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Showing 2 results for Mohammadi Ghalehbin

Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin, Esmaeil Falah , Mohammad Asghar Zadeg, Abdol Hasan Kazemi, Ahmad Daryani, Firooz Amani, Saeide Amani, Mina Agazade, Rasool Abdollahi, Rouhollah Arab,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2006)

 Background & Objectives: Cryptosporidium is an intracellular – extracytoplasmic parasite that has taken much attention in last 20 years as a clinically important human pathogen. Cryptosporidial infection can be transmitted from fecally contaminated food or water and from animal-human or human-human contact. In immunocompromised persons, the illness is much more severe such as debilitation, fatigue, cholera-like diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps, low-grade fever, severe weight loss and Anorexia. Because there was no regional study about cryptosporidiosis in Ardabil, we carried out this survey to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis among the children hospitalized in Ardabil.

 Methods: This descriptive and analytical study was carried out on 371 patients in Sabalab and Aliasghar hospitals of Ardabil between 2004 and 2005. A questionnaire was filled for each patient. Stool samples were examined by concentrated formal - ether method and stained with modified Ziehl-Neelson method. The data were analyzed with SPSS (ver 11) using Chi-square test.

  Results: We analyzed 371 stool samples from children with diarrhea. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected microscopically in 15 samples. Its prevalence was 4.04% in infected patients. 66.7% of the infected ones were at the age of 6 to 24 months, 20% 25-48 months, and 13.3% 49-72 months.

 Condusion: Because cryptosporidiosis was more prevalent at the age of 6-24 months, health education is more necessary for their mothers.

Roya Houshmandi Khaneghahi, Shahram Habibzadeh, Farhad Pourfarzi, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Summer 2024)

Background: Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by an obligate intracellular protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii. Consumption of raw or undercooked meat infected with tissue cysts and consumption of parasite oocysts are considered the main ways of parasite transmission to humans. The most severe complications of toxoplasmosis occur in people who have an ineffective immune system, as well as during pregnancy. Since the awareness of the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in different population groups and geographical areas and the risk factors involved in it, is one of the most important indicators which can be estimated the risk of infection in any society, this study aims to know the extent of prevalence of anti-toxoplasma antibody in  serum and some risk factors related to it in females in Ardabil city.
Methods: Three hundred forty nine female of Ardabil city were randomly selected based on the files available in health centers. This number was divided into ten-year age groups with an age range of 1-69 years. These people were invited and included in the study if they agreed. The designed questionnaire was completed and blood samples were taken. Serum samples were tested using an ELISA kit to detect anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody.
Results: The prevalence rate of anti-toxoplasma IgG antibody in female residents in Ardabil, aged 1 to 69 years was 45%. The prevalence rate was directly related to increasing age. People’s education level had an inverse relationship with the infection rate. Despite the increase in seropositivity, the prevalence rate in people who had contact with cats was not significant. Also, the prevalence rate had a direct and significant relationship with increasing BMI.
Conclusion: The seroprevalence of anti-toxoplasmosis antibody in female people in Ardabil is equal to 45% and is high compared to the world estimates. 70-75% of people of marriageable age are seronegative and are at risk of contracting acute toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, which requires appropriate preventive health policies.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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