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Showing 6 results for Anari

Hasan Anari, Farhad Salehzadeh , Ramin Mirmohammadi , Simin Monshari ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

 Background & Objective: Developmental dislocation of hip (DDH) as an inherited joint disorder results from external location of the head of femora from the acetabulum.Early diagnosis of this disorder is very important and any delay may result in long life handicap. Nowadays new methods such as sonogrphy are recommended in diagnosis of this disorder. Radiology and physical examination are traditional methods. This study was designed to evaluate the results of sonographical, radiological and physical examination findings in 100 infants who were suspected to have DDH.

 Methods: This analytical-cross sectional study was done in private clinics from June 2004 to June 2005. The one hundred infants who were suspected to have DDH in physical examination entered the study. A questionnaire was completed for each infant, and then sonography and radioghray have been done for them. The data were collected and analyzed by statistical programs.

 Results: Among 100 infants 48% were female and 52% male, with mean age 42±7.23.In 44% they were the firstborn.58% had normal delivery and 42% cesarean section. 15% had breech presentation. In 28% radiological and 56% sonographical methods showed findings in favor of DDH.

 Conclusion: This study showed, simultaneous physical and sonographic examination especially during the first month result in early and precise diagnosis of DDH, on the other hand it does not have radiologic side effects.

Hasan Anari , Hosein Dostkami, Mehrdad Ashayer ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)

  Background & Objectives: Heart failure (HF) is a pathophysiologic state in which cardiac dysfunction leads to insufficient pumpage of blood for metabolic needs of body. One of the important problems in primary approach to patients with HF, is estimation of HF severity. The present research is an attempt to investigate the accuracy of CXR in diagnosis of HF severity especially in emergency wards.

  Methods: This sensitivity analysis study was conducted on 59 patients admitted to emergency ward of Buali Hospital during March–September 2003, with primary diagnosis of HF. One randiologist used to observe and report radiologic findings without knowing the results of each cardiography.Then cardiologists used to check on the reports and selected patients whose EF was under 50% and eventually sensitivity and specificity of radiologic findings in diagnosing severity of HF (EF ≤ 35%) were calculated.

  Results: 59 patients (53% female and the rest male) were investigated whose age mean was 65.6±10.9 EF mean was 33.4±9.09. In the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension, CXR had 72% sensivity and 18% specifity, considering the reliance on the CXR in diagnosis of severe HF (EF ≤ 35%) findings were: cardiomeglay (94%), pulmonary artery congestion (75%), interstitial edema (78%) and alveolar edema (76%) with high specifity the reliance on the combination of pulmonary cephalization, interstitial edema and pleural effusion was to have 92% sensivity and 10% specifity.

  Conclusion: According to high sensitivity of cardiomegaly, pulmonary arterial congestion, interstitial edema and pleural effusion, lack of there findings in CXR reduce probability of severe HF. Alveolar edema because of its high specificity increases probability of severe HF. CXR also has high sensivity in diagnosis and R/O of PAH.

Asghar Mahmoudi, Marefat Siauhkouhian , Manoucher Iranparvar, Hasan Anari, Farnaz Seifi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (winter 2017)

Background & objectives: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the world which is associated with cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the plasma changes of chemerin and pentraxin-3 (PTX3) following 8 weeks of endurance training in men with NAFLD.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental Study, thirty four patients with NAFLD were selected purposefully. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, endurance training group (n=17) and control group (n=17). The endurance training program included eight weeks running on a treadmill with maximum heart rate (HRmax) intensity of 55-75% for 45 minutes three times a week. Seventy two hours before the beginning of the study and at the end of the eighth week, blood samples were taken from all the participants. The data were analyzed by paired sample t-test and independent t-test at the significant level p<0.05.
Results: Plasma levels of chemerin in the endurance training group significantly decreased (p=0.013). Also, there was a significant difference between the two groups after the end of the intervention (p=0.002). Plasma levels of PTX3 increased significantly in the endurance training group (p=0.001). There was also a significant difference between two groups after the end of the intervention (p=0.01).
Conclusion: The present study showed that the 8-week endurance training increased the plasma levels of PTX3 and decreased the plasma levels of chemerin in men with NAFLD. Endurance training, possibly through various mechanisms, reduces the inflammatory factors and increases the anti-inflammatory factors in men with NAFLD. Endurance training, probably by activation of lipolysis, over-regulation of unpaired protein-1 and activator receptors of peroxisomes proliferation-, changes in adipocytokines, etc. decreases charmicin and increases PTX3 levels of plasma in men with NAFLD.
Manocher Iran-Parvar , Hasan Anari , Seyed Taha Ghoreishi , Mohammad Javad Naghi-Zadeh , Shadab Mirfakhrayi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (summer 2018)

