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Showing 2 results for Fatehi

Hosein Doostkami , Adalat Hosseinian, Gholam Hosain Fatehi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (spring 2006)

  Background & Objectives: Coronary artery diseases are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in industrial countries and in Iran. Myocardial infarction and unstable angina are essential clinical syndromes of coronary artery diseases, with the difference that the mortality and morbidity of NonST-elevated myocardial infractions is more than U/A and requires more intensive care. Rapid differentiation and diagnosis of NSTEMI from U/A plays a major role in effective treatment of patients and improvement of their prognosis. This study was designed to determine the incidence of nonST-elevated MI among patients hospitalized with initial diagnosis of U/A.

  Methods: This is a descriptive and analytical study performed on patients hospitalized with U/A diagnosis between 2001 and 2002 in Ardabil Buali hospital. The data (including demographic characteristics, patients’ clinical findings, ECG changes, laboratory findings) were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical statistics.

  Results: mean patient age was 61 and prevalence of nonST-elevated MI among patients with U/A was 23 patients (22.1%). Mean age of patients with NSTEMI was 60.5 and its prevalence was greater in male (69.9%) than in female (30.4%). The most prevalent ECG change in patients was T wave inversion and ST depression (78.3%) and in U/A patients it was T wave inversion (60.5%). The difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). 64.7% of the NSTEMI patients and 27.4% of the patients with U/A had severe chest pain (p<0.004).

  Conclusion: Prevalence of NSTEMI was about 1/5 of patients hospitalized with diagnosis of U/A and ECG changes among these patients (as T wave inverison and ST depression along with negative T wave) is more prevalent compared to those with U/A. Clinical manifestation and complications were more severe in these patients than U/A group.

Mohammad Hassanpour, Vahid Adiban, Firouz Amaani, Ahad Fatehi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)

Background & Objective: Bleeding is a common complication during heart surgery, and management of heparin and protamine consumption during operation affects hemeostasis. The dosage of protamine sulfate is variable based on the amount of heparin used and studies have reported different results. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of protamine sulfate administration after cardiac surgery on the drainage of the patient's blood secretions.
Methods: In this retrospective cross- sectional study, required data from 120 medical records patients, from 2011 to 2020 undergoing heart surgery, for example CABG, was extracted and examined. Patients were grouped (60 people in each group) and compared based on protamine sulfate intake and not receiving it, in the intensive care unit and body mass index, age, sex, ACT values ​​and blood drainage rate.
Results: 76 (63.37%) patients were male and 44 (36.66%) patients were female. Most patients were in the age range of 50-70 years and most patients were overweight. Blood drainage in the protamine group was significantly lower than the control group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of ACT values. Blood drainage in the protamine group was significantly lower in normal BMI and overweight individuals than in the control group. The amount of blood drained in the protamine group in women and in people over 70 years was significantly lower than the control group.
Conclusion: despite previous studies, our study showed a reduction in the amount of postoperative bleeding following re-prescribing of protamine sulfate in the intensive care unit, which eliminated the effect of heparin and the coagulation disorder caused by heparin. The limitations of the present study included patients under 12 years of age, patients weighing more than 120 kg, and patients requiring hypothermia treatment less than 28 Cº.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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