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Showing 2 results for Sayadrezai

Eiraj Sayadrezai, Majid Rostami,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Autumn 2008)


 Background & objectives: Warts are common dermatological disorder which are difficult to treat and usually relapse. In this study the efficacy of topical %5 5- fluorouracil was compared with conventional cryotherapy in treatment of plantar Warts.

 Methods: In a clinical trial study, 50 patients clinically diagnosed as warts were divided in to two groups. 25 patients were treated with topical 5% 5- fluorouracil while the other 25 were treated with cryotherapy. After treatment, patients were followed for 6 months from the viewpoints of treatment complication, efficacy and relapse rate.

 Results: It was observed that treating period in cryotherapy was short but 5F-U therapy needed longer time. Initially in 5-FU group 52% of patient had good response, 36%moderate response and in 12% no response was observed there is no significant difference in view of sex in this group (p=51%) and in cryotherapy group 60% of patients had good response, 28% moderate response and in 12% no response was observed like wise there was no significant difference in terms of gender (p=0.08). In response to therapy there was no difference between two groups (p=0.09%) after 6 months follow up relapse rate was 18% in cryotherapy patients and only 8%in 5-FU group which wasn't statistically meaningful and no difference was observed between two groups (p=0.27).

 Conclusion: The results indicated that course of treatment was shorter in cryotherapy than the topical 5- FU but the relapse rate didn't have any difference between two groups. The only significant difference was pain in which 5- FU was painless but cryotherapy was painful.


Eiraj Sayadrezai, Esmaeil Farzaneh , Ahad Azamy , Afsaneh Enteshari Mogaddam, Samira Shahbazzadegan, Reza Mehrgany,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (winter 2009)

 Background and objectives: Suicide is an important problem for social safety and health. This phenomenon is costly for remedy and also is against Islamic values and ethics. Recognizing some risk factors of forecasting after epidemiologic studies on people whom attempted to suicide could prepare and present outlines and proper guides for preventing by health and social planners. This research is purposed on suicide epidemiologic study to obtain full and enough data about deceased people by suicide in Ardebil province.

 Methods: The subjects of this descriptive, analytic and sectional research were 64 deceased people by suicide from 2003-2008, who were registered in Bualy, Fatemu, Alavi Hospital and Forensic Medicine of Ardabil Province. The Data was gathered by a researcher designed questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software.

 Results: The highest rate of suicide belonged to age rank of 15-24 years (43.8 %), which occurred in female (62.5 %), married people (57.8 %) urban society (65.6 %) and patient without past chronic physical illness or psychiatric history and without pre-attempt suicide. Self poisoning by drugs and toxins were the most common used method in this case (90.6 %). Orderly the most common used drugs were Organo-Phosphorate Toxins, Tricyclic Antidepressants and Aluminum Phosphid.

 Conclusion:This research is indicating various risk factors such as sex, age, marriage status, residing place of society and easy access to drugs and toxins. According to obtained results, it is better or proper to accomplished related education and training of preventation and interference of mental health in second and third decades of life with allocation of much time for females (especially married). We suggest paying more attention to education, preventation, diagnosis and treatment of poisoning especially poisoning by most common drugs and toxins.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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