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Showing 3 results for Dorre

Parsa Yousefi, Ali Cyrus, Fatemeh Dorreh,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (Autumn 2008)

Background & Objectives:Urinary tract infection (UTI) ranges from asymptomatic bacteriuria to severe renal infection with sepsis. Urinary tract infection can cause many complications as abscess, hypertension, renal failure, renal scar, reflux and so on. Since there is no general agreement on the administration of additional fluid (1.5 times maintenance) on the early treatment of UTI on this study was conducted to see the effect of additional fluid. 

Methods:206 children with UTI who were admitted in Amir Kabir Hospital of Arak from March 2005 to March 2006, were divided into two groups of 103. One group received the usual amount of maintenance fluid and the other 1.5 times of maintenance. The course of resolution of dysuria, frequency, malodorous urine, abdominal pain and fever were compared in the two groups. Patients' urine culture was performed on the second day, 7-10 days, and 90 days after admission. Patients were matched according to their age and sex. Those who presented with azotemia were excluded from the study.

Results: Receiving additional fluid had a significant effect on the malodorous urine dysuria. However, it had an inverse effect on the treatment of fever and urinary frequency and it made them even last longer. In other areas like abdominal pain and urine culture in 3 stages there was no difference.

Conclusion: It seems that intake of excessive amounts of water has no significant effect on the results of the UTI treatment.

Parsa Yousefi, Abolhasan Faraz , Fatemeh Dorreh , Mahmoodreza Nakhaie , Zahra Moghaddasi, Sahar ,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (summer 2010)

  Background and objectives: Common cold is the most common disease in children. Young children have an average of 6 to 7 colds each year. Some complications of common cold include: secondary bacterial infections, school absence and excessive cost for treatment. The management of the common cold consists primarily of symptomatic treatment. An effective and safe drug is needed to reduce the duration of common cold ۥ s symptoms in children and reduce subsequent complications. In some studies zinc sulfate has showed an antiviral effect and immune enhancing activity. Therefore this study designed to evaluate the efficacy of zinc sulfate in duration of cold ۥ s symptoms in children.

  Methods: This was a clinical trial study. The subjects were children between 1 - 7 years old with common cold that attended to pediatrics clinic of Arak Amir Kabir Hospital. The study included 112 patients randomized in two groups. One group received zinc sulfate within 10 days and other group didn’t receive this drug. Using a researcher made questionnaire duration of symptoms: rhinorhea and nasal obstruction, cough, sneezing, fever and duration of illness, in both groups were evaluated.

  Results: Consumption of zinc sulfate significantly reduced the mean duration of rhinorhea and nasal obstruction in children with common cold (p < 0.05). Also the mean duration of cough in zinc group was lower than the control group (p < 0.05). Compared to the group that didn’t receive zinc sulfate, the zinc group had shorter mean duration of sneezing (p < 0.05). Also the mean duration of fever in zinc group was shorter than the other group (p < 0.05). The mean duration of illness in patients who had received the zinc sulfate was significantly less than the other group (p <0.05). No side effect was observed in subjects received zinc sulfate.

  Conclusion: According to the results zinc sulfate can be administered with other supportive treatments of common cold, for reduction of symptoms duration and complications in children.

Fatemeh Dorre , Gholamali Fattahi Bayat ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (summer 2011)

  Background & objectives: Screening and early diagnosis of delayed development in children particularly among high risk groups are obligatory. Children with a history of one or more risk factors in pre-natal, peri-natal and post-natal periods are prone to delayed development in comparison with normal population. This study was launched to assess the developmental status in children with a history of NICU admission.

  Methods : In this study 114 children, aged between 4-60 months with a history of NICU admission were recruited. ASQ questionnaires including information in 5 fields: communication, fine and gross motor status, personal-social and problems solving, were filled for each one of the cases by their parents. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square test.

  Results: Among 114 cases, there were 71.1% male. Totally 70.2% of cases were premature. The most prevalent reason for admission was immaturity. The average weight of infants was 2233 ± 680 gram. Figures of abnormal findings in 5 fields were: communication 20.2%, gross motor 17.5%, fine motor 19.3%, problem solving 8.8% and personal-social 16.7%. In this study 67.5% of children showed normal development while 6.1% were abnormal in all 5 fields and 26.3% were abnormal in at least one filed. Statistically, there weren’t significant differences between various developmental fields and genus, length of hospital stay and birth weight.

  Conclusion : Despite normal developmental status in majority of children with a history of NICU admission, a considerable number of them had delayed development in at least one field. These findings suggest a need for patient screening and intense follow up programs.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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