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Showing 3 results for Altafi

Mohammad Sahebalzamani, Saeid Mehri, Davar Altafi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (winter 2012)

  Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system with multifocal areas of demyelination. Genetic and environmental factors could be involved in etiology of disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate important risk factors for MS progression in patients admitted in Alavi hospital, Ardabil.

  Methods : The present research is an analytical, case-control study in groups with or without MS with same age and sex (80 subjects in each group). A self-made questionary including demographic characteristics and risk factors used as a data compilation instrument which validity reliability were confirmed by content and α-Coronbach tests respectively. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics.

  Results: Factors such bachelorship (p=0.037), accidental head and back traumas (p=0.003), smoking (p=0.035), smoke exposures (p= 0.0001), meat regimen (p=0.0001), contact with birds (p=0.032), inadequate sunlight exposure (p=0.034), occupational pollution (p=0.002), menarche age (p=0.016), family history (p=0.029), being third born in family (p=0.034), were found as significant risk factors for multiple sclerosis.

  Conclusion : The present study demonstrates that factors such as smoke, trauma, environmental pollution, touching birds and family history of MS are important risk factors for onset of multiple sclerosis.

Sevda Parsa, Davar Altafi ,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (Autumn 2014)

  Background &objections: Migraine is the second most common cause of headache in15% of women and 6% of men. Migraine headaches areperiodic and usually with unilateral and throbbing quality,and often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, phonophobia, photophobia and malaise. Approximately 15-20% of migraine attacks start with visual aura or other neurological symptoms. So far there isn’t accurate and practical diagnostic test for this patients and diagnosis is based on clinical features and other causes. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of visual evoked potential (VEP) in patients with common and classic migraines and t effects on the electrophysiology of visual system and understanding pathophysiology in neurological symptoms.

  Methods: In this study, 44 migraine patients, including 28 patients with common and 16 patients with classical migraines admitted to neurology private clinics from January to June 2013 in Alavi hospital of Ardabil city and16 healthy volunteers (control group) were used. Mean wave, P100 Latency and P100-N140 Amplitude were compared and determined between three groups.

  Results: The mean latency of P100 migraine group was significantly higher than healthy people. Average P100-N140 amplitude of migraine group was fewer than the control group, and the mean P100-N140 amplitude was more common than classical group.

  Conclusions: Despite differences in results of VEP tests, VEP can be used as an adjuvant test in the diagnosis of migraine, as well as a confirmation for distinguishing common and classical migraine and can be used as a tool in determining the severity of migraine and/or a parameter for its electrophysiological effects. However, more detailed studies are needed in this area .

Manoucher Iranparvar, Davar Altafi, Bahman Mohammadzadeh,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (autumn 2017)

Background & objectives: Diabetes mellitus is the sixth leading cause of death in individuals older than 25 years, and accounts for %18 of all deaths. The aim of this study was to investigate the TCD findings in diabetic patients with a history of less and more than 5 years.
Methods: In this descriptive, analytic study, all diabetic patients were divided into two groups based on the duration of diabetes, less and more than 5 years after diagnosis. TCD was performed on the patients, and maximum velocity and mean pulsatility index and resistivity index in the right and left Middle Cerebral Arteries (MCAs) and basilar artery were measured. The checklist was completed for all patients, and all data were analyzed by SPSS (v16) statistical software.
Results: Sixty four percent of the patients with duration less than 5 years (average age of 55.16 years) and 36 percent of those with duration more than 5 years (average age of 59.37 years) were men. There was no statistically significant difference between disease duration and Body Mass Index (BMI), but with an increase in duration of disease, HbA1C of patients was increased. There was no significant difference between the velocity of right, left and basilar arteries and diabetes duration. Also, there was a significant difference between diabetes duration and pulse index of right MCA and basilar. There was no significant difference between age, BMI and HbA1C and pulse and resistivity indexes among patients.
Conclusion: In this study abnormal pulse and resistance indexes in patients with duration more than 5 years was more than patients with less than 5, this may indicate the effect of diabetes duration on the vascular wall.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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