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Showing 6 results for Amini Sani

Ali Hosein Khani , Magid Ali Asghari , Seid Yoosof Hoseini, Naiere Amini Sani ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (spring 2006)

  Background & Objectives: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is one of the most common diseases in males and Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TUR-P) is a standard method for its surgery. Distilled water is used to clean the field of operation from blood and debris. The overabsorption of this washing fluid can lead to hemodynamic disorders and neurological complications called TUR-P syndrome. Because of hemolysis and ATN, most of the urologists, nowadays, prefer to use non-hemolytic solutions such as cytol and glycine 1.5%. Distilled water is widely used in Iran. Replacing this water with a nonhemolytic and hypoosmolar solution with reasonable price such as manitol 3% seems reasonable. This study was carried out to campare manitol 3% with distilled water during TUR-P.

 Methods: In a double-blind randomized clinical trial, we studied 78 patients with BPH who were admitted to Shahid Moddares hospital in Tehran for TUR-P. These patients were allocated to disstiled water group and manitol 3% group. Na, K, Cr, BUN, CBC, U/A, U/C, 24 hr urine volume and creatinine were checked preoperatively to determine GFR, Na, K, BUN and CBC were checked right after, 4 hours after and on the morning after the operation. Clinical signs of TUR-P syndrome were recorded in the patients as bradycardia, hypertension and neurologic sign.

  Results : Mean age was 68.6 in distilled water group and 66.4 in the manitol group. Mean weight of resected tissues, mean volume of the solution used and mean resection time were 19.8 gr, 19 litre, 50.8 minutes respectively in distilled water group and 20.2 gr, 20.3 litre and 51 minutes in the manitol 3% group. These differences were not statistically significant. The difference between decrease in serum Na and serum osmolality was not significant in two groups, however, hemolysis rate in two groups was statistically significant (p<0.01). The incidence rate of TUR-P syndrome was 34% in the distilled water group and 18% in manitol group. This difference was not statistically significant. Postoperative creatinine increase was 0.625 mg/dl in distilled water group and 0.04 mg/dl in manitol group. This was not statistically significant.

  Conclusion: Regarding the role of distilled water in hemolysis and ATN and due to the unavailability of non – hemolytic solutions such as glycine and cytol in Iran, the use of manitol 3% soluion which is a cost-effective, non hemolytic and hypoosmolar solution is recommended.

Afshar Tamook , Fereidoon Ashenaie, Joobin Yeganeh Moghadam , Mahdi Chiniforush , Nayereh Amini Sani, Shahram Habibzadeh ,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (spring 2007)

 Background & Objective: Visceral leishmaniasis is a reticulo endothelia system and it is known as 'black fever' by Indians. According to WHO every year there are 500 thousand new cases of it in the world. The province of Ardabil, with 25-40% from all the country's leishmaniasis has a major part in the country and is considered as one of the main focuses in Iran. Due to its importance, this study was done to identify clinical signs and demographic characteristics of the patients.

 Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study which was done retrospectively 110 children who were hospitalized in three different active hospitals between 1375-1382 entered in this study. Disease definition include parasite detection in bone marrow aspivation or special clinical signs (fever, spleenomegal, pansytopenia and weight loss) in addition direct agglutination test was positive. The samples were investigated in terms of demographic information. Place of living, clinical signs and the length of time between the symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis. To get to the results, simple descriptive statistics was used. 37.8% of the patients were diagnosed from the beginning of symptoms with in a month.

 Results: There were 56.4% boys and 43.6% girls of all the 110 children. DAT test was done in 97 patients which was positive in 91 cases (minimum positive titer 1/400). In 42 patients biopsy and bone marrow aspiration was done which was positive in 26 cases (lishman body detection). The age of the patients was 4 months -14 years. The most common findings were fever 97.3% and anorexia 97.1%. There was anemia in 90% thrombocytopenia in 60.8% and leukopenia in 24.8%. There was death in 6 patients (5.5%) and unresponsiveness to the treatment in 3 cases (2.7%).

 Conclusion: The results of the present study nearly corresponds to those of other studies. The main vulnerable community of visceral lieshmaniasis are mainly children. In order to decrease the mortality and morbidity its early diagnosis is essential. It is necessary that the physicians working in endemic regions be familiar enough with the disease.

Nayereh Amini Sani , Manoochehr Barak , Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran , Firooz Amani , Saadollah Mohammadi , Benyamin Fazli ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Summer 2007)

  Background & Objectives: The high incidence of low birth weight (LBW) occurs in developing countries, and diarrhea and respiratory infections are the main causes of infant mortality and morbidity. This study was done to find out whether there was a growth or morbidity response to zinc supplememttion, among LBW infants during the first 6 mo of life.

  Methods: The study was a randomized, placebo-controlled, and double-blind trial study. LBW infants were given daily for 6mo 5mg zn, or a placebo. Questionnairs were filled out during the study by a pediatrician and a GP. Anthropometric measurements were made at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 wk via home visits by trained interviewers.

  Results: Baseline characteristics were similar in zinc and placebo groups. Weight gain in zinc group was significantly higher that of placebo group between 1 to 6 months (p=0.036). Length and head circumference gain were also greater in zinc group than in placebo groups, (p=0.04, p<0.001). The episodes of upper respiratory infections was greater in placebo group than zinc group (mean Episodes in zinc groups= 1.7 and in placebo group was 3) and there was significant difference between two groups (p=0.005). 8 Cases of lower respiratory infections in placebo group and 5 cases in zinc group were observed, but it was not significan diarrheal episods were observed only in placebo groups.

