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Showing 7 results for Masoumi

Rahim Masoumi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2004)

Background & Objectives: Congenital cataract surgery is one of the complicated and difficult surgeries in ophthalmology. Its prevalance is one per 2000 live birth but it is one the main causes of blindness in children. This prevalence is even higher in underdeveloped countries (30 in 100000 cases). Lensectomy & vitrectomy by vitrectome device are the latest methods in this regard. The objective of this study was to evaluate the post-operative results of this method of surgery in patients operated because of congenital cataract.

  Methods: After the diagnosis of the congenital cataract and primary examinations, the patients, in necessary cases, were examined under anesthesia and if possible, in all patients retinoscopy was conducted and intraocular presure was measured. If the examination of the retin was possible, the red reflex was determined. Then the patients were garded to D( absence of cloudy lens), 1( the presence of opacity up to 1 mm), 2A (the area of apaque part less than nonopaque area), 2B (the area of opaque part more than nonopaque area) and 3 ( complete opaqcity of lens). All of the patients were evaluated in two groups: first, only congenital cataract second cataract due to trauma.

  Results: In the first group (with 24 patients and 33 eyes). 26 eyes (79%) had very good postoperative condition, 4 eyes (12%) had good condition and 3 eyes (9%) were nearly good. In the second group including 17 patients, 9 eyes (56%) were very good and 4 eyes (26%) good and 4 eyes (26%) moderate in terms of postoperative results, and none of them had poor results.

  Conclusion: Because of the good surgical results of lensectomy and vitrectomy in congenital cataract and rapid visual acuity they are still methods of choice in congenital cataract surgery.

Habib Ojaghi, Rahim Masoumi , Elham Ghaebi ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Summer 2005)

  Background & Objectives: Pterygium is a common ophthalmic disease which can cause astigmatism and restriction of visual field and cosmetic problems. Regarding the high recurrence rate using the common methods and because similar studies have never been done in Ardabil province, we decided to study the recurrence rate of pterygium after surgery with intraoperative application of mitomycin C.

  Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study all patients with primary pterygium who had undergone surgery between February 2001 and September 2003 were assessed and followed up for postoperative examinations. The findings were then statistically analysed.

  Results: In this study 83 eyes of 80 patients were examined. The highest prevalence of pterygium was in age group 31-40. Most of the patients had undergone unilateral surgery. In terms of size the most prevalence of pterygium was 3-4 mm. 4 cases (4.8%) had recurence one of which was observed in the first 2 months after surgery and three others in 2-6 months after it. In 50% of the recurred cases pterygium was 4 mm and in the rest of them it was 5 mm in size. After operation just 2 cases had granuloma which did not respond to topical corticosteroids and were excised by surgery.

  Conclusion: This study shows that the recurrence rate of pterygium after surgery with intraoperative mitomycin C is very low and this method has no serious complications. Using this method routinely is recommended. Moreover the recurrernce rate of pterygium is associated with its size.

Mohammad Rahbar , Roghaiye Sabourian , Mahnaz Saremi , Mohammad Abbasi , Hosein Masoumi Asl , Mahmood Soroush ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

 Objectives: Cholera is an endemic disease in Iran and some cases of this disease are reported throughout the world annually. The aim of this study was to determine epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype ELTor serotype Inaba in 2005 summer outbreak in Iran.

 Methods: Stool samples were collected from patients suspected of having cholera who were admitted to hospitals and clinics and then were cultured in TCBS. Specimens examined by confirmed bacteriological methods and ultimately they were serotyped by special antiserums. Finally 5% of the isolates were sent to Cholera Reference Laboratory for confirmation, serotyping and susceptibility testing. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion methods and E-test minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) as recommended by NCCLS.

 Results: Totally, 1118 patients were to have cholera the epidemicity. The Disease was reported from twenty six provinces. The majority of cases were reported from Tehran, Qum and Hamedan with 219, 190 and 150 cases respectively. 50% of patients were between 15-34 years old. 53% of patients were male and 47% female. 97.7% of patients had Iranian nationality, 2.3% were from Afghanistan and Pakistan. 20% of patients were hospitalized and 80% were treated as outpatients. Case mortality rate was 1%. 1104 isolates were Inaba serotype and only 14 cases were ogawa serotype. Our studies revealed that the origin of Vibrio cholerae was consumption of raw vegetables that were watered by sewage. We also isolated V. cholerae from sewages. All isolates were resistant to Co-trimoxazole, Nalidixic acid, Furazolidone, and intermediate to Chloramphenicole. All isolates were susceptible to Tetracycline, Ciprofloxacin, and Erythromycin. MIC for Co-trimoxazole and Nalidixic acid were over 256µg/ml and 1.5µg/ml for Erythromycin. The antibiogram results showed that all isolates had the same origin.

 Conclusion: Our study reveals that, unlike previous epidemics, the causative agent of cholera in summer outbreak of 2005 was V. Cholerae ELTor, serotype Inaba. Concering the similar antibiogram pattern they had the same origin.

