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Showing 2 results for Yazdanbood
Khalil Rostami, Abbas Yazdanbood , Nayereh Amini Sani, Faranak Moharami , Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)
Background & Objectives: One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is gallstone and its complications, that leads to hospitalization and expensive cost. Since Causative factors in this disease are so many that some of them can be preventable and there has not been a study on the risk factor and gallstone, this study investigates the relationship between riskfactor and gallstone, Methods: This was a case-control. study A total of 150 patients with gallstone using the simple nonrandomized method were selected and were compared with 150 hospital controls with which they were matched. The risk factors for gallstone formation (age, gender, family history, parity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia) were assessed in all of subjects. The association of gallstone with all these risk factor was evaluated with statistical tests including chi-square, ANOVA. Results: In this study, 117 cases (78%) were female and the other 33 cases (22%) were male. 42 persons (28%) were between 40-49 years old and about body mass index 63 persons (42%) were at the range of 25-299 (overweight). The mean serum level of triglyceride in women of case-group was 152.7 ± 7.5 in comparison with 117.8 ± 57.7 mg/dl in control group (p=0.001). Mean duration of oral contraceptive pills in case was 6.9 ± 4.9 in comparison with 3.1 ± 2.9 years in control group. There was a positive correlation between Goldstone, BMI and mean serum trighyceridz level in women (p=0.001, p=0.001). There was not any arelationship between the parity, smoking, hyper chlostrolemia, hypertriglyceride (in men), positive family history and gallstone. Conclusion: In this study, bidy mas index, the period of taking oral contraceptive pills and triglyceride play roles in gallstone formation. Since these factors can be interventional, it is essential that good plannings be devised to improve them.
Manoochehr Iranparvar Alamdari, Hosein Ghorbani Behrooz, Abbas Yazdanbood, Naiyereh Amini Sani , Solmaz Islam Panah, Mahmood Shokrabadi, Volume 12, Issue 3 (autumn 2012)
Background & Objectives: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which lacking of control and suitable care lead to disability and mortality. American Diabetes Association (ADA) has emphasized the medical care of diabetic patients and has suggested several objectives to increase survival and improve health outcomes with low complications by controlling the glycemic, lipids, nerupathy and hypertension as well as foot care, nutritional therapy and screening of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of care in diabetic patients from Ardabil and its concordance to the standards recommended by ADA. Methods: In a cross sectional study, 100 diabetic patients referring to a clinic of diabetes in Ardabil (2005) were randomly selected and enrolled. The study was conducted according to a questionnaire with 90 questions and physical examination and Final lab tests. Data were collected and analyzed with Spss version 12. ANOVA test was used to compare groups. Results: The 12 months recorded lab tests for diabetic patients were as follows: Hb A1C in 33%, MicroAlbuminuria in 16%, HDL in 58% and LDL in 55% of patients had been checked. Foot and peripheral pulses exams were only recorded in 9 and 5% of patients respectively. In final lab tests, 24% of patients had favorable FBS level (90- 130mg/dl). 46% of patients had suitable Hb A1C and 32% patients had MicroAlbuminuria. Aspirin was recommended to 45% of patients over 50 years old. Only 10% of patient for three lab tests (FBS, LDL cholesterol, Hb A1C) achieved the intended aims. According to ADA recommendations 22% of patients for three risk factors (BP, LDL cholesterol & Total cholesterol) were in optimal level. Conclusion: There is a high difference between current diabetes care in our clinic and ADA goals.