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Showing 3 results for Taklavi
Roya Zare , Somaye Taklavi , Volume 18, Issue 3 (autumn 2018)
Background & objectives: The growing numbers of cosmetic treatments, especially Botox in recent years, and the limited researches on the mental characteristics of those applying for this type of cosmetic surgery, have necessitated more attention to this matter. The aim of this study was to compare appearance schema and emotional processing in applicants and non-applicants of botox injection.
Methods: the present work was cross-sectional (causal-comparative) study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all individuals referring to beauty clinics (dermatology, hair, beauty) in Ardabil, second half of 1396. Among them, 60 subjects (30 applicants and 30 non-applicants for Botox cosmetic) were selected through convenience sampling procedure. Furthermore, Appearance Schema Inventory (ASI) and Baker et al’s Emotional Processing Questionnaire were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
Results: The results showed a significant difference between the mean of appearance schema and emotional processing in applicants and non- applicants (p<0.01). The amount of visual schema (self-assessment and self-motivation) and emotional processing was high in the Botox group (p<0.01) and non-Botox group (p<0.01) respectively.
Conclusion: results indicated that Botox and beauty enthusiasts had high appearance schemas and low emotional processing. These people in compared to non-applicants were more likely to experience difficulties.
Zeynab Atayi Kalan, Anahita Azarkolah , Somayyeh Taklavi, Parviz Molavi, Volume 19, Issue 1 (spring 2019)
Background & objectives: This study was conducted to compare the basic psychological needs and different levels of Theory of mind between mothers of oppositional defiant disorder and hyperactivity / attention deficit disorder children
Methods: The statistical population of the study included all mothers of childern with oppositional defiant disorder and hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder in psychiatric clinics of Fatemi hospital of Ardabil in 1396-1397. These mothers were randomly assigned in to two groups (35 people in group ODD & 35 people in group ADHD). The instruments used in this study were: Theory of mind, basic psychological needs and Children's Symptoms Questionnaire (CSI-4 Parent Form). The collected data were entered into SPSS-21 software and analyzed by data analysis method. Multivariate variance (MANOVA) was used.
Results: The results of the analysis of variance finding show that is no significant difference between mental theory (p>0.407, F=0.697) of basic psychological needs such as competency (p>0.336, F=0.393) self-determination (p>0.597, F=0.283) and communication (p>03.387, F=0.760) between two groups of mothers of children with oppositional defiant disorder and hyperactivity disorder/attention deficit.
Conclusion: These results show that the importance of paying attention to the basic psychological needs and the theory of the minds of mothers of these children in improving the educational status of social communication and emotional assessments and cognitive development of the child.
Somayyeh Taklavi, Solmaz Ghodrati, Volume 19, Issue 2 (summer 2019)
Background & objectives: Suicidal thoughts have been found to be associated with a wide variety of factors. A key factor is a history of childhood and family adversity. Previous studies have shown that troubled romantic relationships are associated with higher risk factors for mental health. Also, evidence suggests that those who have a secure attachment styles in childhood have fewer symptoms of psychopathology and higher psychosocial functioning throughout the lifespan (especially romantic relationship) compared to individuals with an insecure attachment style. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional failure and attachment styles in predicting suicidal thoughts among university students of Azad university of Ardabil.
Methods: In this study, descriptive and correlational design was defined as a research method. The statistical population of this study was all university students of the Ardabil Azad University, who studied in the academic year of 2018 (N=4231). The sample consisted of 80 people who were selected by purposive sampling. Beck's suicidal thoughts questionnaire, Simpson's attachment style questionnaire and Ross's love hit questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis.
Results: The results of the research showed that emotional failure (r=0.35) and unsafe attachment style (r=0.23) had a positive correlation with suicidal thoughts, and secure attachment style (-0.40) had a significant negative correlation with suicidal thoughts (p<0.01). The results of regression analysis showed that 12 percent of the variance of suicidal thoughts can be predicted by emotional failure and 25 percent by attachment styles. Secure attachment style (β=3.35), emotional failure (β=3.35) and insecure attachment style (β=3.3) were the most effective factors in the prediction of suicidal thoughts, respectively.
Conclusion: Overall, the results of this study emphasized that attachment styles (secure and unsafe) and severity of emotional failure are good predictors of suicidal thoughts among university students.