.892) and with increased rate of early pregnancy loss (p=0.44).

  Conclution: Bacterial vaginosis is prevalent in women with infertility. It is also the most important cause of infertility in patients with tubal and ovulatory disorder. Bacterial vaginosis does not affect fertilization rate.

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