Habib Ojaghi, Rahim Masoumi, Masoumeh Mohammadi,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (Spring 2008)

Background & Objective: one of the most common causes of Epiphora or lacrimation or recurrent infection is Dacryocystitis. The Dacryocystorhinostomy operation, which involves fistulization of the lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity may alleviate the symptoms. Since the routine usage of silicon tube in DCR operation for reducing the replapse has been a controversial issue, This study was done to investigate the rate of success of DCR operation
with silicone tube.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study in which all of the patients (189) who had history of DCR at Sina and Alavi hospitals were asked to continue the treatment after the operation through contact or follow up from home. So the results of their records were analyzed statistically.
Results: 102 out of 189 patients had history of operation who had referred for follow up, in terms of most prevalent symptoms, epiphora and purulent discharge was the highest 55.6% and the second one was epiphora alone 29.1%. The operation prevalence was more in women 74.1%. than in men 25.9% and unilateral involvement 97.3% was more than bilateral one. The highest age prevalence in DCR operation was 30-60 years. The surgery was successful in 82.3%. It was a little more successful in men (85.7%) than in women and the mean age of patients with successful DCR surgery was more than that of patients with unsuccessful DCR surgery.
Conclusion: The results showed that the rate of recovery in unilateral involvement is more than that of bilateral involvement. Also, success after the operation in patients whose primary complain was only purulent discharge was significantly more than those whose primary complain was epiphora and purulent discharge, It also seems that routine application of silicon tuby in DCR surgery has no effect in the increase of recovery and decrease of disease
recurrency which of course more prospective studies are required to prove this.
Rahim Masoumi , Navid Masoumi , Nasrin Fouladi , Elaheh Samiee,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (autumn 2011)

  Background &Objectives :Hyphema which commonly caused by the blunt trauma, is defined as blood accumulation in the anterior chamber of the eye. It is associated with several complications from which secondary hemorrhage is more important. This study was aimed to determine Tranexamic acid effect on reduction of the secondary hemorrhage in traumatic hyphema.

  Methods: This study was a randomized controlled trial in 54 patients with traumatic hyphema referred to ophthalmology clinic of Alavi Hospital in Ardabil during 2006-2008. The patients were divided into two groups. Half of the patients received Tranexamic acid and the rest used placebo. After examination of the eyes, the data were analyzed by using Chi-squareand Student-t tests.

  Results : In this study 79.6% of patients were men and the rest were women. They had 19.8 ± 9.44 years old as mean. The vision for 33.3% of the individuals showed light perception, 29.6% hand motion and 35.2% of them indicated finger count. 1.9% of patients had grade I, 11.1% grade II, 38.9% grade III and 48.1% grade IV hyphema. The patients who received Tranexamic acid did not show secondary hemorrhage but five untreated individuals were undergone bleeding.

  Conclousion : Tranexamic acid reduced secondary hemorrhage in patients with blunt trauma-related hyphema. We suggest further studies of relationship between intra-ocular pressure and secondary hemorrhage rate.

Jinous Gamissi, Mohammadtaqi Masoumi, Adallat Hossinian,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (summer 2017)

Background & objectives: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of mortality and disability around the world. Determination of the health status and spatial and temporal patterns of the disease prevalence has a major role in health planning.
This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal pattern of CAD in Ardabil Province.
Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed using the data belonging to 60156 patients with history of hospital admission due to CAD in Ardabil Province during 2010-2015. Hospitalization Rate (HR) was calculated after classification of the data in terms of location and date of hospitalization. The spatiotemporal and demographic variables, including age, gender, type of CAD, periods and duration of hospitalization were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA and repeated measures in SPSS v23 statistical software. Spatial distribution maps were drawn for each month and year in ArcGIS 10.2.
Results: Of 60156 hospitalized patients with CAD diagnosis, men (58%) were more in number than women (42%). The majority of hospitalized patients fell in the age range 60-69 years (25.3%), and 92.40% of patients were hospitalized for less than 7 days. An ascending pattern was observed in temporal hospitalization trend in Khalkhal and a descending trend in Ardabil. The lowest hospitalization rate, however, was observed in Kosar city despite the ascending trend. During the research period, the greatest decline in hospitalization rate was observed in temporal trend in Bilasuvar, Meshkinshahrand Namin cities, and the largest increase was observed in Germi, Pars-Abad and Kosar cities.
Conclusion: By using the comprehensive technology, GIS, spatiotemporal distribution and CAD trend during 2011-2015 were modeled in Ardabil province. Spatiotemporal trend of CAD in Ardabil province and allied cities indicated the necessity of paying more attention and studying community for further prevention of the disease. Community-based interventions should be implemented for prevention of risk factors of CAD during childhood and adolescence especially in the districts with high risk.
Alireza Lashay, Navid Masoumi, Mahdi Dehghani, Mobin Nakhaie,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (summer 2018)

Background & objectives: In recent years، Computed Tomography (CT scan) has become the Gold Standard for detecting urinary stones. This study was conducted to predict the size of possible passage of ureteral stones based on clinical signs, lab data (e.g. Ultrasounds) in patients with small passable stones and to prevent CT scan, which requires high costs and x-ray exposure.
Methods: In this cross- sectional study, fifty consecutive patients from emergency room who had clinical symptoms of renal colic and urinary tract stones were recruited by simple non-random sampling. After obtaining the primary data, all of them underwent sonography (US), and in those without sings of stone in US، CT scan was performed. Based on the CT scan, the patients were divided into two main groups: 1) patients who had no ureteral stones or had ureteral stones <5mm, and 2) patient who had ureteral stones 5mm. All gathered data were analyzed by t-test and chi-square test.
Results: Among our proposed variables, previous history of urinary stone (p=0.05), irritative urinary symptoms (e.g. dysuria, frequency and urgency) (p=0.001), gross hematuria (p=0.049) and degree of hydronephrosis (p=0.029) had statistically significant relationship with the presence, size and spontaneous expulsive potential of ureteral stones.
Conclusion: Based on our results, negative history of urinary stones, absence of irritative urinary symptoms and gross hematuria and absence or mild degree of hydronephrosis in sonography were in favor of small (<5mm) or passable ureteral stones for which CT scan can be omitted.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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