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Showing 5 results for Mazaheri

Effat Mazaheri , Seyedhashem Sezavar , Adalat Hosseinian , Nasrin Fooladi ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (Winter 2002)

  Background & Objective : Today, with changes in health care systems, most of the patients, receive occupational and special cares at home after being discharged from hospital . The aim of this study was to assess the effects of follow up on physical and emotional status of the patients with recent myocardial Infarction .

  Methods : This experimental study was done on 60 patients with acute myocardial infarction, who referred to Boali Hospital during 2000-2001.The patients were chosen randomly and were set in two different groups with 30 subjects in each group . Then, a home care program was designed for case group. but there was no intervention for control group . This home care program was completed and one week later the physical and emotional status of the patients in two groups were analyzed by Spilbergar and Beck tests and finally the results were compared in two groups using X2 test.

  Results : The X2 test showed that there is a significant difference between resting heart rate of two groups with P<0.05 but the difference among systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body weight, anxiety and depression was not statistically significant in two groups.

  Conclusions: Regarding the effects of follow-up on the physical and emotional status of the patients, nurses can improve the quality of the patienys life through active home - care and rehabilitation programs along with social supports.

Habib Ojaghi, Rahim Maasoomi, Nasrin Mazaheri Garangah, Mohsen Sagha,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Autumn 2005)

 Background & Objectives: Considering the high prevalance of congenital obstruction of nasolacrimal ducts in infants and the importance of timely intervention and due to the lack of previous similar researches in Ardebil province, and regarding the discrepancies in the reports about the degree of successful accomplishment of the first probing, the researchers set out to design and perform the present research among the patients referring to ophthalmology ward.

  Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted on 84 children suffering from congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction who had undergone pobing surgery in Alavi hospitaly between 2000 and 2002.

  Results: 70 eyes of 50 patients were examined. 27 (54%) were male and 23 (46%) were female. 20 of them (40%) had bilateral involvement and 30 (60%) had unilateral one. Involvement of right eye (60%) was more than left eye (40%) and was expected in first child (56%) more than subsequent offsprings. Clinical manifestation was epiphora in 44%, prulent discharge in 12% and epiphora with prulent discharge in 44%. 90% of the subjects were operated for the first time while 10% had had 2-3 operations before complete recovery was observed in 48% of the patients 46% of them had relative improvement and no recovery was witnessed in 6% of them.

 Conclusion: This study showed that the male infants were affected more than females, and the rate of involvement in right eye as well as in first children was relarively high. Also the rate of recovery among unilateral groups and infants under 1 year of age was considerably high, so it is recommended that the patients of this age group undertake a therapy with topical antibiotic and lacrimal sac massage and because of the low success of the surgery above 2 years of age, probing is recommended from 6 month to 18 months of age if medical treatment was unsuccessful.

Hosein Dostkami , Effat Mazaheri ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (Autumn 2006)

  Background & Objective: Myocardial infarction is a comman cause in hospitalized patients with mortality rate of about 30%. Ontime diagnosis, earlier management and simply (time) factor have very important role in effective treatment, prevention of progression of injury and improvement of prognosis in the patients. Nearly 60% of mortality in this disease is in the first hour after onset of symptoms. Therefore this study was done to evaluate the refferal process, admission and hospitalization in patients with myocardial in farction at Buali hospital Ardabil.

  Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done on 77 patients with primary diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction based on clinical findings and ECG changes in the form of 1mm ST segment elevation in two adjacent leads or new LBBB or LBBB with unknown onest. Fourteen subjects were excluded from the study based on subsequent examination of continuous ECG and enzymatic evidence rulling out the presence of MI. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics.

  Results: Referral time of patients after onset of symptom was 6.72 ± 5.53 hours. 73.02% of the patients referred with delay (90 minutes after onset of symptom). Mean referral time after onset of symptoms was 7.15±7.07 hours, 60.32% of the patients were outpatients, 34.92% were samples referred by other medical centers and 4.76% by emergency service in the latter group there was no delay in referring time. Mean admission time from emergency room to CCU was 1.04±0.94 hours. 47.62% of the patients underwent thrombolytic therapy with stereptokinase. In this group mean time from entrance to emergency until beginning thrombolytic therapy (Door to Needle time) was 1.22±0.34 houre.

