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Showing 2 results for Sattarzade

Maryam Saghiri, Niloofar Sattarzadeh, Nosrat Tabrizi, Zakariya Pezeshki,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2008)

Background & Objective: Labor pain is one of the most severe pains that mothers experience. Intense pain leads to stress and has unfavorable effects on the mother and fetus. This research was done to determine the effect of using Entonox (N2O) self administration on reducing labor pain in the active phase of labor& delivery, Mode of delivery, and newborn's Apgar score.
Methods: One hundred and twenty primiparous women in 29 Bahman Hospital in Tabriz were included it this randomly single-blind research. In the active phase of delivery, Entonox and Oxygen gases were used. The severity of the mother's pain was asked and was scored according to analogue criterion.
Results: There was a significant difference in frequency of pain intensity in two groups of Entonox and Oxygen. The Mean score of pain intensity in Entonex user, in the first & second stage of labor was 5.93% and 5.82% respectively, while for the oxygen users it was 6.99% and 6.74% which was significant. 41.7% of the mothers in the Entonox group had a severe pain and 11.7% had a very severe pain, whereas in the Oxygen group 58.3% of the mothers had a severe pain and 25% of them had very severe pain (p< 0.001). Meanwhile we found no significant difference between modes of delivery progress of labor and newborn's Apgar
Conclusion: According to research results, Entonox reduces the intensity of labor pain more than oxygen and is effective during the first and second phase of delivery.
Roghaiyeh Bayrami , Niloofar Sattarzade, Fatemeh Ranjbar Koocheksarai , Mohammad Zakariya Pezeshki ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

  Background & Objectives: Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive periods of lifetime and married life and sexuality may bring about numerous physical and psychological changes. Lack of attention to sexual matters during pregnancy may cause sexual dysfunction in each of couples. The aim of this study was identifying male sexual behavior and its relevant factors during the partner’s pregnancy.

 Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study in which 350 men, whose wives were pregnant, were selected in two stratified stages. The instrument for data collection was Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale- male questionnaire. All data were analyzed by SPSS11.5. Descriptive information was used for describing the frequencies and also the x2 test was used for determining relation ship among variables.

 Results: The findings revealed that 21.3% of men in the first trimester, 19.3 in the second and 28.3 in the third trimester had sexual dysfunction. In each trimester, inability to reach orgasm was the most common sexual dysfunction in men. Frequency of vaginal coitus decreased in 64.9% of men and in 46.6 % of them fear from risk for fetus health during vaginal coitus was the essential reason for this reduction. There were significant differences between sexual dysfunction and fear from risk for fetus health and guilt feeling of sexual activity. Therefore decreased vaginal coitus caused sexual dysfunction.

  Conclusion: As men’s knowledge and attitudes about sexuality affect their sexual behavior during pregnancy it is crucial to provide proper consultation regarding sexual relations in prenatal care services.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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