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Showing 2 results for Abdullahi
Ali Hosein Zeinalzadeh , Raana Hosseini , Leila Abdullahi , Volume 15, Issue 1 (spring 2015)
Background & objectives: Cancer is a major public health problem in many countries of the world. At the present time, cancer is the third leading cause of death in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine of epidemiologic status and incidence rates of cancers in the patients above 15 years old in East Azerbaijan province , Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 3832 new cancer cases were obtained from cancer registries in East Azerbaijan province in 2012. Characteristics of all registered cancers (including age, sex, and etc) were collected in a special form. Then the data were summarized and coded using the International Classification of Disease (ICD). Frequency, mean, standard deviation and 95% confidence interval of the study variables were calculated. Age standardized incidence rate was performed by direct method using the world standard population. The data was analyzed by SPSS 16 software.
Results: Among 3832 cases, 2047(53.5%) were males and 1782 (46.5%) were females. The mean age and standard deviation of cancer incidence were 58.1 and 15.8 years, respectively. The overall incidence rate of all types of cancer in population was 132.5 in 100000 people per year. Among men, the highest frequency (263) of all cancers occurred in the 65-69 age group but in women the highest (220) of them occurred in the 50-54 age group. The highest incidence rate (813.3 per 100000) of cancers had occurred in men who were older than 85 years. While the highest (406.3 per 100000) of them in women had occurred in 70-74 years. The most common cancers among males and females were stomach (11.4%) and breast (30%), respectively. Histopathologically the most common cancers of stomach, breast and skin were adenocarcinoma, infiltrating duct carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the results, the most common cancers in East Azerbaijan province were breast and stomach, respectively. Therefore, comprehensive and complementary studies for recognizing relevant factors seem to be essential.
Ali Soleimanzadeh, Ali Shalizar Jalali, Abdulrahim Abdullahi, Mohammad Moein Sabzeie, Volume 20, Issue 2 (summer 2020)
Background & objectives: The present study investigated the effects of royal jelly on lead acetate induced toxicity on sperm parameters, reproductive hormone assay, and bak gene expression in NMRI male mice.
Methods: In this study, fifty four male mice were randomly divided into nine groups: control group (without royal jelly) (n=6); sham group(10 ml normal saline) (n=6); lead group (1000 ppm, oral) (n=6); Group 4: royal jelly (100 mg/kg/day, oral) (n=6); Group 5: royal jelly (250 mg/kg/day, oral)(n=6); Group 6: royal jelly (500 mg/kg/day, oral)(n=6); Group 7: royal jelly (100 mg/kg/day, oral) + 1000 ppm lead (n=6); Group 8: royal jelly (250 mg/kg/day, oral) + 1000 ppm lead (n=6) and Group 9: royal jelly (500 mg/kg/day, oral) + 1000 ppm lead (n=6). On day 35, blood samples were collected from anaesthetized mice by cardiac puncture to assess reproductive hormones and the testes were harvested for determination of sperm parameters and expression bak gene. Sperm parameters including motility, viability, DNA damage, morphology and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels were determined.
Results: The results showed that administration of royal jelly significantly enhanced sperm parameters and all reproductive hormone levels compared to control mice, (p<0.05). Also, treatment with lead acetate caused a significant reduction in levels of all reproductive hormones and a significant diminution in sperm motility, morphology, viability; with an increase in percentage of dead spermatocytes (p<0.05). The co-administration of the 250 and 500 mg/kg/day royal jelly with lead acetate could ameliorate the deleterious effects of lead acetate resulting in a significant increase in sperm parameters and all reproductive hormones and increase the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levels (p<0.05). Also, the expression of bak gene in all treated (sham, royal jelly groups) and control groups was significantly lower than the lead acetate group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In conclusion, our findings suggest that the royal jelly has a beneficial effect on male reproductive parameters following lead acetate induced toxicity in mice.