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Showing 4 results for Arami

Reza Khandagi , Mohammad Yazdchi Marandi , Mohammadali Arami ,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (Winter 2004)

Background & Objectives: Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are among the most common neurologic problems affecting people of middle and old ages and are one of the causes of seizure in these age groups. Epileptic seizure in patients with stroke occurs in the forms of early and late seizures and could be seen as simple or generalized. The aim of  this study was to evaluate the incidence of early seizure in patients with stroke.

Methods: All 716 patients with cerebrovascular accidents admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital during the year 2002 participated in this descriptive study. The data were collected using the patients, records. The stroke was diagnosed through clinical findings, CT Scan and MRI (if necessery).

Results: Early seizures were documented in 46 (6.4%) of 716 patients, including 16 cases (5%) with atherosclerotic thrombosis, 10 (8.4%) with embolic infarction, 10 (5%) with intra cerebral hemorrhage and 10 (16.9%) with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Twenty-four (52%) out of 46 patients had Tonic- clonic seizures, 14 (30.5%) simple partial seizures, 5 (11%) complex partial seizures and 3 (6.5%) tonic-clonic status.

Conclusion: It was found that incidence of early seizures in stroke is 6.4%and early seizures are more common in subarachnoid hemorrhage and embolic infarction than embolic and atherothrombotic infarction.
Reza Khandaghi , Hormoz Ayromlou, Reza Nabeei, Mohammad Ali Arami, Paiam Khomand,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (Winter 2005)

 Background & Objectives: Acute optic neuritis in majority of cases, especially young females, is a common presentation of multiple sclerosis. Visual evoked potential (VEP) study is a non-invasive method for evaluation of nerve conduction of optic nerve. This study is an attempt of follow patients with acute optic neuritis and VEP variations over the time.

 Methods: VEP was studied in 30 patients with acute optic neuritis (25 females (83.3%) and 5 males (16.7%) with a mean age of 28.77±9). Clinical examinations and brain MRI study were performed on each. Examinations were repeated 1 and 6 months later. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software(rel.11).

 Results: Physical examination revealed another neurologic abnormality in 12 patients (40%). Brain MRI in 19 patients (63.3%) was abnormal. Latency of P100 was abnormal in all cases and only in 7 cases VEP was in normal range after 6 months. Definite MS was diagnosed in 15 cases (50%) and probable MS in 4 patients (13%). P100 amplitude in first study had no prognostic value for recovery.

 Conclusion: VEP has a sensitivity of about 80% for optic nerve injury and the comparison between two eyes is required for the diagnosis of this disorder. Careful clinical examination and brain MRI in the first admission as well as follow-up activities should be done for early detection of multiple sclerosis.

Khalil Rostami, Abbas Yazdanbood , Nayereh Amini Sani, Faranak Moharami ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)

 Background & Objectives: One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is gallstone and its complications, that leads to hospitalization and expensive cost. Since Causative factors in this disease are so many that some of them can be preventable and there has not been a study on the risk factor and gallstone, this study investigates the relationship between riskfactor and gallstone,

 Methods: This was a case-control. study A total of 150 patients with gallstone using the simple nonrandomized method were selected and were compared with 150 hospital controls with which they were matched. The risk factors for gallstone formation (age, gender, family history, parity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia) were assessed in all of subjects. The association of gallstone with all these risk factor was evaluated with statistical tests including chi-square, ANOVA.

  Results: In this study, 117 cases (78%) were female and the other 33 cases (22%) were male. 42 persons (28%) were between 40-49 years old and about body mass index 63 persons (42%) were at the range of 25-299 (overweight). The mean serum level of triglyceride in women of case-group was 152.7 ± 7.5 in comparison with 117.8 ± 57.7 mg/dl in control group (p=0.001). Mean duration of oral contraceptive pills in case was 6.9 ± 4.9 in comparison with 3.1 ± 2.9 years in control group. There was a positive correlation between Goldstone, BMI and mean serum trighyceridz level in women (p=0.001, p=0.001). There was not any arelationship between the parity, smoking, hyper chlostrolemia, hypertriglyceride (in men), positive family history and gallstone.

 Conclusion: In this study, bidy mas index, the period of taking oral contraceptive pills and triglyceride play roles in gallstone formation. Since these factors can be interventional, it is essential that good plannings be devised to improve them.

Pari Karami, Aziz Babapoor, Mahdieh Shoghi-Benam , Mohammad Johari-Ahar,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (Autumn 2021)

Background & objectives: Diabetes is a disease that requires continuous monitoring of blood glucose levels to control its complications. At present, blood glucose is measured using portable devices; most of the electrodes of these devices work using the enzyme glucose oxidase. Due to the high cost of the enzyme and its instability, non-enzymatic electrochemical sensors can significantly contribute to the emergence of new generation devices.
Methods: In this study, keywords of glucose measurement, non-enzymatic electrochemical sensors in the period 1962 -2020, were searched and studied from Elsevier, Scopus, Science Direct and PubMed databases. In this review, first, the different generations of glucose sensors and how they are made are mentioned, and the types of materials used in the preparation of enzyme-based sensors are discussed. The progress made in non-enzymatic sensors is mentioned in the following, and the advantages and challenges of these types of glucose sensors are discussed.
Results: Materials used to prepare non-enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensors are platinum, copper, platinum alloys, gold and platinum nanomaterials, and molecular mold polymers. The main problem of these compounds is the lack of selectivity of these compounds and their weak signal due to the intervention of disturbing species. However, using molecular mold polymers seems an excellent option to solve this problem.
Conclusions: Non-enzymatic glucose electrochemical sensors have the advantage of high stability and low cost, and measuring the amount of glucose in biological fluids can be helpful in controlling diabetes. Advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology and molecularly formulated polymers have made it possible to produce new nanomaterials to create enzyme-free systems for glucose detection, but several studies are needed to bring these sensors to market.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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