 Background & objectives: Ultrasonography as a non-invasive, inexpensive and generally available method has been used to measure of the intima-media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries changes and finding its relationship with cardiovascular risk factors and vascular diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the carotid arterial wall thickness (IMT) changes based on clinical and para-clinical indexes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).
Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 100 patients with type 2 DM were randomly selected from all patients admitted to diabetes clinics and were considered in terms of clinical and paraclinical indexes of systemic atherosclerosis. Both types of IMT (TA and TB) were measured by ultrasonography in six locations of the carotid system. The intensity of these two values was calculated compared with the normal IMT and also, its relationship with clinical and para clinical indexes were determined. The results were statistically analyzed using SPSS software version 19. 
Results: In this study, more than 80% of patients had IMT upper than normal. There was a significant difference between the severe increase of IMT and effective variables such as sex, smoking, physical inactivity, dyslipidemia and poor blood glucose control.
Conclusions: This study showed that the DM and factors such as sex, smoking, physical inactivity had a significant effect on the increasing IMT compared to the normal range.
Asghar Mahmoudi, Marefat Siahkouhian, Manouchehr Iranparvar, Hassan Anari,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (spring 2019)

Background & objectives:  with Regard to the increasing prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), focusing on various strategies for its prevention and management seem necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of running on treadmill and low calorie diet on visfatin and hs-CRP values in people with NAFLD.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental Study, 55 NAFLD patients were selected and randomly assigned to one of four groups: training (n=14), diet (n=14), training plus diet (n=14) and control (n=13). The training program included eight weeks running on a treadmill with maximum heart rate intensity of 55-75% for 45 minutes three times a week. A low calorie diet with an energy deficit of 500 calories of daily energy intake was calculated from 3-day food records of the patients. Combined group subjects also used both types of intervention. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis and Bonferron's post hoc test at a significance level of p<0.05.
Results: Visfatin values in the training group (p=0.01), in the combined group (p=0.001) and also hs-CRP values in the training group (p=0.003) and the combined group (p=0.008) decreased significantly. The body mass index of subjects was significantly decreased by training (p=0.003) and combined intervention (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Running on treadmill and a low calorie diet simultaneously reduce the plasma levels of visfatin and hs-CRP in male patients with NAFLD. Therefore, these therapeutic interventions are beneficial in reducing NAFLD inflammatory factors.
Afsaneh Enteshari-Moghaddam, Hasan Anari, Firouz Amani, Reza Jahanbin-Shisheh ,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)

Background & objectives: Designing knee osteoarthritis (KOA) prevention programs requires recognizing modifiable risk factors. This study aimed  to determine the frequency of osteoarthritis in patients with knee pain referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil city.
Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 850 patients with knee pain who were referred to the clinic of rheumatology in Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ardabil city were studied. Demographic and personal characteristics and medical history of OA were collected from the participants by a checklist. Osteoarthritis was diagnosed based on clinical and radiographic evidence by a rheumatologist.
Results: Of all patients, 310 (36.5%) were diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. The most of patients (33.5%) were in the  age group of 50-59 years old, women (80.6%) and housewives (29%). 39.9% of all patiens had obesity and most of them (43.2%) have  not exercised at any time. A family history of knee osteoarthritis was reported in 45.2% of patients, while a family history of joint replacement was reported in 6.1%. 15.8% of patients reported a history of previous knee trauma. The type of used toilet was traditional in 90.3%.
Conclusion: The frequency of knee OA in our study similar to other studies was at a moderate level and due to regional risk factors, it is suggested to reduce the incidence of KOA by presenting necessary training programs and changing the nutritional patterns of society people.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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