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Showing 3 results for Abolghasemi

Abbas Abolghasemi, Azar Kiamarsi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2006)

 Background & Objectives: The cognitive processes such as attention, thinking, memory and recall have effective role on the child’s confrontation with daily life problems. The psychological disorders are among those impairments which may severely affect these processes. Researches have shown that schizophrenia can impair children’s cognitive processes to a great extent. The aim of this research was to compare the comprehension, lexical Knowledge, memory and recall in children with schizophrenia, conduct disorder and brain damage.

 Methods: The sample of this causal-comparative research consisted of 80 children (8-13 years old) suffering from schizophrenia, brain damage and conduct disorder as well as a group of healthy ones who were selected from among in and out-patients referring to psychology and neurology wards of Emam Hossein health care center in 2004 (20 subjects in each group). The instruments employed in this research were WISC-R (comprehension, vocabulary, digit span) and Recall Test of Babcoch.

  Results: The one way analysis of variance showed significant differences between the children with schizophrenia, conduct disorder, brain damage and non-patient in comprehension, lexical knowledge, memory and recall (p<0.01). The LSD test showed that comperhension, lexical knowledge, memory and recall in children with schizophrenia were more impaired compared to children with conduct disorder and brain damage. Moreover, comprehension, lexical knowledge and memory in children with conduct disorder were more severely impaired than children with brain damage. However, the recall was better in children with conduct disorder than those with brain damage (p<0.01).

 Conclusion: The results showed that schizophrenic children have comprehension, lexical knowledge, memory and recall more impaired than those suffering from conduct disorder and brain damage. The timely recognition of the cognitive abnormalities seems necessary to have a better diagnosis and choose effective treatment and remedial strategies to cope with them.

Mohammad Narimani , Yoosof Khonya , Abbas Abolghasemi , Masoud Ganji , Gafar Majidi ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2006)

 Background & Objectives: Clinical findings show that stress can gradually affect the activity of various systems of the body such as immune system and impair them. Different variables potentiate and modify this effect. This research aimed at studying the relationship of personality traits (self-respect, tenacity, type A personality), stress, and stress coping skills with immune system status in nurses.

 Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 246 individuals were selected by simple random sampling method. At the first stage, the subjects on the job completed the questionnaires of self-respect, tenacity, type A personality, stress, and stress coping skills. At the second stage to determine the amount of antibodies, 2-cc blood of the subjects was assessed. The data were analyzed using correlational methods.

  Results: The findings indicated a significant, positive and meaningful relationship of immunoglobulin antibody with “self-respect”, and IgM antibody with “type A personality” in male nurses (p<0.05). But there was no significant relationship between the immune system variables and tenacity, stress, and stress coping skills. From among the predictive variables (self-respect, tenacity, type A personality, stress, and stress coping skills) only the stress variable had significant relationship with the criterion variable (IgA antibody)(p=0.05).

 Conclusion: Regarding the results it can be said that self-respect may adjust IgG variable in stress positions (especially in chronic stress). So in hard jobs such as nursing, psychological characteristics should be considered as an important job factor along with physical capabilities.

Akbar Atadokht , Mohammad Narimani, Batool Ahadi, Abbas Abolghasemi, Adel Zahed , Manoocher Iranparvar,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (summer 2013)

  Background & objectives: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder that has negative effect on physical function, psychological condition, interpersonal, family and social relationship and in general, on psychological well being. The aim of this study was to investigate of psychological profile in diabetic patients and it's relatioship with social support.

  Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 120 diabetic patients have been selected among of those that systematically refered to Diabetes Clinic of Emam Khomeini Hospital in order to follow their therapeutic process in Ardabil . Data gathering was accomplished by two tests: SCL-90-R and Social Support Scale. Finally data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and T-test on SPSS-17 software and p-value less than 0.05 considered as significant.

  Results: Results showed that 70% of diabetic patients had problems in somatic complaint and obsession, 62.5% in sensitivity, 72.5% in depression, 62.5% in anxiety, 55% in hostility, 67.5% in paranoid thoughts, 27.5% in phobia and 37.5% in psychosis. Correlations between social support with somatic complaint, obsession, sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility and paranoid thoughts were negatively significant. Family support associated significantly with all of the psychological variables but friend Support had no significant correlation with them.

  Conclusion: The range of psychological problems experienced by diabetic patients is more extensive and these problems have significant relationship with social support. Thus, attention to different dimensions of psychological health is necessary and social support-based interventions can be more effective.

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مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اردبیل Journal of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences
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