  Conclusion: Because earlier beginning of thromolytic therapy had important role in decreasing mortality and morbidity in patients with myocardial infarction, we can increase survival rate in these patients by recognizing factors delaying, admission and earlier initiation of treatment.

Hosein Alimohammadi, Nasrin Fouladi , Firouz Amani , Mehran Safarzade, Farhad Purfarzi , Effat Mazaheri ,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2008)

 Background & Objectives: Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis parasitical disease. Infection with Toxoplasma gondii in transmission of parasite to fetus or its reactivation among immune-compromised persons can lead to server clinical symptoms. The aim of study was to determine immune level of Toxoplasmosis among women who were to get married and have referred to Health Center of Ardabil.

  Methods: In this study 272 blood samples of women who had referred to health center of Ardabil in 2007 were collected. Samples were tested with ELISA method to detect Anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG Antibodies.

  Results: The tests showed that 42.3% of women were IgG Positive, 57.2% were IgG negative and 2.6% women were IgM positive and also IgG positive. They have ( IgG positive women) 11.3% family history of abortion, 96.5% eating raw vegetables, 92.2% eating half cooked meat, 89.6% not washing the vegetables with disinfectants, 29.6% animal contact, 57.4% contact with raw meat and 94.8% used piped water.

  Conclusion: Since 57.7% of women who were to marry in Ardabil city were negative from the view point of Toxoplasmosis, health education for elimination of risk factors especially within pregnancy period seems mandatory.

Hosein Douste Kami , Adalat Hosseinian , Effat Mazaheri, Naser Aslanabadi , Samad Ghaffari , Bahram Sohrabi , Eiraj Mohammadzadeh , Farhad Pourfarzi , Naser Moaiiednia ,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (autumn 2013)

  Background & Objectives: Coronary bifurcation lesions are important, complex lesions with different therapeutic strategies. In this study, patients with Coronary bifurcation lesions were treated and clinical results in these patients were followed during the nine-month period.

  Methods: This descriptive analytical study was performed between January 2007 to December 2008 at Tabriz Shahid Madani Cardiovascular Center. We have studied 96 patients (83 male and 13 female). Patients on the basis of one or two stents were placed in one group and the other groups were divided based on the use of Drug Eluting Stent and Bare Metal Stent. After diagnostic angiography if coronary bifurcation lesions were present based on Medina classification, appropriate angioplasty treatment was carried out. In a situations including chest pain, electrocardiographic changes or the objective evidence of ischemia and indication of angiography, appropriate diagnostic tests during follow up period were done. Clinical outcomes including acute coronary events were recorded. And result analyzed using SPSS version 16 . Chi-square ، Fisher and T tests were used to compare the relationship between variables.

  Results: In this study 86.5% was male and 13.5% female. The mean age of these patients was 56±9.9 years old. The most prevalent risk factor was HTN with 41.7% incidence and 55.2% of patient had chronic stable angina and 26% of them had history of acute myocardial infarction, 7.2% with history of PCI and 5.2% with history Of CABGS. Most prevalent site of bifurcation was ALD/diagonal with 65.5% incidence. The most prevalent complication was mild bleeding from puncture site with 10.4% and 5.2% of patients had mild hematoma. Among patients with two stents versus one stent presence of AMI presentation with CSA, ST Elevation in ECG was statistically significant. Also involvement of SB (side branch) lesions lengths at SB, kissing ballooning after implantation of two stents were statistically significant. Among patients with DES versus BMS usage of stent in RCA, LAD, lesion lengths at PMB (proximal main branch), DMP (distal main branch) and SB, procedure time, radiation dose, fluoroscopy time were statistically significant. Among two groups MACE (major acute coronary event) in two stents patient between 1-3 month and total MACE at first 6 month were statistically significant

  Conclusion: The age of patients treated with CBL was low, also more usage of BMS and stenting of BFLs with two BMS had weak results in this study but surprisingly total results of BMS and DES did not have significant difference after 9 months follow up between two groups.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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