  Conclusion: It was found that low birth weight infants had better growth and lower morbidity during the first 6 months of life by receiving zinc supplementation.

Khalil Rostami, Abbas Yazdanbood , Nayereh Amini Sani, Faranak Moharami ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007)

 Background & Objectives: One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is gallstone and its complications, that leads to hospitalization and expensive cost. Since Causative factors in this disease are so many that some of them can be preventable and there has not been a study on the risk factor and gallstone, this study investigates the relationship between riskfactor and gallstone,

 Methods: This was a case-control. study A total of 150 patients with gallstone using the simple nonrandomized method were selected and were compared with 150 hospital controls with which they were matched. The risk factors for gallstone formation (age, gender, family history, parity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia) were assessed in all of subjects. The association of gallstone with all these risk factor was evaluated with statistical tests including chi-square, ANOVA.

  Results: In this study, 117 cases (78%) were female and the other 33 cases (22%) were male. 42 persons (28%) were between 40-49 years old and about body mass index 63 persons (42%) were at the range of 25-299 (overweight). The mean serum level of triglyceride in women of case-group was 152.7 ± 7.5 in comparison with 117.8 ± 57.7 mg/dl in control group (p=0.001). Mean duration of oral contraceptive pills in case was 6.9 ± 4.9 in comparison with 3.1 ± 2.9 years in control group. There was a positive correlation between Goldstone, BMI and mean serum trighyceridz level in women (p=0.001, p=0.001). There was not any arelationship between the parity, smoking, hyper chlostrolemia, hypertriglyceride (in men), positive family history and gallstone.

 Conclusion: In this study, bidy mas index, the period of taking oral contraceptive pills and triglyceride play roles in gallstone formation. Since these factors can be interventional, it is essential that good plannings be devised to improve them.

Nayereh Amini Sani , Darioush Savadi Oskoui, Seyedmorteza Shamshirgaran, Saeid Dastgiri , Mazyar Hashemilar, Maryam Jafariani,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Winter 2007)

  Background & Objective: Cerebrovascular disease mortality rates have declined in some countries during recent decades. Changes in mortality rates over time could be attributed to changes in disease incidence or case fatality rate. Very few studies have provided information regarding survival after stroke. We aimed to determine the case-fatality rate (28 days) among patients with first-ever stroke from a population-based study in Ardabil province, Northwest of Iran.

  Methods: This study was conducted between May 2005 and February 2006, all individuals with an acute stroke who were residents in Ardabil province and hospitalized at Alavi Hospital, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria. The data were analyzed through SPSS, Chi square and variance analysis.

  Results: A total of 352 patients with first-ever stroke were registered, and 346 (96%) were followed up. 288 (81.8%) ischemic stroke, 16.2% (57) ICH and 2% SAH. By 28 days, 70 patients (20.3%) had died. Hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease history were reported in 61.6%, 16.8% and 26.1% respectively and 19.8% of patients were smokers. Mean age of survivors was different from patients who died at 28 days after index event (64.2±12.9 VS 69.1±10.9, p=0.03). The proportion surviving 28 days varied from 16.2% among patients with ischemic stroke to 43% among ICH and SAH. For ischemic stroke, Survival rates were similar for men and women, whereas men with ICH had lower survival than women.

  Conclusion: Case fatality rate after first-ever stroke is substantial. Rates of mortality differ according to patients diagnosis, age, sex, and heart disease. These data highlight the importance of long-term secondary prevention.

Manoochehr Iranparvar Alamdari, Hosein Ghorbani Behrooz, Abbas Yazdanbood, Naiyereh Amini Sani , Solmaz Islam Panah, Mahmood Shokrabadi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (autumn 2012)

  Background & Objectives: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which lacking of control and suitable care lead to disability and mortality. American Diabetes Association (ADA) has emphasized the medical care of diabetic patients and has suggested several objectives to increase survival and improve health outcomes with low complications by controlling the glycemic, lipids, nerupathy and hypertension as well as foot care, nutritional therapy and screening of cardiovascular disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of care in diabetic patients from Ardabil and its concordance to the standards recommended by ADA.

  Methods: In a cross sectional study, 100 diabetic patients referring to a clinic of diabetes in Ardabil (2005) were randomly selected and enrolled.

  The study was conducted according to a questionnaire with 90 questions and physical examination and Final lab tests. Data were collected and analyzed with Spss version 12. ANOVA test was used to compare groups.

  Results: The 12 months recorded lab tests for diabetic patients were as follows: Hb A1C in 33%, MicroAlbuminuria in 16%, HDL in 58% and LDL in 55% of patients had been checked. Foot and peripheral pulses exams were only recorded in 9 and 5% of patients respectively. In final lab tests, 24% of patients had favorable FBS level (90- 130mg/dl). 46% of patients had suitable Hb A1C and 32% patients had MicroAlbuminuria. Aspirin was recommended to 45% of patients over 50 years old.

  Only 10% of patient for three lab tests (FBS, LDL cholesterol, Hb A1C) achieved the intended aims. According to ADA recommendations 22% of patients for three risk factors (BP, LDL cholesterol & Total cholesterol) were in optimal level.

  Conclusion: There is a high difference between current diabetes care in our clinic and ADA goals.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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